Institute For Principled Policy Chairman Dr. Mark Hamilton will appear on this weeks “The State of Ohio” program. The program appears on PBS stations throughout Ohio.
The topic of the program is on the role of clergy in speaking on public policy. Taking an opposite position from Mark’s is Pastor Tim Ahrens of First Church in Columbus Ohio. Mark is the Teaching Elder at Providence Church in Mifflin Twp. (near Ashland). He is also a Professor of Philosophy at Ashland University.
Here is the air and station schedule of “The State of Ohio:”
5:30 PM Columbus WOSU-TV34 and Portsmouth WPBO-TV42
7:30 PM Cleveland WVIZ-TV25
10:00 PM Cambridge WOUC-TV44 and
Athens WOUB-TV20
10:30 PM Toledo WGTE-TV30
5:30 AM Akron WEAO-TV49 and Alliance WNEO-TV45
6:30AM Cincinnati WCET-TV48
7:00 AM Dayton WPTD-TV16
10:30 AM Oxford WPTO-TV14
12:00 Noon Bowling Green WBGU-TV27
12:00 Noon Cleveland WVIZ-TV25
12:30 PM Cambridge WOUC-TV44 and
Athens WOUB-TV20
CABLECAST on The Ohio Channel
Mondays 10AM, 6PM & 2AM
The Ohio Channel, available on:
Akron – Time Warner Channel 538
Athens – Time Warner Channel 0
Cincinnati – Anderson Union Channel 08, Cable Channel 22 Channel 23,
Media Bridges Channel 15, Norwood Community TV Channel 15,
Waycross Community Media Channel 4, Time Warner Channel 22
Clermont – Time Warner Channel 22
Cleveland – Cox Channel 201, Time Warner Channel 181
Columbus – Time Warner Channel 96 and Digital 34.2, Insight Channel 190,
WOW Channel 150
Dayton – Time Warner Channels 715 & 720
Toledo – Buckeye Cable System Channels 199
Ohio Public Television broadcast channels are also available on local cable channels.
Please let us know what you thought of what Dr. Hamilton had to say.