The Institute for Principled Policy publishes a semi-annual journal Called In The Gates. Contained in the articles in this journal are the thoughts and analysis of Christian thinkers from several different disciplines. Each journal has a theme. Each author has carefully researched and written his article with what he or she understands about that subject from a biblical Christian world view.
You may agree or disagree with the premise of the author, you might be highly informed on the subject or be so uninformed as to not yet formed an opinion, but you cannot be neutral on any of these subjects. We certainly aren’t.
Please read the articles and feel free to comment on them. The comments are moderated. Please keep it clean and don’t be rude or nasty. Any infraction of this will result in deletion of your post, and your being banned from further commenting at the will and whim of the administrator.
Currently there are two volumes of In The Gates available for you to read online. Click on the highlighted journal volume to see a list of articles available for your review.
Volume I is our inaugural issue. Volume II is our Basis of Law issue. Volume III is our Marriage issue