Category Archives: Biblical Worldview

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 11/14/2015- Republican Debate Follies

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday November 14, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss winners, losers and candidates who completely embarrassed themselves (AHEM…cough…John Kasich…cough) in the most recent Republican debates.

Article links- Business Insider reviews John Kasich’s debate performance- their verdict? Dismal.

Ultra-liberal Vox inexplicably declares Marco Rubio the debate winner and correctly labels John Kasich a major loser

Audience boos Kasich when he flubs bank bailout answer

The Blaze names a new category for debate losers- EPIC Loser- and names John Kasich as the winner of that category

Breitbart explains that this debate, with its substantive questions, would not have been possible without a GOP conservative base revolt


Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 11/7/2015- Everybody’s Favorite! Election 2015 Analysis

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday November 7, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze the results of the 2015 off-year election from a Christian conservative constitutionalist perspective.

Article links- The laughably misnamed “Responsible Ohio” announces that it will be back to the ballot with a new and improved marijuana legalization initiative

Matt Bevin surprises media types, but not Kentucky voters, with a big win in the Kentucky Governor’s race

The New York Times loses the plot (not to mention its composure as well as its dignity) in an editorial excoriating Houston TX voters for failing to approve Houston’s so-called “bathroom law” by a wide margin

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 10/31/2015- How Many Democrat Candidates Did You Say There Were?- Part II

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday October 31, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis take aim at a moving target and discuss the entirety of the Democrat slate of candidates, including the so-called “minor” candidates.

Article links- Complete list of Democratic presidential candidates

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 10/24/2015- Third Party Possibilities, Potential Candidates, And Dashed Hopes

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday October 24, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss major changes in the Democratic Party presidential race. In the same vein we discuss both withdrawals of potential candidates and other possible “white horse” Democrat candidates (which may come as a bit of a shock). We also talk about the dog-and-pony show in the House of Representatives over the House Speakership

Principles And Policies Podcast For 10/17/2015- How Many Democrat Candidates For President Did You Say There Were?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday October 17, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis begin a really quick discussion of the ENTIRE list of Democratic candidates (not just the 4 candidates you may or may not know about). We must report, however that two have dropped out of the list since we recorded this 2-part recording.

Article links- Complete list of Demotratic presidential candidates

Principles And Policies Podcast For 10/10/2015- Quitting Before You’re Fired In Politics

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday October 10, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss and analyze the recent resignation of House Speaker John Boehner and the race to replace him and ask the question “if there are 2 candidates for House Speaker then why did John Boehner postpone the Speaker election?” Then we expose John Kasich’s pandering to the left in order to win in the New Hampshire presidential primary with vanishing results.

Article links- Leftist ideologue journalist Leonard Pitts heaps praise on Boehner in order to excoriate conservatives

John Boehner postpones elections for congressional leadership

Another take on the previous

John Kasich offers to buy Bibles for those who oppose his Medicaid expansion (see the video below)

John Kasich pleads ignorance on negative Common Core details to a constituent at a rally





Principles And Policies Podcast For 10/3/2015- Doublespeak, Memory Holes, The Pope, And The President

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday October 3, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze the recent visit of Pope Francis and remarks made by him and President Barack Obama. We discover that the novel 1984 has much to contribute to the conversation, especially the creation of the terms “Doublespeak” and “Doublethink.”

Article linksBarack Obama oddly claims “Here In The United States, We Cherish Religious Liberty”

Pope Francis Praises capitalism before he denigrates capitalism in Congressional address

The Pope emphasizes socialism and an end to the death penalty and avoids abortion

Pope Francis is a socialist

Principles And Policies Podcast For 9/26/2015- Presuppositions, The Church, Insurance, And Culture

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday September 26, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss presuppositional apologetics, Christ’s Church, the effect of the Obergefell decision on it and how church insurance companies are helping to facilitate the Church’s surrender to the culture on same-sex “marriage.”

Principles And Policies Podcast For 9/19/2015- Debate Recap, Planned Parenthood Funding Follies, Candidate PAC’s, And State Ballot Issues

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday September 19, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis put on our hip waders and slog into the waste treatment ponds of the current political process. We discuss presidential debates, how planned Parenthood is funded by state government while they claim they aren’t funding them, candidate PAC’s demanding money back from candidates withdrawing from races, and the Ohio statewide ballot issues.

Article links- The 2015 Ohio State Ballot Issues

Principles And Policies Podcast For 9/12/2015- By What Standard Is There A Rule Of Law?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday September 12, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the concept of higher law and how it applies to the rule of law. We also explain why courts can’t create law but must only work with the law given them.

Article links- Mike Huckabee explains that the rally to support Kim Davis was really a Mike Huckabee campaign rally

American Vision demonstrates that the lower magistrate has the duty to interpose between the citizen and the higher magistrate when the higher magistrate is lawless

Other lower magistrates also understand their duty to uphold higher law