Category Archives: Commentary

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 5/6/2023- What Christian Nationalism Means And What It Does Not

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 5/6/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis have a wide-ranging discussion of Christian Nationalism, Mere Christendom, sacralism, Kuyperianism, the effect of your eschatology on your worldview , and bank failures. How does that all tie together? Listen and find out.

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 4/29/2023- The Con-Con Con…Again Plus Things You’re Not Supposed To Read And People Don’t Want To Talk About.

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 4/29/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss Barry’s health update, a looming constitutional convention call, books you’re not supposed to read and things people don’t want to discuss. Plus Joe Biden announces his re-election campaign to resounding disinterest.


Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 4/8/2023- Chuck Michaelis talks about his co-host and good friend Barry Sheets and what his illness means to not just me, but his family, and his work.

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 4/1/2023- Relationships Under Construction Banquet Update and Nashville School Shooting

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 4/1/2023- Just What Is Relationships Under Construction All About, Anyway?

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 4/1/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis give an update on the Relationships Under Construction banquet then segue into a discussion of the current effort to get a ballot issue the proponents call the “Women’s Reproductive Health Care Initiative”. Barry explains that this initiative has nothing to do with health care but is an attempt to set abortion and transgender surgery for children and adults into Ohio law. We also discuss legislative shenanigans and the Nashville school shooting.

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 3/4/2023- A Quick (And Completely Inadequate) Primer On The Conflict between Ukraine and Russia

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 3/4/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the war in Ukraine after Barry gives a brief health update.

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 2/25/2023- Just What Is Relationships Under Construction All About, Anyway?

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 2/25/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis interview Catherine Wood, the Director of Relationships Under Construction, about what RUC IS, why it matters and how you can help. 

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 2/18/2023- Derailments And Incompetence At Every Level

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 2/18/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the issues surrounding the E. Palestine, OH train derailment and its implications

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 2/11/2023- Is Our Country Slouching Toward Gomorrah?

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 2/11/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis do an analysis on the current state of our society and suggest what the reason for the unraveling of the nation might be. 

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 2/4/2023- God, Government, and Governance, Part III

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 2/4/2023- Chuck Michaelis continues a teaching on God, Government, and Governance. Barry Sheets, Chuck’s broadcast co-host, continues to be treated for cancer for which we continue to request prayer for him. This week an in-depth look at the 5 points of any government and the stepping stone to the origins and developments of all of the governments ordained by God.

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 1/28/2023- Barry Sheets Returns, Gives A Progress Report, And Then Joins In To Analyze The Speaker Mess In The Ohio House Of Representatives

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 1/28/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss his cancer treatment, then we ask for folks to support Relationships Under Construction by attending our upcoming banquet. We then analyze the events surrounding the selection of a Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives and the implications regarding how it was done.