Category Archives: Commentary

Amanda Teegarden- Fusion Centers- Gathering And Sharing Intelligence

This entry is part 23 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Amanda Teegarden, executive director of OK-Safe, talked on fusion centers. Fusion centers are integrated information gathering centers. This includes places where street and private business camera information is centrally located. These are collaborative efforts between two or more intelligence gathering agencies. Supposedly at the core is gathering information to fight “criminal activity and terrorism.”

Terrorists are now being defined as groups of people who reject the “international system” according to people like Henry Kissinger. The goal of the construction of the intelligence networks is to remove barriers to information sharing between fed, state, local, tribal and private intelligence information gathering centers. They are supposed to turn information into actionable knowledge while paying lip-service to “protecting privacy.”

Every level of law enforcement and every sector, public and private, are involved. These include virtually everything you can think of and several you cannot probably think of from banks to restaurants to public and private buildings, manufacturing plants, pleasure centers- amusement parks, cruise ships, etc.

This is part of a global effort to create an inter-connected intelligence based policing. Interoperability is key and uniform language and systems are imperative. Involved entities have to agree to “non-disclosure” agreements (memorandoms of understanding) before they are allowed to hook-up to the system. Supposedly states have the ability to keep info within the state but this is non-sense. Information includes driver’s license information. Info Guard is part of this system. Many involved do so with good intentions but this does not excuse becoming part of this evil system. We need to find our equivalent of Oklahoma’s SB 483. Part of the mandate of the bill requires reports of suspicious activities and incidents in order to build a database of suspicious “behaviors” that “might lead to terrorist activity” (thought policing). Guidelines are being developed to centralize the collection and distribution of “suspicious behaviors.”

This is an effort to identify and eliminate “stove pipes” or barriers to the new system. Among the “stove pipes” are “legacy systems” like the concept of the nation-state and those who still hold to the concept of the nation-state. Supply-chain management strategies have been worked into intelligence and law enforcement methods.

Part of the mission is to create “decision advantage” which require hard-nosed and dedicated agents to accomplish the goals of the participating agencies. There are technologies involved like “cloud technologies,” etc. The Dept. of Defense and the Department of Justice have signed joint agreements to work together to develop these technologies. Other agencies are now beginning to join in- black boxes in cars and monitors in trucks and other transportation.

Amanda compared the erection of the Tower of Babel with the construction of this overarching (not to mention unconstitutional) intelligence gathering capability.

Honestly, you simply must watch this presentation to get the full impact of what Amanda Teegarden talked about. It was simply too complex and compact to relate with any real intelligence in this short format! Please watch it on the Video On Demand system!

PS- You can see a PDF copy of Amanda’s Power Point presentation HERE.

Catherine Bleisch- The Grassroots In Action: Achieving Quantifiable Results

This entry is part 22 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Catherine Bleisch, executive director of the Liberty Restoration Project in Kansas City, is a grassroots activist who early in her activist life was a self-described leftist who had been indoctrinated to believe the mantra “Republicans bad; Democrats good” but who came to the realization that it is not a left-right dichotomy that is really the underlying struggle in our country, but that the real struggle is between liberty and centralized control.

Her epiphany came from being exposed to the philosophy of Republican congressman Ron Paul of Texas.  That set her on the path of being an activist and catalyst for the defense of liberty under law.  This transformation took place in 2007.  She didn’t have long to wait before that philosophical shift was tested in a significant way.

In an earlier post, we discussed the issue with the Missouri Information Analysis Center report on “suspect groups”, basically a modern “Enemies List” targeting many groups and individuals identified as being supportive of returning the country to its Constitutional boundaries.  Bleisch was called to the response of this issue, and did she and her organization ever respond!

She developed a strategy of education and mobilization of freedom activists, including collecting official documentation from the state of Missouri through the use of Freedom of Information Act and state open records laws, putting together a coherent and informed response, educating state elected officials on the significant concerns with the MIAC report, engaged and brought to the table a large number of activists, prepared and presented testimony, and most importantly, did not let go of the issue or took a dismissive response from officials as a good answer to their questions.

Her strategy:  seek grassroots input, identify the ROOT of the problem, think outside the box, do what is RIGHT (no matter how much opposition and derision you might receive from those with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo), and keep focus at the level where the problem can be solved the best (in this instance, it was at the state level with the executive and legislative branches of Missouri government).  Also, give your supporters effective action informational alerts:  keep it short, sweet and specific to the root problem.  She also suggests mobilizing the media (not the MSM, but alternative and independent media sources) to support your position and build your support.

With activists like Catherine Bleisch and her energy and solid ideas, the future of liberty under law in our country looks hopeful.

Communicating with the grassroots–New ways, new technology

This entry is part 21 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4The opening session today was a panel on how to use new technologies and techniques to communicate and activate the grassroots of America.  The panel consisted of John Stadtmiller of the Republic Broadcasting Network, and Gary Franchi and George Shepherd of Republic magazine.

Stadtmiller discussed the history of the network he operates, utilizing alternative media and internet based broadcasting to bring voices to the airwaves which wouldn’t be normally heard on commercial radio.  The Network’s motto is “Real News Real Talk Real People:  Because you can handle the truth”.

Gary Franchi, publisher of Republic magazine, discussed the usage of new technology to bring together people and organizations to activate the freedom movement.   They have launched a social networking site, ala FaceBook, called RTR ActNet, dubbed “the activist network for the modern revolutionary” to bring together freedom activists in community.  The platform is being used to help generate idea development and provide a space for those who are working to promote liberty, often without recognition or thanks, to be able to share their efforts with others.

George Shepherd discussed the rationale for the formation of Republic magazine, and that it is a information organ to help people learn about information much like what has been presented over these last two days at the Freedom21 Conference.  They are launching a local franchising option for folks who are interested in developing media for their communities or regions and need publishing support.   Shepherd believes that in order to be able to be successful in restoring our Constitutional republican form of government. 

Another effort that Shepherd discussed is the formation of an online “television network”, Freedom TV, which he dubbs the “1st online TV station for the patriot movement.”  From on-demand movie downloads to liberty-based informational programming, Freedom TV has it.

All in all, the panel’s main message is that there are numerous streams available to share information and to encourage activists without having it filtered or suppressed by the main stream media, whether it be via the Internet or over the airwaves.  The information revolution may be a key to the restoration of the republic.

Freedom 21–the final day

This entry is part 20 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4After two days of intense information overload, we are preparing for a third full day of learning about some of the ways in which freedom-loving Americans have stepped up to the plate and have been working to correct the problems facing our country.  I have heard a number of comments from attendees over the last two days that the true picture of what is really happening “behind the scenes” in our nation is depressing to hear.  I believe that today’s sessions will help to dispel that depression, and provide a ray of hope that the American experiment in liberty under law is far from being just a quaint memory, but is at the breakpoint of a vibrant resurgence.  Are you ready to get into the struggle for freedom?  Equip and engage!

Senator Randy Brogdan- How To Restore America to Constitutional Principles

This entry is part 19 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Oklahoma State Senator Randy Brogdan called for a return to the fundamentals of government- the US Constitution. He cited the cascading problems that now face the nation and pointed back to the fact that politicians have been ignoring the restriction of their powers for several decades. Brogdan stated that a return to the restrictions of the Constitution will not be easy but that we have an obligation to do the job.

Sen. Brogdan pointed out that we have no choice but to step up to preserve our freedoms. We have really no choice. We have been given the assignment from the generations that passed before. While our present generation settles for greed and corruption we have been assigned the task to stand in the gap so that freedom can be passed to the next generation. He warned that this job cannot be done while moral thought gravitates toward immorality and perversion. He points out that this is true because we have lost sight of the reference point of freedom. Thomas Jefferson called these things “self-evident” and yet they are quickly being lost.

The fight to recover liberty will require sacrifice but the rewards will be worth the sacrifice. Many of us will become discouraged but we need to remember that one honest voice can overwhelm a crowd. Life in any nation is good only as long as the people remain vigilant and free. While our leaders exploit our moral blindness to work towards erasing our borders those of us who still possess the vision cannot surrender.

Senator Brogdan made it clear thathe was not calling for change but restoration. That includes a restoration of America’s moral foundation. As long as there is a spark of righteousness left we can recover our freedom and liberty in the republic. But, he warned, it must be accomplished at the STATE level.

NAIS and HR2749

This entry is part 18 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Judith McGeary, of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, spoke to the conference about the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) and the Food and Drug Administration’s efforts to require registration and data collection on all animal and produce raising operations in the country.

The FDA is creating a three phase plan to “protect our food supply” which includes 1) premises registration (ie registration of private property); 2) animal RFID tagging, and; 3) tracking of animals, failure to do so resulting in penalties for the animal owner.  The USDA has issued a cost/benefit analysis which shows that small producers will incur 2 to 3 times the cost of large producers, and that the document was poorly planned and executed.  To put the magnitude in perspective, Australian studies put the cost per head of compliance with such a system at $37-$40, and a British study showed costs per head of $69.  For a small producer, this economic regulatory burden can be a business destroying proposition.

The FDA tried to make this program mandatory, but ran into significant opposition and retracted their directive mandating the property registration provision.  However, the USDA is using funding of state programs as leverage to ensure “voluntary” state level compliance with the program.  Another approach being used to generate compliance is to use existing disease control programs with various livestock categories to require registration.

In September of 2008, the mandatory requirement was reintroduced by a directive to state health authorities to require premises registration for disease control programs administered under the health department’s auspices, and directed that these state authorities register the properties for the property owner if they do not do so voluntarily.  In January of 2009, a proposed rule would require mandated premises registrations for specific programs, and laid the groundwork for the implementation of Phase 2 of the program, the mandatory animal RFID tagging requirement.

There have been 2 Congressional hearings on this issue this spring, and the House zeroed out the funding for this program, but the Senate supplied $14 million, which was cut in half by an amendment, and the difference will have to be worked out in a conference committee after the August recess.

Another challenge is the “food safety” push, which is a legitimate concern, but should not be part of the NAIS program, since most food pathogen issues such as e-coli and salmonella occur after the animal has been slaughtered, not while on the farm.  A key piece of legislation to be concerned about is HR2749, which grants the FDA a major expansion of power.

HR2749 would create the definition of “processing” to include everything up to home canning and private food processing.  Processors would have to register, pay significant fees, submit a HACCP and food safety plan, failure to do so resulting in significant penalties.  It also would require the traceability of all produce (tomato tracking, anyone), give the FDA the authority to quarantine and conduct warrantless searches of premises within given geographic regions, even if a food issue was only in the type of food not in the actual food produced on that premises.  This subjects farms, including family farms, to direct regulation by the FDA over all aspects of farming.  Failure to comply would result in fines, unintentional violations being subject to individual fines of $20,000 and corporate fines of $250,000 and criminal penalties including the possibility of 10 years in jail.

HR2749 passed the House in a closed rule (no amendments allowed; 1 hour maximum debate) vote on August 6th.  The Senate has indicated it will take up its own version of the issue, S.510, upon return from the recess.  McGeary urged attendees to stand up for food and farm freedom, and contact your Senators to oppose the draconian provisions and mandatory requirements of this legislation.

Real ID and Gun Control

This entry is part 17 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Larry Pratt, Executive Director of the no-compromise 2nd Amendment organization Gun Owners of America, discussed the nexus between the federal effort to collect biometric and other data on Americans with the dangers of creating lists of private gun owners that could be utilized to disarm the populace should a totalitarian administration choose to do so.

Pratt raised concerns over the effort to require gun records (conceal carry permits, hunting licenses, purchase forms, etc.) to be entered onto RFID chips as part of an “enhanced” drivers’ license, which was a serious concern with the Real ID Act.  An earlier attempt to create federal registries of gun owners was defeated when it was proposed in the Patriot Act, but the potential for electronic data collection of this information in both Real ID and the current PASS ID are real and of great concern.  Another issue of concern, beyond this information being on drivers’ licenses, is that individual firearms themselves can be fitted with RFID chips to track their ownership without the person consenting to such data collection.

Pratt gave example after example of the history of gun registration leading to gun confiscation and loss of freedoms for people in many other countries, from Hitler’s Germany to Castro’s Cuba.    He urged attendees to work to preserve the rights we are guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, before it may be too late.

Mark Lerner- International ID- Federal Control of Drivers Licenses

This entry is part 16 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Mark Lerner began by reminding us that the present generation has a responsibility to the next to restore, preserve and protect what generations prior to ours won for us. He also reminded us that we often need to make coalitions with people and groups we normally wouldn’t deal with.

As recently as mid-July 2009 lawsuits in federal courts brought by citizens having to do with electronic surveillance without warrant are being dismissed on the basis of “national security.” It has become widely known, especially this year, that all communications are subject to monitoring by federal security agencies. It is also becoming widely known that faces are being entered into a digitized database (biometrics) and that privacy laws have giant loopholes involving “national security.” Dept. Homeland Sec. officials are beginning to admit that personal data is being shared without warrant with international authorities to create an international “security database.” Both ACLU and ACLJ oppose Real ID and believe that it should be eliminated.

Be prepared to document claims on either side of the biometrics discussion. If the person refuses to document then ignore them. There is a single agency to share driver’s license data in the US, Mexico and Canada. This came into existence under the Clinton administration. The US taxpayer has been forced to pay for this international effort through the NHTSA. Officials deny this but the proof is irrefutable.

Mexico has created a “citizen’s ID card.” US corporations specializing in identity systems want to do the same in the US and put things like political party affiliation on it.

There have already been abuses of electronic surveillance available to agencies, though there have been no consequences for those abuses.

Real ID and PASS ID

This entry is part 15 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Pennsylvania state Representative Sam Rohrer addressed the conference attendees on the Real ID Act, a federal law that is all but dead in the water as many states have rejected the implementation of this federal proposal to coordinate private citizen information databases under the Department of Homeland Security.

Rohrer went on to discuss the successor program to Real ID, Senate Bill 1261,the Providing Aditional Security to the States Act (PASS ID), which is by and large a rehashing of Real ID with some significant expansions of data sharing.  It was given hearings before the Senate Homeland Security Committee on July 15th.

PASS ID carries on the philosophy of the Obama administration to create “preventive detention” systems to assist law enforcement  and terrorism fighting, but extends the idea of who is a potential criminal to virtually all citizens.  This philosophy is supported by “intelligence-led policing”, the view that the more that is known by law enforcement about a person then the greater opportunity to prevent a crime before it occurs.  This idea brings to mind the storyline of the movie “Minority Report” but we can’t suspend our disbelief for this piece of legislation.

PASS ID is supposed to correct the “problems” with Real ID that led states to reject it, but it incorporates much of the previous law’s DNA, such as RFID chip assignment via drivers’ licenses, biometric ID requirements, and other features.  In essence, PASS ID will bring the US into a global biometric ID system with all US citizens required to be enrolled in order to travel or carry on official business.  The National Conference of State Legislatures and the National Governors Association have both come out in support of PASS ID.

Rohrer listed some major problems with PASS ID, including its violation of both the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Constitution, its requirement for mandatory facial image capture, its massive shift of power and control to the Department of Homeland Security, and the requirement that after the 6th year from the passage of the act all non-complying licenses will not be allowed to be recognized by any state.

For those who have the idea “I’ve done nothing wrong, so I have nothing to fear”, the Electronic Privacy Information Center has detailed numerous concerns, including the problems of how this data collection and retention lead to significant privacy concerns, how the use of facial recognition technology can allow tracking of people in real time (even non-criminals), and how the technology built by companies such as 3VR can even build watch lists and send reports on individuals to those with access to the databases, and the technology’s claim that with long range cameras an individual’s face can be identified up to 6 blocks from the location of the camera.

As if this isn’t problematic enough, the NLETS program, to network over 30,000 agencies worldwide to share the data collected from the facial recognition information collected through biometric drivers’ licenses, is lurking in the background.  The connection of NLETS to Interpol creates a portal for international surveillance of individuals, regardless of suspicion of criminal or terroristic activity.

Rohrer closed by requesting citizens to become educated about this issue and then continually contact your elected officials at the federal, state and local levels to oppose the radical erosion of privacy and freedom rights of law-abiding American citizens.

Patrick Wood- Dark Moon Rising: The Technetronic Era

This entry is part 14 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote a book called Between Two Ages. It is important because it described as the gradual appearance of a more controlled society dominated by an elite undeterred by traditional values. Wood explains that international banking and multi-national corporations have supplanted nation-states as the creative forces in the world.

Wood began by showing the inter-locking relationships between members of the Tri-Lateral Commission, big business and the executive and legislative branches of government. He also demonstrated that Tri-Lateralists have rejected constitutional controls on government and reject the notion of national sovereignty.

He said that “you cannot win a war against an enemy you do not know and cannot name.” Failure to meet the enemy on the battlefield  of public opinion means eventually they will have to be met on an actual battlefield. He says there’s only one road to recovery from the damage the Tri-Laterists have wrought- Run the perpetrators out, replace Congress with people who refuse to let them return, strip the executive branch of unconstitutional powers, Force Congress to do all of its constitutional duties, return rightful sovereignty to the states.