Category Archives: Crime and Punishment

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 11/11/2017- Media Agendas, Shootings, Compromised “Pastors,”Attacks By Radicals, And Political Hatchet Jobs

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 11/11/2017- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis take a closer look at the Texas church shooting and the major problems with the agenda driven coverage. We segue into “Pastor” Carl Lentz’s attempt to excuse infanticide followed by a completely hollow “backtrack” We then look at a possible connection to Antifa’s call for violent revolution starting on Nov. 4 to both the Texas church shooting and the attack on and grievous injury of Senator Rand Paul by a radical liberal neighbor. We finish up with a discussion of the “October Surprise” accusations of Judge Roy Moore, a candidate with a 17 point lead in the Alabama US Senate special election whose timing is , to say the least, curious.

Article links- A chainsaw bayonet? Seriously?

“Pastor” Carl Lentz compromises on infanticide on The View

“Pastor” Carl Lentz tries to backtrack, proves that there is no middle ground



Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 6/17/2017- The Boiling Pot Blows Off The Lid

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 6/17/2017- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze the attempted massacre of Republican Congressmen by a radical socialist and professional protester in suburban Washington DC. We discuss the hypocrisy of the left in allowing if not encouraging rhetoric calling for violence against conservative Republicans

Article links- Fifteen times celebrities envisioned violence Trump and Republicans

Julianne Moore demonstrates that she is very pretty and very dimwitted

Pat Buchanan asks if we are on the edge of a civil war


Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 9/17/2016- Pundits Speculate (And Demonstrate Wishful Thinking) About Electoral “What-If’s”

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday September 17, 2016. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis take a look at what the punditry and so-called experts think is possible. We demonstrate from the Constitution why it’s all nonsense. We also discuss the GOP House leadership’s frustrating attempt to let IRS Commissioner John Koskinin off the hook for his abuse of power and authority.

Article links- An expert thinks that a candidate’s death could delay or eliminate the presidential election

House leadership sells out the conservative base…again

More on the GOP sellout on the IRS Commissioner non-impeachment

IRS Commissioner’s Impeachment Going Nowhere Fast


Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 8/13/2016- The Mess We’re In And How We Got Here

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday August 13, 2016. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis break down the Wisconsin primary win of Paul Ryan and what it indicates. We also discuss who failed Republican presidential candidate donors are giving to now and what that means. The Clinton Foundation emails are also analyzed as is the Justice Department’s failure to indict Hillary Clinton for what the FBI admits are illegal acts.

Article links- Donors for Bush, Kasich and Christie Are Turning to Clinton More Than to Trump

Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich Was Wikileaks DNC Source!

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 7/9/2016- Private Email Server Scandal- Incompetence, Deliberate Obfuscation Or Treason

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday July 9, 2016. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk about the Democrat party presidential nominee and her decision to use an unsecured email server to conduct US State Department business, why she did so and why it was criminal.

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 6/25/2016- Gun Grabbers Expose The Truth About Their Plan To Ban Private Ownership of Guns

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday June 25, 2016. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis examine a number of things constitutional. Started out with a discussion of the appointment of Merrick Garland to the US Supreme court and the pivotal importance of the late Antonin Scalia to a true interpretation of the Constitution, including the 2nd amendment to it.

Article links- Chelsea Clinton on the death of Antonin Scalia and what it means to gun grabbers

Chicago journalist sets out to prove the “ease” of buying an AR-15 (the current “boogey man” weapon of gun grabbers) and instead proves that background checks are effective in stopping those with violence in their backgrounds from buying one

Progressive outlet accidentally proves liberal states have more “mass” shootings

“Comedian” embarrasses himself with a “satire” which is a tour de force of logical fallacy, not to mention not funny

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 6/18/2016- A Tale of Murder: People In Orlando, The Truth In The Media

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday June 18, 2016. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the actions of Omar Mateen in Orlando, FL where Mr. Mateen murdered dozens in an Orlando night club that catered to homosexuals. We debunk media reports about the type of weapon he used, and check the logic of the instant rush to demonize the gun and not look at the perpetrator and ask honest questions about why he did it.

Principles And Policies Podcast For 9/12/2015- By What Standard Is There A Rule Of Law?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday September 12, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the concept of higher law and how it applies to the rule of law. We also explain why courts can’t create law but must only work with the law given them.

Article links- Mike Huckabee explains that the rally to support Kim Davis was really a Mike Huckabee campaign rally

American Vision demonstrates that the lower magistrate has the duty to interpose between the citizen and the higher magistrate when the higher magistrate is lawless

Other lower magistrates also understand their duty to uphold higher law


Principles And Policies Podcast For 8/22/2015- Email And National Security

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday August 22, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the breach of national security perpetrated by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State with the aid of her confidential adviser and all-around shady character Huma Abedin.

Article links- Congressional probe of Clinton “secure” email server widens to her aide Huma Abedin

Principles and Policies Podcast for 11/8/2014- Our Emerging Surveillance Society

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday November 8, 2014. Chuck Michaelis hosts as Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center explains how the seemingly unconnected threads of illegal immigration (note that we did NOT say “undocumented immigrants” or use some other politically correct misnomer) and government surveillance are, in fact, inseparably intertwined.

This lecture is available as a video-

You can also get a copy of Tom’s book Now, Tell Me I Was Wrong at the link below-