Category Archives: Critical Thinking

Principles and Policies Podcast for 2/15/2014- A Primer On Ignominious Surrender

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday February 15, 2014. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze the recent surrender of the House of Representatives, engineered by House Speaker John Boehner, on the issue of the debt ceiling. We talk about what it means to the average tax payer, what the depth of the problem is and how badly Speaker Boehner botched the whole issue with a “clean debt ceiling,” surrendering everything and getting nothing in return.

Article links- Boehner’s surrenders have allowed an additional $2.7 trillion in the debt in 2 years

How Boehner decided to surrender

Pelosi warns Democrats not to gloat since that would embarrass Boehner

Paul Ryan’s budget hypocrisy

President Obama declares total victory on the budget



Principles and Policies Podcast for 2/8/2014- Presuppositions And Definitions

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday February 8, 2014. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis review what they know about the reaction to the Nye-Ham debate at the Answers In Genesis Creation Museum in Kentucky. We talk about the presuppositions of both naturalistic/materialistic scientists and scientists who allow for non-materialist interpretations. We also discuss how definitions and presuppositions affect the way politicians like Barack Obama and John Kasich use and abuse the scriptures for their own political ends.

Article links- Barack Obama’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast

John Kasich claims the “right” to “redefine” conservatism

John Kasich stumbles while redefining conservatism on Fox News

Principles and Policies Podcast for 2/1/2014- The REAL State Of The Union

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday February 1, 2014. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the State of the Union and what the President should have said. We also go into some detail about what the President did not say.

Article links- Al Gore, “global warming,” and “fertility management”

Same-sex marriage push in Ohio

The “sexual revolution” and throw-away families

GOP set to fold on “debt limit”

Principles and Policies Podcast for 1/11/2014- Things To Come

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday January 11, 2014. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk about what we might expect over the next year. Our lack of short-term optimism is only tempered by our long-term optimism for the future.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 12/14/2013- Why Christians Should Study The Constitution- The Real One This Time

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday December 14, 2013. We’ve run a show under this title before a couple of times. The titles were incorrect. This is the real thing. Chuck Michaelis hosts a Camp American lecture given by Pastor David Whitney, head instructor for the Institute On The Constitution, about why Christians should study the Constitution. This lecture is timely because Camp American and the Institute For Principled Policy are teaming up with the Ohio Constitution Party and the Westerville TEA Party to teach our 12 week Institute On The Constitution course. Details available here.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 12/7/2013- The Gift Of Critical Thinking

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday December 7, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis give the present of critical thinking by analyzing a recent correspondence that we were a part of. We demonstrate how to interpret and respond to questions raised in discussions.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 11/30/2013- An Interview With An Economics Professor About Our National Debt

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday November 23, 2013. Chuck Michaelis interviews Dr. Sacha Walicord, pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church in Mt. Vernon, OH, who is also a PhD in economics, a trained commercial pilot, has a law degree (JD), and is a hockey referee, about the current debt situation in the United States. Dr. Walicord explains why Laurence Kotlikoff’s contention that the true national debt is several times higher than the figures published, over $200 trillion.

Dr. Walicord explains why simply balancing the budget cannot fix our current economic problems and further explains what it means to our wallets and our liberty. We also discuss what is really at the base of these issues.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 11/23/2013- Crying Out In The Wilderness About Constitutional And Economic Disasters

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday November 23, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis give a report on their recent testimony on Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 5 which is an application to Congress to call a new constitutional convention purportedly to pass a balanced budget amendment. We detail Barry’s testimony regarding the true size of the federal debt and the true facts regarding what a balanced budget amendment would do to reduce that debt- nothing. We explain the faulty logic behind the balanced budget amendment. We also analyze the overall worldwide economic picture in order to bolster our points on this issue. To add insult to injury we discuss Rep. Paul Ryan’s pledge to do nothing to control spending by promising that no government shutdown will occur in January. And, yes, we tie it all together.

Article links- What’s a negative deposit rate, anyway?

European banks contemplate going to a negative deposit rate

Paul Ryan says there will not be a January shutdown

Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff shows what the true debt burden of the federal government is

A deeper analysis of Dr. Kotlikoff’s numbers

Barry Sheets’ Testimony On Ohio SJR 5 Applying To Congress For A Constitutional Convention

Barry Sheets, Director of the Institute For Principled Policy , presented testimony before the Ohio House Policy and Government Oversight Committee on Tuesday November 19, 2013. The hearing was on Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 5, a resolution applying to Congress for a new constitutional convention purportedly for a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution. Mr. Sheets spoke in opposition to the resolution. Opponents were given no opportunity to testify on this resolution in its assigned Ohio Senate committee.


Chairman Dovilla and members of the committee, I come before you today to discuss SJR 5, a resolution memorializing Congress to call a Convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

I have been before this committee recently on the House companion version of this resolution, and the comments I shared then continue to be one of the bases of the Institute for Principled Policy’s continued opposition to this resolution’s stated purpose.  I wish to add further information to this discussion at this point.

There are only two means of amending the United States Constitution:  one means does not involve a convention, the other means does.  Congress may directly propose amendments without calling a convention; the states’ only means of proposing amendments for ratification is by the calling of a convention by Congress on the application of 34 states.  This encompasses the entirety of Article V’s permissible means to amend.

The resolution before you does call for a Constitutional convention, regardless of what has been said by proponents.  A convention which will not be limited in any way other than by the will of those who are empowered as delegates.  Let the history of the 1787 Convention be a lesson to us all in this respect.

In a letter published in the January 14th, 1788 edition of the New York Daily Advertiser addressed to Governor Clinton of New York, appointed delegates Robert Yates and John Lansing detailed their reason for leaving the convention early.  They noted that their instructions from the legislature of New York were to amend the Articles of Confederation, but what they were faced with at the convention was the adoption of an entirely new Constitution with greater centralized national power.

They stated “It is with the sincerest concern we observe that in the prosecution of the important objects of our mission, we have been reduced to the disagreeable alternative of either exceeding the powers delegated to us, and giving our assent to measures which we conceived destructive of the political happiness of the citizens of the United States; or opposing our opinion to that of a body of respectable men…”

But Lansing and Yates were not alone.  Elbridge Gerry also had grave reservations regarding the impact of Article V.  In his book, “The Compromising of the Constitution” Rexford Tugwell, a high ranking Cabinet official in the Roosevelt administration, fellow of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions and a major proponent of a new constitutional model called the “Constitution of the New States”, stated this:  “There was a further entry in Madison’s notes on September 10, when the Convention was nearing its end.  On that day Gerry moved to reconsider the article providing that legislatures in two-thirds of the states might require Congress to call an amending convention.  He asked whether this was a proper arrangement since a majority in a convention called by the Congress could bind the states to “innovations that might subvert the state constitutions altogether.”

Those concerns mirror those of the Institute, who firmly hold that a national convention is a body with full power to set its own course and decide on its own how extensively to change our current Constitutional system, and whether or not to continue the existing ratification process or to choose new methods to achieve their goals.  SJR 5 cannot, and will not, be able to bind delegates, unless they show the character of Yates and Lansing, seeing that they must choose principle over political or peer allegiance.  We respectfully submit to you that a safer course of action is to not pass this resolution, and work with our Congressional delegation and United States Senators to curb spending and bring it in line with sound Constitutional parameters.


In an addendum Mr. Sheets testified to the enormity of the current indebtedness of the United States and the virtual impossibility of reducing or eliminating that debt by simply adopting a balanced budget amendment. He provided the committee with an article from Forbes magazine by way of support for his additional testimony. We provide links to that Forbes article as well as an analysis of the numbers from another article.


The Forbes Article

The analysis


Principles and Policies Podcast for 11/16/2013- Ad Hominem, “Neutral Scholarship,” And A New Constitutional Convention

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday November 16, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze an article written by Timothy Baldwin called Constitutional Hypocrisy at a website called News With Views. Baldwin attempts to build National Journala case that since some opponents of an Article V convention are proponents of state interposition against federal tyranny (sometimes called nullification as a pejorative) and since nullification isn’t specifically listed in the Constitution and therefore does not exist, then it follows that these people are mistaken in believing that there are things implied in Article V that exist even though they are not written. Not only that, but anyone who opposes a new convention is delusional and in league with the federal usurpers. We argue that Baldwin, son of former Constitution Party Vice-presidential and Presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin, ignores history, especially historical primary source documentation, in favor of modern constitutional “scholars,” primarily Dr. Robert Natelson, an open partisan in favor of a new convention who purports “neutral scholarship.”

We also review an article in the National Journal which calls for “blowing up the Constitution in place” which shows how the radical left views a new constitutional convention as a golden opportunity to radically alter or re-write it.

Article links-