Our Principles and Policies radio show for Wednesday May 1, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis continue our analysis of  the recent election of Matt Borges as Ohio Republican Party Chairman and a letter written by TEA Party candidate Tom Zawistowski who was predictably defeated. We find it interesting to see what happens when eyes and ears are suddenly opened to the political reality that Republicans only use conservatives to gain election and discard them when it comes time to live up to the promises
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday April 30, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze the recent election of Matt Borges as Ohio Republican Party Chairman and a letter written by TEA Party candidate Tom Zawistowski who was predictably defeated. We are somewhat taken aback by the people who really thought that the Republican Party would allow a TEA Party candidate to beat the hand-picked candidate of the country club elitist big-money liberal Republican leadership.
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday April 29, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis do a breakdown on the Institute For Principled Policy’s Semper Reformanda Conference held April 25-27. We discuss the great hopeful message given by  Dr. Joe Morecraft of Chalcedon Presbyterian Church in Cumming GA.
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Wednesday April 24, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze an article supposedly written by former Congressman Gabrielle Giffords which attempts to build a case for new gun control legislation but in the end manages to be an example of how logical fallacy can moot your entire argument when people who read closely publish what they find. As Proverbs 18:17 says (ESV)Â The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday April 23, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis look more deeply on the phenomena of the Lame Duck Presidency and what it means for the Obama administration and what it means for Ohio
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday April 22, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis Discuss the fact that the lame duck season appears to be open with the defeat of Barack Obama’s “legacy” gun ban and confiscation legislation, specifically the Manchen, Toomey, Schumer amendment to a proposed gun control bill, in the US Senate
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday April 12, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk analyze recent policy flip-flops by politicians like Paul Ryan and Rob Portman in light of evidence that HUGE sums of money changed hands during recent (and in anticipation of upcoming) national campaigns for Senate and especially for president. Bottom line? Follow the money!
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Thursday April 11, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss articles which demonstrate the logical absurdity of the end-point of the current gun-control “debate” (read propaganda onslaught) by examining efforts to enforce a ban on the sale of knives in Great Britain because they are the weapon of choice in gang attacks now.
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Wednesday April 10, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss what makes the claims, like those made recently by Vice-President Joe Biden that the idea that the federal government wants ALL of your personal information in a permanent federal database is “paranoid,” utter nonsense and propaganda. The ATF make it clear- they want exactly that type database.
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday April 9, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss a statement made by the increasingly obtuse Senator John McCain in which he claims to not understand why anyone would filibuster second amendment infringement (gun control) legislation when the purpose of the Senate is to debate things and vote to let people know where the Senate stands on issues. Huh? The Senate is NOT a debating society it is a law-making body.