Our Principles and Policies radio show for Thursday May 31, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis Take a closer look at one law professor’s “constitutional scholarship.”
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Wednesday May 30, 2012. Chuck Michaelis examines an article written by a “constitutional scholar” which claims the Constitution is an “imbecilic document.”
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday May 26, 2012. Chuck Michaelis hosts as a great Camp American class on understanding your right to private property taught by Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday May 22, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss a recent court decision which takes a baby step towards restoring the Bill of Rights by finding provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which allowed the arrest without warrant, and detention without trial for poorly defined “terrorists.”
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday May 19, 2012. Chuck Michaelis hosts a Camp American class taught by Mark Harrington of Created Equal. The class, Pro-Life 101, is a training seminar that teaches tactics for dealing with confrontations that occur in the work to preserve unborn human life.
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday May 18, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis continue their examination of President Obama’s “evolution” on gay marriage and find that many of his more progressive supporters knew his real position all along and aren’t afraid to say so.
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Thursday May 17, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis take a deeper look at President Obama’s “evolution†from a position of allowing for “domestic partnerships†(that is, counterfeit marriage) to promoting “homosexual marriage†(a contradiction in terms). The Columbus Dispatch weighs in with a biased “journalistic” screed ignoring the principled position on gay marriage.
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday May 15, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze President Obama’s “evolution” from a position of allowing for “domestic partnerships” (that is, counterfeit marriage) to promoting “homosexual marriage” (a contradiction in terms). Did he really evolve or was the truth of his position forced by Vice-president Joe Biden?
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday April 30, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis give an impromptu history lesson on the origins of the two-party system as we prepare to discuss an article on building third parties.
Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday April 28, 2012. Chuck Michaelis presents an audio from a 2007Camp American class lecture given by Dr. Charles Rice, Professor Emeritus at Notre Dame Law School. The subject is just war theory and Dr. Rice teaches in his usual Socratic style. You don’t dare doze off in one of his classes.
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