Category Archives: Economics

Patrick Wood- Dark Moon Rising: The Technetronic Era

This entry is part 14 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote a book called Between Two Ages. It is important because it described as the gradual appearance of a more controlled society dominated by an elite undeterred by traditional values. Wood explains that international banking and multi-national corporations have supplanted nation-states as the creative forces in the world.

Wood began by showing the inter-locking relationships between members of the Tri-Lateral Commission, big business and the executive and legislative branches of government. He also demonstrated that Tri-Lateralists have rejected constitutional controls on government and reject the notion of national sovereignty.

He said that “you cannot win a war against an enemy you do not know and cannot name.” Failure to meet the enemy on the battlefield  of public opinion means eventually they will have to be met on an actual battlefield. He says there’s only one road to recovery from the damage the Tri-Laterists have wrought- Run the perpetrators out, replace Congress with people who refuse to let them return, strip the executive branch of unconstitutional powers, Force Congress to do all of its constitutional duties, return rightful sovereignty to the states.

Marc Morano- Unraveling The Climate Change Hoax

This entry is part 12 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4This was the most humorous but informative presentations so far in the conference. Mr. Morano juxtaposed official global warming claims to actual newspaper and other news outlet sources to humorously demonstrate the hoax of global warming “science.” While light-hearted in its approach, Morano’s presentation cut to the heart of the climate change  controversy: global warming MUST be happening or there is no reason to impose draconian legislation to limit access to energy without massive taxation.

Morano demonstrated that the so-called “consensus” among climate scientists simply is a non-existent specter created by government agencies, both national and international and touted by news outlets who know that disaster sells. The impact of the constant reporting of impending doom, with every town-crier giving a different date for the end is beginning to show both in the private and scientific sectors. Documents purporting to contain the work of scientists are generally accepted by votes of a few dozen non-scientists who add the names of anyone who worked even in the most peripheral way to the document as supporters. Often majorities of those scientists disagree with the conclusion of these political reports.

Politicians then point to these bureaucratically produced “scientific” reports as the excuse they need to come out in favor of regulatory and tax-based “solutions” to a completely fabricated crisis. The problem is not restricted to the industrialized world. The trade part of “Cap and Trade” requires western industrialized nations to “buy” so-called “carbon credits” from pre-industrial third-world nations. These poor countries, usually under the thumbs of tin-horn dictators, military juntas and other totalitarian crooks who gladly pocket the money and their subjects, many of whom die daily from diseases caused by a lack of technology necessary for safely cooking and storing food, a lack of medicine, clinics and doctors and wallow in poverty from a lack of any jobs beyond hunting an gathering or subsistence farming, have no chance to advance themselves. Western politicians kid themselves (or try to kid their constituents) that the monies they have given the third-world crooks in trade for their “carbon credits” is redistributed to their subjects instead of winding up in Swiss bank accounts as insurance against the day when they are deposed by the next tin-horn.

The bottom line is that politicians are using fraudulent science as an excuse to impose total control over energy production and use. They view climate change as an excuse to create tremendous “revenue opportunities” for huge  new taxes.

Dr. Jane Orient- Caps Quotas and Czars: The Plan To Wreck American Medicine

This entry is part 10 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4The current move to assume control of the health care industry by government has nothing to do with altruistic impulses but is about complete control of all aspects of life, including the health of the governments subjects.

Senator Jim DeMint has made the statement that health care might be Obama’s Waterloo. During Napoleon’s 100 days he had declared the beginning of a New World Order and the entirety of his agenda rested on the Battle of Waterloo, where he lost.

Dr. Orient tied G. Edward Griffin’s talk on the FED to the action of health cartels like United Health and other large corporations, which is squarely behind government efforts to nationalize and centralize health care. The American Hospital Association and other professional associations are in support of Obamacare for the same reasons as these corporations. What do they get from the deal? Like banks, they get to craft their own regulation and essentially have shadow control of health care through controlling boards and committees. They become the enforcement agents for the new system and have a direct line to taxpayer-funded subsidies.

The plans include “National Health Boards,” an idea that first appeared under the Clinton health plan. Under the Clinton’s, an attempt was made to keep meetings of the seed group secret, but the effort was thwarted by alert activists who sued and made the meetings public. The same thing needs to be done now.

The Obamacare bill has “end of life treatment- denial of” clauses, as Sarah Palin has been called a liar and otherwise pilloried in the press for mentioning, but the press has conveniently ignored or denied them. The fact is that patients are already being starved and dehydrated by contract that patients and families are being talked into signing by existing health care corporations. Obamacare would take them from the status of fraudulently made contract to legal requirement to die when the patient becomes expensive.

Under Obamacare definitions are being subtly shifted from benign to destructive. The meaning of well-being, for instance, is being shifted from the patient to society. It becomes the patient’s duty to die if the well-being of society in general is threatened by the patient’s continued survival.

Dr. Orient destroys the myth of the “cruel” American system which, by law, requires treatment for all patients going to a hospital, to the so-called “compassionate” Canadian system which requires enrollment in a provincial health service for treatment and allows hospitals to refuse treatment even to patients who will die (and many have) without it if they can’t show the proper proof of enrollment. Examples were provided.

Dr. Orient exposes the attempted fraud of Democrats running phoney, stacked-deck “town hall” health care meetings. She chronicles the fact that Republican meetings in opposition to the health care plan are simply not having the same problems as the meetings that were designed to be “puff and fluff” to show overwhelming support for nationalized health care that are turning out to be showing exactly the opposite, especially among otherwise loyal Democrats.

Again, a compact and fast moving presentation that I simply can’t give full justice to. Get the Video On Demand for the conference to get the full presentation.

Michael Chapman- President Obama and the UN Agenda to Control American Education

This entry is part 7 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Michael Chapman spoke on the link between National Education Standards, National Curriculum, National Assessments and Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. He says the philosophy of education in one generation becomes the philosophy of government of the next. Children are being trained to become the bureaucrats and politicians who will be in control of the society that has outlawed economic freedom and private property.

The US re-joined UNESCO in 2003 under George W. Bush. “No Child Left Behind was simply the continuation of a program begun under Johnson’s Great Society and it simply required that states honor other educational contracts they had committed to in the past. Obama’s education plan acknowledges that education is a weapon that can be used to change the attitudes in a  society.

Chapman explains what Sustainable Development claims to be. While its goals appear on the surface to be noble, it is real aim is complete control over economies, redistribution of wealth, control of population, etc. Chapman demonstrated that like bad pennies, the same nams keep turning up in administration after administration despite party monikers to keep the agenda marching along. Many N0n-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) under these men are working to influence educational efforts toward national curriculum requirements to make Agenda 21 the dominant paradigm through which students will be indoctrinated to view everything they are presented with.

The purpose of education is being converted from the teaching of facts to the transformation of society. Outcome-based education is simply social engineering designed to make good worker bees in an interdependent society without national identities. National education officials are now setting up competitions for grant money which will be awarded to states who set up and ENFORCE global standards as set by the Dept. of Education based on Sustainable Development. States who refuse to compete or cannot meet enforcement goals will receive no federal grant monies.

Current efforts are to move the educational push for globalism from the national and international level to the local level. Students are being encouraged to unplug from the “Americentric” view and go over to a “global” view. For instance, students are encouraged to ignore evidence from sources other than UN approved outlets on the subject of global warming when those UN outlets receive monies precisely for giving the UN the excuse for assuming control over energy production and use.

The US is also attempting to control the “heart attitudes” of students. In other words, they want to control their thoughts and guide them to the group-think necessary for a completely controlled society. Students are no l0nger tested to find out what they know they are assessed to determine if they can make proper judgments. In recent assessments a large majority of 9th grade students were shown to believe that it was the governments responsibility to set prices and redistribute wealth to the “poor.” This was considered to have been a successful curriculum. The Earth Summit statement atates openly that the purpose of education is to influence people’s “proper” attitudes not the teaching of facts. It has been stated that more education is dangerous because people with higher education tend to control and consume more of the earth’s resources, thus demonstrating that the real purpose is to “dumb down” education.

Under Agenda 21 schools are to be turned from education centers to job-training centers. People are being referred to as “economic capital” by educators who are being steered away from producing individual thinkers and toward producing worker drones. Public-private partnerships (economic fascism) are being exploited to implement this because employers now no longer need to spend the money necessary to train employees. Taxpayers now pay what employers used to. This is the purpose of the Workforce Investment Act.

The Obama plan is based on the idea that “environmentally related” job growth will greatly outpace private sector job growth and that is based completely on his dedication to “Cap and Trade” and other elements of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21. In other words, he intends to ram through his version of Agenda 21 and a totally planned economy ala Marxism one way or another. The effort is designed to destroy American belief in “inalienable rights” in favor of temporary rights provided by government.

This was a very compact and fast moving presentation. It was also one of the most important of the conference. I would recomment going to Freedom 21 and taking the “live feed” of this presentation (in fact, I recommend it for the whole conference). I simply cannot do this presentation justice in a “live blog” format. It is jam packed with information that, frankly, everyone who is concerned about what their child is learning at government schools should know.

Dr. Michael Coffman- Global Governance and Agenda 21

This entry is part 5 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Dr. Michael Coffman, of Environmental Perspectives, Inc, is a distinguished veteran in the battle to eliminate global governance. He is an environmental scientist who was instrumental in helping convince even some of the most liberal members of the US Senate that the UN Biodiversity Treaty was simply an unacceptable assault on American sovereignty. So he’s definitely what you might refer to as an expert on UN efforts at global governance.

Dr. Coffman spoke on sustainable development. Agenda 21 is a UN effort to control all land use internationally, nationally and locally. It includes “combatting poverty,” “community development,” and “environmental protection”  using groups like the Sierra Club and other “environmental” groups to gain control of these issues.

Dr. Coffman explains that Agenda 21 is designed to “protect” the environment for its own sake rather than utilizing the environment for maximum efficiency in supporting human, animal and plant life. The purpose of Agenda 21 agencies is to protect the environment from humans rather that protect it for humans, a gigantic difference.

Agenda 21 stands against the private ownership of property as a primary evil and a contributor to poverty and therefore all property rights must be removed from the control of the individual to the control of Agenda 21 controlled agencies. How can removal of private property from the hands of owners to government combat poverty? Dr. Coffman showed through a study of existing data that it will, in fact, have exactly the opposite effect. Poverty increases as property rights are destroyed and the UN has dedicated itself to destroying the existence of private property.

Dr. Coffman drew relationships between decreased economic freedom, part and parcel of private property and decreases in per capita Gross Domestic Product. Canadians and Europeans have lower GDP’s than the United States because of lower economic freedom. Especially telling is the discrepancies between former communist bloc countries and the US.

If Agenda 21 is adopted, economic freedom will simply disappear into that agenda which seeks to control the ownership and use of all private property. So-called “smart growth” which is being touted by former VP Al Gore, is a small part of Agenda 21. Local community planners love this system because it gives them complete control over the economic health of businesses in their jurisdictions.  “Smart growth” communities have grossly inflated costs on commercial property in their jurisdictions vs. communities without it due to regulatory costs. This slows business growth and stifles economic activity.

Dr. Coffman explained that global warming caused by man is a complete fraud (he was in the past a climate researcher) and that fraud is being used to grab control over huge portions of the economies of huge sectors of industrialized nations. Meanwhile, very few environmental scientists agree with doom and gloom official reports of UN controlled research on the subject of man-made global warming. Dr. Coffman explained that it is much more likely that any global warming that existed (the earth has been cooling for several years) was caused by increased solar activity. He also presented evidence that Temperature only shows a very poor 44%relationship to CO2 levels.

In the meantime Agenda 21 demands huge reductions in CO2 production which will require gigantic expenditures with little hope of cost recovery. Agenda 21 has also required the locking away of huge domestic natural resources, right here in the United States, because of the flawed theory of CO2 caused global warming.

Dr. Coffman showed that the average family will spend close to $11,000 per year in new costs due to energy taxes if the “cap and trade” style parts of Agenda 21 is adopted. That on top of millions of lost jobs (as many as 7 million jobs).

The international community and global banking cartels are bringing global governance to the local level. If “cap and trade” passes what remains of our personal economic liberty will be destroyed.

Fiat Money and the Sustainable Action Plan

This entry is part 4 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference


Freedom21 speaker Michael Shaw of Freedom Advocates spoke to the nearly 300 people in attendance on Thursday afternoon on why the current American monetary system of fractional reserve banking (often called fiat money) is being managed to drive America away from our national sovereignty and into a global form of governance.

The attack is from a plan by international groups coordinated by the United Nations known as Agenda 21. This document is driving an agenda to take away private property rights, remove individual, unalienable rights from people for “global (human) rights”, and ultimately, in the name of the environment, reduce the “burden” of human population on the planet’s ecosystem. Using the UN’s own documentation, Shaw points out that all rights would be subject to the will of the United Nations. Goodbye unalienable rights (life, liberty, property).

Shaw also discussed that the concept of “sustainable development” is the rallying focus for this radical shift in our country’s way of life.

Three areas in which this transformation is centered include land control by government (illustrated by a document graphic of the “Wildlands” UN initiative, which would put over 50% of the land area of the United States off limits to human development or habitation), the transformation of the educational system to created “global citizens”, and what Shaw referred to as the Three E’s: Equity (the idea of social justice as replacing the rule of law, and American justice system being subjugated by international law); Economy (the destruction of free enterprise and the implementation of government-private “partnerships” replacing private ownership of business and industry); and Environment (sustainable development plan, which drives all of the rest of the transformational efforts).

The American monetary system, with its inherent instability generated by the use of fractional reserve banking, has provided an artificial prop to explode the economy, and a current turnaround in the economy is allowing for a concentration of power by a totalitarian-leaning political elite. Shaw warns against trying to quickly abandon this system in favor of an honest-money (100% reserve) system, due to the significant upheaval that can occur. He also cautions against totally embracing a gold-based system, asking the question “who controls or has a quorum on the current gold reserves?”, which is a legitimate concern, and may be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire, allowing large governmental players to continue to exercise control over the economy.

Shaw discussed some ideas on how to transistion the current system to an honest-money system without totally destabilizing the dollar in the process. Freedom Advocates provides materials to help people understand the issue.

The last part of his presentation involved exposing the agenda of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). This is the organization to push Agenda 21 initiatives to the local governmental level to complete the control mechanism over property rights.

There is more to understand than we have space to discuss here, but a visit to Freedom Advocates, or ordering the video of this conference from Freedom21 is a good place to expand your informational horizon on this issues.

Keynote Address Freedom 21- G. Edward Griffin

This entry is part 3 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4G. Edward Griffin has spent years researching the super-secret private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve System (FED). In his opening address on the subject of “The Creature From Jekyll Island,” Griffin reviewed the history of the creation and the purpose for the creation of the FED. Griffin makes it clear that while the meeting on Jekyll island South Carolina in 1912 was ultra-secret, the details are available to those willing to dig deep enough to find them.

He tied the creation of the FED to the emerging view of competing large corporations that the way to accomplish common goals of the industry was the formation of cartels. The FED is no different from other large business cartel except that it involves the banking industry and not just local banks but national and international banks.

So why would the privately owned and competitive banks want to partner with government? Griffin explained that the purpose is to keep the cartel from acting as an “enforcer” keeping rogue members of the cartel from breaking away from the group. He gave an example of how the dairy cartels got government to pass laws regarding minimum pricing which would require the jailing of dairies not complying with minimum pricing regulations.

What do each of the parties, government and banks, get from the agreement? Politicians get easy access to the  money they need to spend on new government programs through the sale of bonds and increased national debt from banking cartels while the cartel gets the power to create “money” ex nihilo- from NOTHING! The cartel can do this because the government puts its tax revenue deposits into cartel banks thus allowing the creation of the money from nothing on the basis of “fractional reserve” banking. This obviously a perfect partnership, from political and banking perspective. It is a nightmare for the public who watches the value of its money lost through inflation as a form of taxation.

Griffin explained that this is the reason for the gigantic bank bailouts of this and last years. Politicians simply cannot let the system collapse which would actually be in the best interest of the public in general because it would require a complete re-start of the system and the exposure of the participants. Whether or not the economy lapses into inflation or deflation is irrelevent, according to Griffin, because slaves really don’t care what type of methods are used to keep them in economic bondage, they simply want out of the situation but have no control any longer over it. Griffin explained that as long as we continue to accept the existence of government subsidies and handouts the deeper into that bondage we will sink. Only whe the American public demands an end to government intrusion into their lives including demanding econonomic freedom and independence.

As a postscript Griffin said that it was imperative that we end the FED!

The Growing American Tyranny and how to stop it

This entry is part 2 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4This is the theme of the Freedom21 conference. Conference host Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center and Amanda Teegarden of Operation Information opened the event with a welcome and a short discussion of why, in our era of nationalized industry, environmental radicalism, and the ever-growing loss of Constitutional freedoms, it is more important than ever to understand and learn how to “connect-the-dots” between all of the seemingly unconnected efforts of the progressive left.

Whether it be education, environmentalism, our financial security, invasive governmental programs, or property rights, each issue has roots in a larger program to eradicate American sovereignty and our way of life. The speakers at this conference each have decades of experience in their subject areas, and thankfully, some wins under their belts against the creeping totalitarian zeitgeist.

Our vice-chairman and I will be bringing you speaker by speaker summaries of their information for your education and action.

Live from Freedom 21 National Conference

This entry is part 1 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4The Institute for Principled Policy is pleased to be a co-sponsor of the 10th annual Freedom 21 national conference, being held this year in Oklahoma City, OK. We have a front row (exhibitor) seat to all of the conference, and will be blogging on all of the very important information that will be shared during the next three days.

I want to give you a flavor of what to expect as we report this event. This is from the Freedom 21 agenda: “The people who attend this conference share a common desire to advance the principles of freedom–to all people–for all time. We work through our various organizations, through coalitions, and through cooperative campaigns, such as Freedom21, to better coordinate our efforts to prevail over those people who continue to promote, and advance policies that empower government to ignore the principles of freedom, in pursuit of an unachievable social and environmental utopia.

Freedom cannot be sustained in the presence of “sustainable development.” The two concepts are mutually exclusive. Sustainable development can exist only when people are controlled by government; freedom can exist only when government is controlled by the people.

We hope this conference will provide the knowledge, information, and inspiration for each of us to be more effective in our efforts to advance the principles of freedom—in all that we do.”

The conference is for folks to connect the dots and figure out just what is wrong in our country, and what to do to make it right again. Stay tuned…it’s going to be a rollercoaster ride!