Category Archives: Economics

Barry Sheets’ Testimony On Ohio SJR 5 Applying To Congress For A Constitutional Convention

Barry Sheets, Director of the Institute For Principled Policy , presented testimony before the Ohio House Policy and Government Oversight Committee on Tuesday November 19, 2013. The hearing was on Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 5, a resolution applying to Congress for a new constitutional convention purportedly for a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution. Mr. Sheets spoke in opposition to the resolution. Opponents were given no opportunity to testify on this resolution in its assigned Ohio Senate committee.


Chairman Dovilla and members of the committee, I come before you today to discuss SJR 5, a resolution memorializing Congress to call a Convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

I have been before this committee recently on the House companion version of this resolution, and the comments I shared then continue to be one of the bases of the Institute for Principled Policy’s continued opposition to this resolution’s stated purpose.  I wish to add further information to this discussion at this point.

There are only two means of amending the United States Constitution:  one means does not involve a convention, the other means does.  Congress may directly propose amendments without calling a convention; the states’ only means of proposing amendments for ratification is by the calling of a convention by Congress on the application of 34 states.  This encompasses the entirety of Article V’s permissible means to amend.

The resolution before you does call for a Constitutional convention, regardless of what has been said by proponents.  A convention which will not be limited in any way other than by the will of those who are empowered as delegates.  Let the history of the 1787 Convention be a lesson to us all in this respect.

In a letter published in the January 14th, 1788 edition of the New York Daily Advertiser addressed to Governor Clinton of New York, appointed delegates Robert Yates and John Lansing detailed their reason for leaving the convention early.  They noted that their instructions from the legislature of New York were to amend the Articles of Confederation, but what they were faced with at the convention was the adoption of an entirely new Constitution with greater centralized national power.

They stated “It is with the sincerest concern we observe that in the prosecution of the important objects of our mission, we have been reduced to the disagreeable alternative of either exceeding the powers delegated to us, and giving our assent to measures which we conceived destructive of the political happiness of the citizens of the United States; or opposing our opinion to that of a body of respectable men…”

But Lansing and Yates were not alone.  Elbridge Gerry also had grave reservations regarding the impact of Article V.  In his book, “The Compromising of the Constitution” Rexford Tugwell, a high ranking Cabinet official in the Roosevelt administration, fellow of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions and a major proponent of a new constitutional model called the “Constitution of the New States”, stated this:  “There was a further entry in Madison’s notes on September 10, when the Convention was nearing its end.  On that day Gerry moved to reconsider the article providing that legislatures in two-thirds of the states might require Congress to call an amending convention.  He asked whether this was a proper arrangement since a majority in a convention called by the Congress could bind the states to “innovations that might subvert the state constitutions altogether.”

Those concerns mirror those of the Institute, who firmly hold that a national convention is a body with full power to set its own course and decide on its own how extensively to change our current Constitutional system, and whether or not to continue the existing ratification process or to choose new methods to achieve their goals.  SJR 5 cannot, and will not, be able to bind delegates, unless they show the character of Yates and Lansing, seeing that they must choose principle over political or peer allegiance.  We respectfully submit to you that a safer course of action is to not pass this resolution, and work with our Congressional delegation and United States Senators to curb spending and bring it in line with sound Constitutional parameters.


In an addendum Mr. Sheets testified to the enormity of the current indebtedness of the United States and the virtual impossibility of reducing or eliminating that debt by simply adopting a balanced budget amendment. He provided the committee with an article from Forbes magazine by way of support for his additional testimony. We provide links to that Forbes article as well as an analysis of the numbers from another article.


The Forbes Article

The analysis


Principles and Policies Podcast for 10/19/2013- An Accomplished Capitulation At The Federal Level And A Planned One At The State Level

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday October 19, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk about the complete collapse of constitutional principle in the ending of the “government shutdown” dog and pony show and the coming one in the state of Ohio over Governor John Kasich’s bypassing of the Ohio legislature to expand Medicaid in Ohio through a stacked controlling board vote. By using a combinned veto-administrative board strategy to thwart the will of the Ohio legislature, Kasich has exposed his willingness to use a method practiced as high-art by President Obama using a method that the president (thankfully) does not have. The line item veto. Kasich line item vetoed the legislature’s budget item outlawing the expansion of Medicaid and now is going to the controlling board demanding the Medicaid expansion be implemented as part of the budget law. Thus Kasich is engaging in an executive branch usurpation of constitutional legislative authority. This is a tyranny.

Confused? Listen to the show.

Article links-

Phone calls numbers for the Ohio Controlling Board-

Senator Bill Coley- 614-466-8072

Senator Chris Widener- 614-466-3780

Rep. Ron Amstutz- 614-466-1474

Rep. Cliff Rosenberger- 614-466-3506

Tom DeWeese Agenda 21 Leadership Training

Tom DeweeseTom DeWeese of the American Policy Center is coming to the Central Ohio area. He’s coming to give a unique presentation that will be made at NONE of the other scheduled stop on this tour of Ohio!

Tom has graciously agreed to give a special training seminar on Agenda 21, the UN driven attack on private property rights now being adopted by so many local governments. It will include information on how to recognize the signs that your city, township, county or state has adopted these measures and how to fight back. He will present concrete examples demonstrating that it can be done- because it HAS been done- successfully. Tom will show you how

The best part is that this seminar is FREE! That’s right- FREE! Unlike Tom’s other presentations this one is a leadership training and there is no charge at the door.

We’d like to know you’re coming but feel free to show up! Here’s a flyer on Tom’s Ohio tour

Where : Berlin Church, 5175 S. Old State Rd, Lewis Center, OH   MAP

When: July 19, 2013 6:30 PM


Contact: Barry Sheets at 614.989.5293  email:[email protected]

Principles and Policies Podcast for 6/29/2013- Rescuing A Broken America; “Climate Change” And Liberty

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday June 29 June 11, 2013. Chuck Michaelis introduces a lecture given by Dr. Michael Coffman of  Environmental Perspectives, Inc. at Camp American in 2010. The subject is the fraud of man-made global warming and its use as a tool to restrict your liberty.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 6/27/2013- What’s Right And What’s Wrong In Australia

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Thursday June 27 June 11, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss Australia’s banning of a couple of video games for their ultra-violent content. We discuss what’s right with what they’ve done and what’s wrong with what they’ve done.

Article links-

Principles and Policies Podcast for 6/25/2013- Barack Obama And The War On Electricity Production

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday June 25 June 11, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss a “commencement address” which is really a policy statement. This statement should send a chill down the spine of anyone who like having electricity available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week because it involves a war on coal.

Article links-

Principles and Policies Podcast for 6/13/2013- When Promises Evaporate

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Thursday June 13 June 11, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis say “we told you so” (again) about the gigantic increase in insurance premiums that Ohioans, and other states as well, will be paying in 2014.

Article links-

Principles and Policies Podcast for 4/12/2013- How Wheelbarrows Full Of Money Overcome “Principled” Positions On Social Policy

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday April 12, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk analyze recent policy flip-flops by politicians like Paul Ryan and Rob Portman in light of evidence that HUGE sums of money changed hands during recent (and in anticipation of upcoming) national campaigns for Senate and especially for president. Bottom line? Follow the money!

Article links-

Principles and Policies Podcast for 4/8/2013- Will The Governor Concede When His Argument Crumbles?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday April 8, 2013. Barry Sheeta and Chuck Michaelis do an important analysis on the attempts to expand Medicaid in Ohio by taking “free” federal money. We expose the fact that there is no possibility that the federal government will loosen the regulatory noose that comes with the money. How do we know? The Department of Health And Human Services says so on an “FAQ” section of their website.

Article link-

Join us for the Institute for Principled Policy Spring Conference


“Semper Reformanda:  Engaging the World for Christ”

April 25-27, 2013

Mark your calendars!  You won’t want to miss what may be one of the most important conferences held in Ohio this year!

The Institute For Principled Policy is pleased to present “Semper Reformanda:  Engaging the World for Christ”, a biblical worldview-and-action conference designed to equip pastors, ministry leaders and others with knowledge of how the eternal truth of God’s Word has been and can still be used to provide the guidance for culture.

Pastor Joe Morecraft IIIOur featured guest presenter will be Dr. Joe Morecraft III, Pastor of Chalcedon Presbyterian Church in Cumming, GA. Pastor Morecraft holds a B.A. in history from King College in Bristol, Tennessee, a M.Div from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia, and a M.Th. and Th.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Lakeland, Florida.  He is an accomplished author and researcher.

The conference will also feature sessions by other noted speakers, as well as networking opportunities and resources for your work:  Additional speakers include:

Dr. Sacha Walicord, Pastor, Knox Presbyterian (OPC) Church, Mt. Vernon, Ohio  “Biblical Economics:  An Imperative”

Charles Michaelis, President, Rocky Fork Formulas and Director, Camp American “Inseperable:  the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution”

 Barry Sheets, Senior Consultant, Principled Policy Consulting, LLC  “When Church and State Interact:  Keys for Effective Advocacy”

Ricki Pepin, lecturer and author, “God’s Health Plan” A roadmap for Christian Patriots:  “Where Do We Go From Here?” 

Location: Grace Presbyterian Church OPC 5099 Postlewaite Road
Columbus, Ohio 43235

Times: Friday April 26, 2013 Morning Session 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM, Lunch 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM (on your own or with a friend), Afternoon Session 1:30 PM – 4:45 PM, Networking and Mingle With Speakers 4:45PM – 6:00 PM, Dinner (on own) 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM, Evening Session 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Saturday April 27, 2013 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM (Close)

There will be several opportunities to network with speakers, visit vendor tables, engage in question and answer roundtables, etc. during both Friday and Saturday sessions.

There are a large number of restaurants, shopping, hotels, motels and other amenities within a short drive of Grace Presbyterian Church OPC.   The Institute will provide a listing of some of the choices available.

A donation of $20/person is asked for this conference.  Registration is open now through April 19th.  Register here

There will be a dinner with Dr. Morecraft for underwriters, host church staff and Institute For Principled Policy board members on Thursday April 25, 2013. If you wish to contribute to help underwrite the costs of this conference you may contact Institute For Principled Policy Director Barry Sheets at [email protected] or call him at 614-989-5293 to obtain details.

ALL inquiries should be made to the addresses and phone numbers listed above and should NOT be made to Grace Presbyterian Church OPC

If you’re looking for a hotel we have arranged for a block of rooms at a discount at La Quinta Inn in Dublin Ohio.

·    6145 Park Center Circle, Dublin,OH  / phone: (614) 792-8300 / fax: (614) 792-3333

·     Start Date: 4/25/2013 / End Date: 4/27/2013

·     Number of Rooms: 15 / Room Type: King beds

Rate: April 25, 2013 – $69.00 per room plus tax

April 26, 2013 – $85.00 per room plus tax

·     Tax rate: 16.75 %

·     Amenities:

  • Free Bright Side Breakfast® with Hot Waffles
  • Free Wireless High-Speed Internet Access
  • Free High-Speed Internet Access
  • Free Local Calls
  • Free Parking
  • Meeting Facilities Available
  • Guest Laundry Facilities
  • Fitness Center
  • Pets Welcome