Category Archives: Education

Tax and Spin–Part 1–The Basics

This entry is part 1 of 11 in the series Understanding Property Tax Levies

taxThe Institute for Principled Policy is pleased to be able to share with you a significant and important discussion on the realities of local tax levies.  This series, written by Ohio researcher Carolyn J.  Blow, is from a document entitled “Ohio’s Property Taxes”.  We will keep our editorial comments to a minimum, but I do encourage you to read each entry in this series very closely and carefully, and prepare to share this information with those in your family, community and spheres of influence.

Ohio’s property tax system is beyond the comprehension of most citizens only because most citizens would rather just pay their taxes than try to understand it. With time and study, the tax system is understandable. If the reader is new to this subject,  he should not be discouraged if he doesn’t “get it” after having read the paper only once.

With a grasp of taxation, individuals are more able to influence government officials and to vote in a knowledgeable manner. In general, whoever controls the money controls the programs.


This treatise deals predominantly with the taxation of “real” property, that is, real estate. In Ohio, for tax purposes, real property is divided into two categories, or classes, one being residential and agricultural and the other being commercial and industrial (also referred to as “other real property” or “nonresidential/agricultural”). Properties in both classes are “assessed” at 35 percent of the appraised market value, which is determined by the county auditor; for example, a $100,000 property is assessed at, and taxed on, $35,000. (For some types of properties, such as farms, current use is considered in determining their value for taxation purposes.)

The monetary unit of taxation is the mill, which is one-tenth of one cent ($.001). A levy, or tax, is for a certain number of mills for each dollar of assessed valuation. (One mill of tax is equal to $1.00 for each $1,000 of assessed valuation.) Each levy is for the duration of a certain number of years or for an indefinite number of years; in the latter case it is said to be “continuing.”

The tax on a property for any particular levy is not computed with the originally voted millage.  Rather, it is computed with what is known as the “taxable” millage, or “effective” millage, which is generally less than the voted millage. This can best be made understandable with an explanation of the very important House Bill 920.

To replace an earlier law, in 1976 the Ohio General Assembly passed H.B. 920, which is found in the Ohio Revised Code, Section 319.301. Unlike most laws, it is still generally known by its bill name, House Bill 920, because it is so important.  The purpose of the law is to keep a lid on what would otherwise be run-away property taxes on homes and businesses. The law also has the effect of keeping government programs and spending from running amuck.  (School and other government officials dislike H.B. 920 because they would like to have an ever-increasing stream of revenue without voter approval.)

Here’s how H.B. 920 works:  Property values generally increase at a faster rate than do the funds needed to operate any school or other government agency in an appropriate manner.  Therefore, to control taxes, as the total value of all properties combined in a school district, county, or other taxing entity’s district goes up because of updated property values and new construction added to the mix, the millage on which property taxes are figured is reduced so that the total revenue generated by a particular levy remains fairly constant. This revenue-stabilizing millage that decreases every year as aggregate property values rise is the effective millage. It is what is in effect, so  it determines the tax that property owners pay.  The voted millage is not “in effect,” so it is not used to figure the tax.

To accomplish this stabilization of revenue, the state tax commissioner determines a tax reduction factor from property value information that the county auditor gives him. This factor is derived by comparing the total value of “carryover property” in each class in a taxing district from one year to the next. Carryover property is property that is on the current year’s tax list and that was also on the previous year’s tax list in the same class. Obviously, then, new construction is not immediately included in the total valuation of any district, but it is taxed nevertheless. Consequently, each new construction provides extra tax revenue for a taxing district till it is included in the carryover property.

The tax reduction factor is used to determine the taxable, or effective, millage that would keep the revenue fairly constant year to year for each particular levy. The effective millage is carried to six decimal places, for example, 2.406458 mills. If the numeral in the sixth decimal place is a zero, such as with 5.341980 mills, the millage might be stated with only five decimal places, 5.34198 mills, because the zero at the end has zero value.

A levy that has a taxable millage of 5.341980 could conceivably have been voted at 6.5 mills twenty years ago. The effective millage is closest in value to the voted millage when a tax is new. The gap between the voted and effective millage widens each year the levy is in effect as the value of all the properties, combined, in a taxing district continues to increase. The gap widens most dramatically with the six-year property reappraisals and the midterm updates because the auditor-appraised value of the totality of properties in a taxing district generally increases the most at those times. (Factors such as location, building additions, and damage affect the value of – and tax increase or decrease on – individual properties.)

The voted millage on both classes of property is the same. However, for the purpose of figuring the effective millage during the years a levy is operative, the two classes of property are considered separately because there is usually a difference between the rate of growth of the residential-agriculture properties and that of the commercial-industrial properties. The effective millage, then, is usually different for the two classes. (A tax for businesses on tangible personal property [machinery, equipment, fixtures, furniture, and inventory] is figured with a different assessed rate and does not receive a reduction factor.).

Next:  part 2:  Exemptions, exemptions…

Central Ohio Reformation Institute

Title: Central Ohio Reformation Institute
Location: The Lodge at Camp McPherson
Link out: Click here
Description: Presentations
“Sola Scriptura: From Renaissance Humanism to Covenant Theology
“Foundation for a New Piety: Reformation Rediscovery of the Savior of Sovereign Grace”
“Between Scylla and Charybdis: The Reformation Navigation of the Sanctified Life”
“From Witness to Warrior: French Protestantism and the Defense of Liberty”
“The Church that Christ Builds: The Ecclesiology of John Owen”
“Reformation in America: Profile of the Last Puritan”

Start Date: 2008-10-28
End Date: 2008-10-30

A Fresh Look At John Freshwater

Schools In RuinsFinally! A balanced look at the Freshwater case! And it took a California based para-church ministry to get the job done.

The Chalcedon Foundation has run an article on the matter that seems to cover all of the bases, something the local news media and some Christian para-church ministries have tried with varying success. Most media outlets, among them the Columbus Dispatch and local TV station news, have taken the Mount Vernon school board yarn as gospel and disseminated it as unquestionable fact. Other self-styled unofficial spokesmen for Freshwater walked into the lion’s den of tabloid cable infotainment programs only to emerge badly mauled by hosts bent on crucifying John Freshwater as someone who would purposefully “burn crosses into childrens’ arms” in the most sensational way possible. None of these “news” outlets has bothered to let facts get in the way of a good story.

The Chalcedon article does what the so-called “mainstream media” has completely failed to do- cut through the rhetoric and the sensationalism to get at the facts of the story. They also expose the underlying motivation of the Mt. Vernon school board for trying to fire a teacher so accomplished that he was the 2007 teacher of the year and his students, which included a large number of special education students, outscored not only all the other teachers in the district on the science standards test, they also beat the national average.

Read the article here.

We Want You For Camp American!

I Want You For Camp American!Camp American Still Has Room!

…and they’ve extended the deadline for the “Early Bird” special tuition reduction at Camp American! You’ve got to Monday June 9, 2008!

Are you looking for a summer opportunity for you or your children, ages 12 years and up, to learn about the Christian foundation of their government? Are you looking for an intensive course in-

The US Constitution
The founders’ original intent
The Christian principles upon which the nation was built
The proper role of government
Principles of good government
History, civics and government from a Christian perspective?

This years classes on the Constitution include

The Founders’ Foundations- It’s not enough to know what the founders wrote. You need to know the books they studied to understand them. Taught by Barry Sheets

The Rights And Responsibilities Of A Fully Informed Jury- Just what power and authority does a jury have? Do you know? You will after this class. Taught by Pastor David Whitney

The Electoral College; Original Intent, How It Has Changed And Why It Still Works- In this presidential election year will you know enough about the Electoral College to defend it if there is a close election. Taught by Chuck Michaelis

Global Warming And The New Religion of Environmentalism- This is one of the most important issues confronting us today. It’s not just about biblical stewardship, but about an entirely new/old worship of the created instead of the Creator. Taught by Dr. Michael Coffman an environmental scientist and one of the foremost advocates of land use freedom in the USA

Special AnnouncementDr. Michael Coffman of Environmental Perspectives, Inc and Sovereignty International. will be the guest speaker at a luncheon hosted by Camp American. The luncheon will be held on Friday June 20 at 12:30 PM at Pokagon State Park in the group camp.

Pokagon State Park is located in Angola IN just off I-69. The cost of the luncheon is $10. For information call Noelle Dielman at 502-291-1120. Overnight accommodations (primitive) are available for guests who wish to arrive on Thursday for Dr. Coffman’s presentation to the students of Camp American. There is a nominal charge and space is limited. Call for details.

Are you also looking for fun summer activities like-

Roller Skating
Board Games
Cabin Competition

If this is what you’re looking for check out our website- This year’s camp is June 15-21at Pokagon State Park in Angola, IN.

This year’s discounted price for the week- Just $250! You can pay the whole $250 fee online with a major credit card. There are also group discount rates available.

To hold your spot you can go to our Camp Store and place your deposit online with our secure check out hosted with Pay Pal. You don’t have to have a Pay Pal account, just a credit card. You can also send a check to Camp American 4635 Southcrest Dr. Louisville KY 40215 or call 502-361-9496

It Must Be True, I read It In The LA Times!

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Federalism, Democracy And Presidential Elections

One-term George. Who knew?

In a recent article in the Los Angeles Times written by Mary McNamara, the Times television critic. we are informed of a little known fact of history.

According to McNamara

George Washington (David Morse) so quickly tired of the infighting among his Cabinet and vagaries of public opinion that he stepped down from the presidency after a single term. (emphasis added)

Of course this “fact” is utter nonsense. George Washington served two terms from 1789-1797. He was unanimously elected to both terms by the electoral college. Only a few states held popular elections for president in either of these elections. The electoral college delegates were mostly chosen by state legislatures at the time. This was the case because the constitutional architects feared and despised direct democracy at least as much as they feared and despised monarchy. That’s why structures like the electoral college exist and why modern democrats (note small “D”) hate the electoral college.

And it is in this fact that the author displays an even wider gap in her knowledge than just the historical facts surrounding the election and terms of the first two presidents. She demonstrates that she does not understand that the United States was designed by the framers of the Constitution as a limited federal constitutional republic, not a democracy. She says about the HBO series John Adams, about the second President of the United States, the following

“John Adams,” which comes to a close Sunday night, has devoted seven beautifully shot hours to defying the often overly patriotic legends of our past with a toothache-and-all portrait of a man who helped define modern democracy, albeit grumbling every step of the way (emphasis added).

Just to be clear, the writer is referring to the same John Adams who said

Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.

Doesn’t sound like Adams was a big fan of democracy. Neither were most of the constitutional framers and founders of the nation. In fact, the design of the federal government demonstrates that the framers intended to avoid democracy. James Madison, in Federalist #10, for instance wrote

Hence it is that democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and in general have been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths… A republic, by which I mean a government in which a scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect and promises the cure for which we are seeking.

The writer’s first mistake, that Washington served only one term, is inexcusable because a 45 second self-check on Google would have given her the correct facts. Also, how did a gaffe like this get past an editor, any editor worth the name? The fact that she is a TV critic speaks volumes, but serves as a very poor excuse.

Her second mistake, that John Adams was one of the architects of “modern democracy,” is inexcusable because it is virtually impossible to find a teacher or college professor who

  1. knows that the framers designed the United States as a republic
  2. understands why the framers feared democracy
  3. knows the difference philosophically between a republic and a democracy
  4. cares about the difference

A very sad commentary on our current educational system, indeed.



From time to time God provides milestones that allow us to evaluate how well we’re doing in our stewardship responsibilities. I was recently provided with one of these milestones. But first a little background.

Four years ago my wife and I came to the decision that the Westerville School District was not providing the kind of education we wanted our 3 girls to have. Sure, they got good instruction in math, science and English. History is another story, however. One of the first things I always checked was my daughter’s history textbooks. In my children’s last year at Westerville I learned from my daughter’s history text the circumstances of the first Thanksgiving celebration. According to the text, the Pilgrims held the celebration not to give thanks to God but to the Wampanoag tribe. Thus, historical truth was swept under the rug of political correctness in order to maintain supposed religious “neutrality.” My daughters were subjected to constant but subtle attacks on the moral training my wife and I provided. In history, “social studies” and even English classes my children were subjected to training in situational ethics, moral relativism, post-modern and existential philosophies and religiously dogmatic treatment of the “forces of naturalism” as the only possible explanation for life.

Yes, I’ve heard the arguments for why I should have kept my kids in the Westerville school system. The district has many Christian teachers, my kids needed to be in the school to be salt and light, they won’t be properly “socialized” and so on. Well, it is clear that the district could have a faculty consisting of 100% Christians and it would not matter because of federal, state and district mandated policies and curricula. Most children aged 5 to 18 are not equipped with the education, training or willpower to counter the constant assault on their faiths that they encounter in the modern public education system. Most Christian kids are particularly poorly suited to standing up to teachers who single them out since they are trained to respect authority. As for socialization, I’ve never run into a homeschooler who didn’t have lots of friends, both in and out of public schools.

Recently my oldest daughter went with some of her friends (see what I mean? Plenty of socialization) to see the movie “21,” about college students who develop a card counting system to beat the odds at casino black jack tables. I told her that I had read a review of the movie which stated that the audience’s sympathy was with the students because they saw the casinos as corporate thieves and asked her what she thought. Her answer was definitely a milestone. She said, “Dad, I couldn’t root for either the students or the casinos. Both of them were dishonest. It was like watching two thieves fight over a stolen wallet. There weren’t any heroes in the movie, even though the director tried to make the students the heroes.”

My daughter showed me that my wife and I made the correct decision to pull our children out of Westerville City Schools 4 years ago. Her answer revealed not a hint of moral relativism, situational ethics or post-modernism. Unlike her public school trained contemporaries, she was able to see through a direct appeal to her emotions to the crux of the dilemma that the director was trying to convey. She was also able to see that the underlying question was not an “either/or” choice and that she was free to reject both sides as immoral.

Could she have come to the same conclusion had we looked the other way as she was trained in a system of moral thinking that is not just “morality neutral” but openly hostile and antithetical to a Christian worldview? The answer to that question can be found in examining the worldviews of the millions of Christians who have been trained in America’s public schools. In a recent survey performed by George Barna, only 9% of adult professing Christians had anything close to a Christian worldview. We think the answer to the question is “No!”

As much as I would like to, neither my wife nor I cannot take any credit for this. God planted the seed within my children. My wife and I have been entrusted by Him with the care and nurturing of that seed so that He may eventually harvest the crop and use the resultant seed to plant more. In this way does Christ grow His Church. We are merely the conduits through which He works.

Thus we have been given a milestone to measure our stewardship. Thank God!

Warning- Blatant plug ahead.

If you’re looking for good Christian worldview training, especially in the civil government realm, then consider sending your teens to Camp American

Educational Policy Conference- Reports Beginning Late Next Week

Late next week (1/24-26/2008) Principledpolicy and I will be traveling to St. Louis MO for the Constitutional Coalition’s annual Educational Policy Conference, 19th edition.

The speaking line up for this year is excellent; The opening dinner speaker on Thursday is author Dinesh D’Souza who will speak on “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness- Will They Survive?”

Conference subjects include how global warming hype is taught in the classroom with speakers like Dr. Michael Coffman and Chris Horner; teaching the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with speaker Victoria Hughes, “Sharia Law Vs. the US Constitution” with speaker Dr. Alvin Schmidt.

Friday’s dinner speaker is M. Stanton Evans (see our store for his book The Theme Is Freedom)speaking on “How History’s Corruption Corrupts Liberty”.

Other topics are “The World-Changing Leadership of George Washington” with speaker Stephen McDowell; “Activate the Community About Sexually-Explicit Library Books” with Laura Kostal and Laura Higgins reveals what is really being taught in “English 101”; Ruth Carlson tells “The Real Story Behind the VA Tech Shootings;” Dr. John West will discuss “The Science of Man’s Origins;” Deborah Brezina will speak on “The Spirit of Churchill;” Taking Back the Constitution and the Courts” is the subject of Dr. Virginia Armstrong’s talk; “Diversity and the Math Wars” is spoken on by Dr. Sandra Stotsky and Evilio Silvera shows “How Students Learn How to Gamble” in math classes.

We’ll blog it as quickly as we can as we gather our notes and our thoughts. C’mon by the blog and find out what is going on at the conference.

The Constitutional Coalitions 19th Educational Policy Conference

Held at the Hilton- St. Louis Frontenac, 1335 S. Lindbergh at I40/64 St. Louis MO 63131

This will be a great conference this year. Featuring Dinesh D’Souza, M. Stanton Evans, Dr. Michael Coffman, Victoria Hughes, Chris Horner, Stephen McDowell, Laura Kostial, Laura Higgins, Ruth Carlson, Dr. John West, Deborah Brezina, Dr. Virginia Armstrong, Dr. Sandra Stotsky Evelio Silvera, and more.

Contact the Constitutional Coalition for details

Guest Blogger- Abstinence Education Begins At Home

Christians Should Stop Begging the State to Teach ‘Our’ Children Morality

Education In Crisis
Since his election in 2006, Ohio’s Democratic Governor Ted Strickland has been working to eliminate funding for abstinence education in state schools. In response, Christian organizations throughout the state have been urging citizens to write to the governor and ask him to reinstate this funding. In a recent email, for example, the Ohio Christian Alliance wrote

“We want our children to be exposed to the truth that it is in their best interest — physically, emotionally and spiritually — to abstain from sex until marriage!”

My first thought upon reading this was, “Well then folks… They’re YOUR children, so TEACH THEM already!”

When Christians send their children away to humanistic government schools and allow the state to take their money through taxation to fund “education” we should not be surprised that these non-Christian bureaucrats want to teach immorality.

The solution is not to keep sending the children to the humanist schools where they are being taught evolution, pluralism, and situational “ethics” and then BEG the bureaucrats to spend MORE money to teach morality on the side. What a waste of effort!

We’re fighting the wrong battle here! The solution is to take God’s children out of Satan’s schools and separate the school from the state. That is, we should PRIVATIZE education! Let’s demand that our elected representatives stop taking our money and spending it on “public education” – period! We cannot expect a humanist school system to effectively teach morality.

Check out the Alliance for the Separation of School and State to learn more.

Nathan Radcliffe

Nathan Radcliffe is a former Christian school teacher and a long-time advocate for home education and limited government. He is a husband and father of two young girls. Nathan and his wife, Rachel, live in Lancaster, Ohio and attend a local Vineyard Church.

Voice Your Voice For Abstinence Education

RadarFrom a Citizens For Community Values (CCV) alert:

Pro-life and Abstinence-Until-Marriage advocates across Ohio are fighting to protect the physical, emotional and spiritual health of our children.

They are fighting against Ohio’s Governor, Ted Strickland, who since taking office has been systematically stripping abstinence education out of Ohio’s schools.

Were you aware…

  • that Gov. Strickland has refused free federal funds for abstinence education in favor of less comprehensive programs that don’t provide the tools and instruction to help students make the choice to develop healthy relationships and wait until marriage to have sex?
  • that Gov. Strickland has quietly abolished the abstinence education office for Ohio and wants to replace the strong message of abstinence with a risky curriculum developed at Ohio taxpayers’ expense that offers much less to Ohio teens?

The National Abstinence Education Association in conjunction with pro-abstinence organizations across the state has organized a Voice Your Voice for Abstinence event at the State Capitol Atrium on this Thursday, November 29 at 10:00 AM. If at all possible, please make plans to join us at this event.

Many organizations currently teaching Abstinence Until Marriage to public school students across the state will lose critical funding if Gov. Strickland continues along this course. This will be a travesty for our children. We must let the governor know that Ohio’s families want their children to understand that abstaining from sex until marriage is the only sure way to avoid the physical and emotional risks associated with casual sex.