Happy New Year!
Category Archives: Events
New Year’s Eve
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Eve
Gathering of Eagles
Alan Keyes to speak at Leadership gathering and Biblical Worldview conference Dec.14-15
Warsaw, Ohio – Hundreds are expected to swell the ranks of this quiet, little Ohio town this week and will be joined by the likes of Rev. Rick Scarborough, Chaplain E. Ray Moore Jr., Peter Labarbera, Rev. Flip Benham, Pastor Ernie Sanders and many others. This NON-POLITICAL event is designed to educate Christians about the great moral issues facing this country. Get a flyer for the event here.
Learn the truth from the front lines in the cultural war regarding issues such as The Gay Agenda, Abortion, Individual Liberty, Hate Crime Legislation, and the religion of Secular Humanism.
Voice Your Voice For Abstinence Education
From a Citizens For Community Values (CCV) alert:
Pro-life and Abstinence-Until-Marriage advocates across Ohio are fighting to protect the physical, emotional and spiritual health of our children.
They are fighting against Ohio’s Governor, Ted Strickland, who since taking office has been systematically stripping abstinence education out of Ohio’s schools.
Were you aware…
- that Gov. Strickland has refused free federal funds for abstinence education in favor of less comprehensive programs that don’t provide the tools and instruction to help students make the choice to develop healthy relationships and wait until marriage to have sex?
- that Gov. Strickland has quietly abolished the abstinence education office for Ohio and wants to replace the strong message of abstinence with a risky curriculum developed at Ohio taxpayers’ expense that offers much less to Ohio teens?
The National Abstinence Education Association in conjunction with pro-abstinence organizations across the state has organized a Voice Your Voice for Abstinence event at the State Capitol Atrium on this Thursday, November 29 at 10:00 AM. If at all possible, please make plans to join us at this event.
Many organizations currently teaching Abstinence Until Marriage to public school students across the state will lose critical funding if Gov. Strickland continues along this course. This will be a travesty for our children. We must let the governor know that Ohio’s families want their children to understand that abstaining from sex until marriage is the only sure way to avoid the physical and emotional risks associated with casual sex.
Election Day
Make sure you go out and vote today!
WLRY Machine Gun Shoot
Have you ever seen, heard, felt or even shot a fully automatic or very large caliber rifle? It is an experience that no one should miss. If you live anywhere near Rushville (Fairfield County) Ohio come on out and get in on the action.
This is a fund raiser for WLRY, the station that carries The American View radio program that Camp American Sponsors. So Come on down and help out this fine Christian radio station!
Time to get out and heat up the buzz guns once more.The date is May 5th cars & targets will be in abundance this shoot. As always there’s no range fee’s no parking fee’s and plenty of room on the firing line.All we ask is that you make a donation to the Radio station 88.9 the light.The range is located 2 miles north on 664 from the town of Rushville.Look for the large red and white Radio tower in the east side of the road.Anyone with questions, or if you get lost my Cell number is (740)252-6624
Ohio Family Lobby Day
April 25, 2007 in Columbus, Ohio
Decisions are being made for you, on your behalf many times without your knowledge. Meet with your elected officials and or their staff face to face. Discuss issues and legislation of interest to the Christian family that are pending or proposed to the Ohio General Assembly.
Our civic responsibility does not end with our vote on Election Day. We hired these men and women to represent our families and us now we must hold them accountable.
Issues and Legislation before the 127th Ohio General Assembly:
Covenant Marriage
Banning Homosexual Adoption & Foster Parenting
Total Abortion Ban
Community Defense Act
Abstinence Funding, School Vouchers Plus many more
Receive training and information about the issues that concern you and your family.
Meet like-minded concerned Christian citizens who want to make a difference for such a time as this.
Sponsored By Pro-Family Network, Ohio Christian Alliance, Citizens for Community Values, Family First and Institute for Principled Policy, Citizen-USA Newspaper
Click here to see a printable copy of a flyer that you can distribute
Click here for a printable copy of the application form. Please print one out, complete it and fax it to 614-386-9804
To pay your registration online click here to go to our store “Events” category. The Ohio Family Lobby Day choices are there. You can use your Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover Card or Pay Pal account to pay the fee. Then download a copy of the registration form and fax it to 614-386-9804. Indicate that your fees were paid online on the form. Then you’re registered. It’s easy.
CCV Banquet
You are invited to Citizens For Community Value’s (CCV) 23rd Annual Spring Partnership Banquet
Tuesday, March 27 at 6:30pm Xavier University’s Schiff Banquet & Conference Center
This year’s Speaker: Janet Parshall