Category Archives: Executive Usurpation

Principles and Policies Podcast for 4/5/2013- Horrible Presuppositions Make Horrible Theology

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday April 5, 2013. Barry Sheeta and Chuck Michaelis conclude our analysis of the interview on the Sean Hannity show of CNSNews editor Jeffrey Terry and United Church of Christ Pastor the Rev. Oliver White.  Listen as a presuppositional jabberwocky in the form of an argument in favor of the idea that God endorses homosexual marriage (or homosexuality in general) disintegrates into a steaming pile of debris.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 3/29/2013- The Rotten Fruit Of A Comprehensive Anti-Biblical Worldview

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday March 29, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis do a worldview analysis of the economic and social costs of implementing Obamacare and ignoring God’s plan for sexuality. Naturally, we’ll be called “insane” or “bigoted” or some other name for pointing out the obvious. Some of these name-callers will be in the Church.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 3/22/2013- The 4th Amendment May Not Be Dead Yet

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday March 22, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis ponder a recent ruling from the 9th Federal Circuit Court of Appeals (the most liberal Circuit court in the country) which says that “demand letters” issued by the US Justice Department to communications companies asking for YOUR personal information with attached gag orders are unconstitutional.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 3/11/2013- Corroboration From An Unlikely Source

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday March 11, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss an editorial in the  (GASP!) New York Times which provides corroboration for our analysis of the underlying reasons for Senator Rand Paul’s filibuster of the nomination of John Brennan for Director of the CIA. The writer agrees it wasn’t about Brennan, it was about drone policy.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 3/9/2013- The Old Guard Occupies An Untenable Position

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday March 9, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the left-center old guard Republican reaction to the filibuster against the nomination of John Brennan to be the Director of the CIA. Senators McCain and Graham takes turns shooting themselves in the foot.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 3/8/2013- Filibustering Tyranny

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday March 8, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the filibuster against the nomination of John Brennan to be the Director of the CIA. That wasn’t really the question, though. It was about the use of drones to assassinate Americans on American soil without benefit of trial.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 3/2/2013- How Government Meddling Damages You And How To Live On A Tiny Budget

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday March 2, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk about how unconstitutional government meddling in free-market situations create wide-ranging consequences that were obviously unforeseen by the meddling politicians who thought their “program” was the path to the “promised land.” We end with a discussion about how it really is possible to live VERY inexpensively- if you try to, that is.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 2/28/2013- Smiling Politicians And Baited Traps

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Thursday February 28, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis continue a review of an article by Dr. Joel McDurmon of American Vision which seeks to educate people about what happens when smiling politicians bait a trap and we take the bait. We discuss an Ohio example in some detail.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 2/23/2013- The Sequestration And Other Government Follies


Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday February 23, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis do a more in-depth analysis of the coming sequestration and why it’s all smoke-and-mirrors. We also take a look at some new developments in the Sandy Hook investigation and what it means.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 2/22/2013- Fundamentals Of The Sequestration

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday February 22, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis begin a look at the fundamental issues involved in the sequestration. We planned to play an audio but bloviated ourselves instead.