Category Archives: General

An Article V Convention: Fact Vs. Theory

There is a great deal of talk, more like shouting really, about Article V of the Constitution and what it does and doesn’t say. Currently, the “pro” side of the argument seems to have a nearly unstoppable momentum. Some proponents, many of them bearing the ill-defined and self-appointed political label of “conservative,” are working tirelessly to assure rightfully suspicious opponents and fence-sitters over to, if not actively opposing, a new convention. That these proponents have been as successful is testimony to the methodology they are using. It is our duty, however, to point out that the methodology they are using is that of the political left.

How so? Primarily, it is how the message is being disseminated. For instance, Article V convention proponents, generally speaking, don’t like debate. So, they actively work in ways to squeeze out opponents in public forums. The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the Goldwater Institute in recent years, as part of their well-funded convention campaign, invited state legislators from all over the country to attend meetings in a resort setting where they were treated to open bars, lobster and steak dinners, and golf outings sprinkled liberally with slick, professionally prepared handouts and Power Point presentations touting the wonders of the Article V convention process. These materials were prepared with talking points and “facts” compiled by so-called “conservative” constitutional “experts” and “scholars” who wrote papers purporting to prove that the Article V process was completely “safe” and totally in the control of the forces of constitutional conservatism. Furthermore, it was touted as the last, best hope to restore the republic to its roots in “liberty.” In the interim other groups like Convention of States have tapped into a mysterious fountain of money available to groups with large mailing lists of constitutionally uneducated families who can be easily swayed, out of loyalty to the leaders of these groups, to come over to the convention proponent side using the materials generated by ALEC and the Goldwater Institute.

Why would this be a problem? The problem is not with these groups using their wealth and influence to bring people to their viewpoint. That is how the game is played. The problem is with maneuvering opponents into a position of having no access to media, meetings, legislators, and other influential people and venues to counter their message. That’s not how the game is played if genuine debate is being courted. and that’s exactly the point. In Ohio legislators have given convention proponents nearly open access to committees and members of the Senate and the General Assembly. At the same time opponents have been relegated to discovering that convention-call resolutions have been fast-tracked, set for single hearings in committee followed by an immediate floor vote with only sponsor and proponent testimony (no opponents allowed!) are mere hours away and having to mount grassroots campaigns to get a fair hearing in a rigged environment AND prepare testimony. We have also found ourselves on the outside looking in when TEA Party groups hold state-wide meetings in which convention proponents are in control of the agenda and opponents are simply not permitted any access.

So, why are they running their campaigns this way? The answer is actually fairly simple. They know that we are well aware that their “scholars” and “experts” are hiding behind their degrees and reputations to offer less than honest presentations of what history, the Constitution, historical documents, court cases, etc. actually say about how a constitutional convention actually works and what it can and cannot do. They know that if we get equal access in these venues that we will ask questions, using the same materials they are presenting, that they cannot honestly answer in a way that supports their case, and they know we will call them on their dishonesty. They know what this will do to their case and will mean that the tens of millions of dollars (where is the money coming from?) spent on the campaign to get a new convention will have been wasted. And they also know we can do all this with short, simple and easy to understand presentations.

The video presented below is an illustration of what we mean.

Watch as we ask the following questions that the proponents of a new convention claim they have answered-

1) How many conventions of the type being asked for have there been in Anglo-American history?
2) What is the difference between an Article V “amendments convention,” a “convention of states,” and a “general” or “national convention?”
3) Is there any other kind of convention?
4) What exactly is an Article V convention and how much power does it have?
5) Why does a convention exist at all?
6) What has been the result of EVERY general convention called in Anglo-American history?
7) Who controls a convention?
8) Has any governing body ever controlled a convention? Has any body tried to control a convention?
9) Who is in charge of calling a national convention?
10) Why is the notion that it is the states who will control the delegates and agenda fatally flawed?
11) Why didn’t all 13 states send delegates to the Philadelphia convention?
12) What modern view of the relationship between the states and the Federal government insures that Congress controls all aspects of a convention?
13) What does Article XIII of the Articles of Convention mean for the supposedly iron-clad protection of the ratification procedure?
14) What did James Madison think would be the result of another convention?
15) What are the problems with what conventions are being called for and what are the problems with those proposed amendments?


Principles and Policies Podcast for 10/25/2014- A Primer On Biblical Ethics

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday October 25, 2014. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis interview Dr. Mark Hamilton, Professor of Philosophy at Ashland University and Chairman of the Institute For Principled Policy.

Dr. Hamilton gives us the details about his new book A Primer On Biblical Ethics. Dr. Hamilton discusses the evolution of the book, how he came to write it and how he uses it in his classes on ethics at Ashland. We discuss the theological and philosophical foundations of Mark’s teaching and his book as well as their long term effects on society.

You can get a copy of Dr. Hamilton’s book at the link below-

New Institute On The Constitution Class Starting In Sunbury OH

IOTCWe the People have the duty to restrain a government operating outside Constitutional boundaries. The Institute on the Constitution invites you to learn how by discovering your American heritage and birthright.


A great history and non-partisan government class for adults and teens to be introduced to the U. S. Constitution, our Biblical heritage and the concept of limited government. Twelve weekly classes of approximately 2 hours each are comprised of a 30-minute video lecture, group review and discussion questions.

Beginning with the Bible you will learn of the origins of history, law and government, followed by stories of America’s discovery, settlement and evangelization from exciting, primary sources you never saw in school! Then, the worldview of the founding fathers is discussed, which leads straight to the text of the Constitution.

Your live instructors will be Chuck Michaelis, Executive Director of Camp American and Barry Sheets, Executive Director of the Institute for Principled Policy and owner of Principled Policy Consulting, LLC. Chuck is a biochemist with a voluminous knowledge of history. Barry has nearly two decades of experience working with elected officials and public policy. Lt. Colonel John Eidsmoe is the video instructor. Lt. Colonel Eidsmoe is a Constitutional attorney and professor with degrees in theology, law and political science. He is a published author and frequent lecturer at colleges, churches and community groups.

This timely and relevant course’s cost is $75 per person prior to September 1st. Registrations taken after that date will be $85 per person. Couple and family rates are available (see registration link below). Your course fee includes the 12 weekly lectures, a Student Manual, and a number of supplemental books that will be read during the course.

CLASS DATES AND TIME – Begins Monday September 8th, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. for 12 weeks

CLASS LOCATION –Sunbury Municipal Hall, 51 East Cherry Street, Sunbury, Ohio 43074

TO REGISTER, CONTACT – Barry Sheets, 614-989-5293, Chuck Michaelis, 614-893-5986, or register online at:

Due To Overwhelming Response This Class Is Now Closed!

Please contact Barry or Chuck to arrange another class. You’ll be glad you did.

Please contact Barry or Chuck to arrange another class. You’ll be glad you did. – See more at:
Please contact Barry or Chuck to arrange another class. You’ll be glad you did. – See more at:

New Institute On The Constitution Class Starting- Mt. Vernon, OH

We the People have the duty to restrain a government operating outside Constitutional boundaries. The Institute on the Constitution invites you to learn how by discovering your American heritage and birthright.

INSTITUTE ON THE CONSTITUTION –Course Description & Information

A great history and non-partisan government class for adults and teens to be introduced to the U. S. Constitution, our Biblical heritage and the concept of limited government. Twelve weekly classes of approximately 2 hours each are comprised of a 30-minute video lecture, group review and discussion questions.

Beginning with the Bible you will learn of the origins of history, law and government, followed by stories of America’s discovery, settlement and evangelization from exciting, primary sources you never saw in school! Then, the worldview of the founding fathers is discussed, which leads straight to the text of the Constitution.

Your live instructor will be Barry Sheets, Executive Director of the Institute for Principled Policy and owner of Principled Policy Consulting, LLC. Barry has nearly two decades of experience working with elected officials and public policy. David Barton of Wallbuilders and Lt. Colonel John Eidsmoe are the video instructors. Barton is a master teacher with a vast collection and knowledge of founding era literature. Lt. Colonel Eidsmoe is a Constitutional attorney and professor with degrees in theology, law and political science. He is a published author and frequent lecturer at colleges, churches and community groups.

This timely and relevant course’s cost is $60 per person prior to Friday August 23, 2013. Registration after that date will be $75. Your course fee includes the 12 weekly lectures, a Student Manual, and a number of supplemental books that will be read during the course.

CLASS DATES AND TIME – Begins Friday September 6, 2012 at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Class ends Friday November 22, 2013 (12 weeks)

CLASS LOCATION –Mount Vernon Nazarene University, Jetter School of Business, Room 106 Mt Vernon, OH

TO REGISTER, CONTACT – Barry Sheets, 614-989-5293, Chuck Michaelis, 614-893-5986, or register online at: Join in the cause of preserving our God-given Liberty and restoring our Constitutional Republic. After all, if you don’t defend Liberty, who will?

Join us for the Institute for Principled Policy Spring Conference


“Semper Reformanda:  Engaging the World for Christ”

April 25-27, 2013

Mark your calendars!  You won’t want to miss what may be one of the most important conferences held in Ohio this year!

The Institute For Principled Policy is pleased to present “Semper Reformanda:  Engaging the World for Christ”, a biblical worldview-and-action conference designed to equip pastors, ministry leaders and others with knowledge of how the eternal truth of God’s Word has been and can still be used to provide the guidance for culture.

Pastor Joe Morecraft IIIOur featured guest presenter will be Dr. Joe Morecraft III, Pastor of Chalcedon Presbyterian Church in Cumming, GA. Pastor Morecraft holds a B.A. in history from King College in Bristol, Tennessee, a M.Div from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia, and a M.Th. and Th.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Lakeland, Florida.  He is an accomplished author and researcher.

The conference will also feature sessions by other noted speakers, as well as networking opportunities and resources for your work:  Additional speakers include:

Dr. Sacha Walicord, Pastor, Knox Presbyterian (OPC) Church, Mt. Vernon, Ohio  “Biblical Economics:  An Imperative”

Charles Michaelis, President, Rocky Fork Formulas and Director, Camp American “Inseperable:  the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution”

 Barry Sheets, Senior Consultant, Principled Policy Consulting, LLC  “When Church and State Interact:  Keys for Effective Advocacy”

Ricki Pepin, lecturer and author, “God’s Health Plan” A roadmap for Christian Patriots:  “Where Do We Go From Here?” 

Location: Grace Presbyterian Church OPC 5099 Postlewaite Road
Columbus, Ohio 43235

Times: Friday April 26, 2013 Morning Session 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM, Lunch 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM (on your own or with a friend), Afternoon Session 1:30 PM – 4:45 PM, Networking and Mingle With Speakers 4:45PM – 6:00 PM, Dinner (on own) 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM, Evening Session 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Saturday April 27, 2013 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM (Close)

There will be several opportunities to network with speakers, visit vendor tables, engage in question and answer roundtables, etc. during both Friday and Saturday sessions.

There are a large number of restaurants, shopping, hotels, motels and other amenities within a short drive of Grace Presbyterian Church OPC.   The Institute will provide a listing of some of the choices available.

A donation of $20/person is asked for this conference.  Registration is open now through April 19th.  Register here

There will be a dinner with Dr. Morecraft for underwriters, host church staff and Institute For Principled Policy board members on Thursday April 25, 2013. If you wish to contribute to help underwrite the costs of this conference you may contact Institute For Principled Policy Director Barry Sheets at [email protected] or call him at 614-989-5293 to obtain details.

ALL inquiries should be made to the addresses and phone numbers listed above and should NOT be made to Grace Presbyterian Church OPC

If you’re looking for a hotel we have arranged for a block of rooms at a discount at La Quinta Inn in Dublin Ohio.

·    6145 Park Center Circle, Dublin,OH  / phone: (614) 792-8300 / fax: (614) 792-3333

·     Start Date: 4/25/2013 / End Date: 4/27/2013

·     Number of Rooms: 15 / Room Type: King beds

Rate: April 25, 2013 – $69.00 per room plus tax

April 26, 2013 – $85.00 per room plus tax

·     Tax rate: 16.75 %

·     Amenities:

  • Free Bright Side Breakfast® with Hot Waffles
  • Free Wireless High-Speed Internet Access
  • Free High-Speed Internet Access
  • Free Local Calls
  • Free Parking
  • Meeting Facilities Available
  • Guest Laundry Facilities
  • Fitness Center
  • Pets Welcome

Principles and Policies Podcast for 1/24/2013- What The Inauguration Speech Means

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Thursday January 24, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis begin a two-part look at President Barack Obama’s inauguration speech and what it all means

Article links-

Principles and Policies Podcast for 12/25/2012- Propaganda, Reporting Bias, And Faith

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday December 25, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis continue our discussion about how the media spins stories to reflect a specific viewpoint by giving an illustration of some good news reported in a negative way.

Article links-

Principles and Policies Podcast for 12/24/2012- How The Media Twists Facts To Meet A Specific Agenda

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday December 24, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk about how the media folds, spindles, mutilates, bends, distorts fact in order to make a situation look like something vastly different than reality in order to serve an agenda.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 12/21/2012- Newtown Proves That Gun-Free Zones, Gun Controls, And Gun Bans Aren’t The Solution- They’re Part Of The Problem

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday December 21, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis take a glance at the abundance of proof that gun-free zones, gun-licences, and gun bans don’t work and actually contribute to the ability of the deranged to murder large numbers of people in their madness. But who’s talking about the other factors like desensitization to murder?

Article links-


Institute on the Constitution–Bearing Good Fruit

The Institute for Principled Policy and Camp American have been jointly sponsoring classes of Institute on the Constitution for over two years now.  One of our goals for this class is to prepare citizens for engaging actively in our governmental structures with a foundation of Biblical and constitutional principles to stand on.

In 2012, our goals became reality as two graduates of Institute on the Constitution, Jim Butler and Scott Cadle, decided to run for public office for the first time.  Each stood for the office of Delegate in the West Virginia state Legislature.  Each man had to win a multiple-candidate primary before moving onto the general election.  On November 6th, Butler and Cadle each won a term in the legislature for their districts.

On Tuesday, December 4th, Delegate Scott Cadle of Letart and Delegate Jim Butler of Gallipolis Ferry were officially sworn in at the West Virginia State Capitol by Judge Thomas Evans. Judge Evans is a judge in the Fifth Judicial Circuit, which includes Mason, Jackson, Roane, and Calhoun Counties.

Delegate Cadle represents Northern Mason County, along with part of Putnam and Jackson Counties. Delegate Butler represents Southern Mason County and part of Putnam County.  The first day of the 2013 Legislative Session will be January 9th, followed by a break until February 13th when the sixty day session begins.

The Institute for Principled Policy, Camp American and Institute on the Constitution wishes to extend our heartfelt congratulations to these two distinguished and determined citizens.

Swearing in ceremony