Category Archives: Life Issues

Principles and Policies Podcast for 11/5/2012- Twas The Night Before Election

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday November 5, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the non-stop nature of modern presidential campaigning and talk about the deeper implications of a radio ad being run by the Faith and Freedom coalition, Ralph Reed’s PAC.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 11/2/2012- The Obama Campaign’s Use Of Surrogates On Controversial Issues Is No Fluke

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday November 2, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze a recent interview with the infamous Sandra Fluke regarding her peculiar choice of areas of activism and find that, like an iceberg, the largest and most damaging section of her agenda is under the surface.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 10/19/2012- Conflating Contraception And Abortion

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday October 19, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis critically review a new Mitt Romney commercial which takes great pains to show that Romney is A-OK with abortion as contraception.


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Principles and Policies Podcast for 9/5/2012- Froma Harrop’s Fallacy Clinic

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Wednesday September 5, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis continue their analysis of a fallacy laden opinion piece written by leftist columnist Froma Harrop. Harrop asks some really bad questions and some worse assertions based on her bad answers to those questions about the Todd Akin affair.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 9/4/2012- Froma Harrop, Logical Fallacies And Todd Akin

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday September 4, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze a fallacy laden opinion piece written by leftist columnist Froma Harrop. Harrop asks some really bad questions and some worse assertions based on her bad answers to those questions about the Todd Akin affair.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 8/28/2012- Editorial Policy, Advocacy “Journalism,” And The “Ethics” Of Abortion

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday August 28, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis continue their discussion of advocacy journalist Julie Carr Smyth’s hit piece on Dr. Jack Wilkie, a long-time OB-GYN and advocate for life and the reasons for it.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 8/27/2012- Using Todd Akin’s Misspeak To Assassinate The Character Of A Pro-Life Warrior

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday August 27, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss Missouri Senatorial candidate Todd Akin’s comments on “legitimate rape” and how the press is using it to support the abyssmal Clare McCaskill’s attempt to keep her seat.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 8/17/2012- The “New Normal” Is The Same Old Perversion

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday August 17, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis look at the implications of the clear attempt by a major network to create a new perverse “normal” through social engineering and psychological manipulation.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 8/13/2012- Murder, Mercy, The Law, And Appeals To Emotion

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday August 13, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss a murder in Northeastern Ohio which has been characterized as a “mercy killing.” We ask some probing questions about the law, the definitions of words, and what the prosecutor should do.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 6/23/2012- Defining Personhood

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday June 23, 2012. Chuck Michaelis hosts a program taught by Dr. Charles Rice at Camp American in which he demonstrates how to make a case for the personhood of the unborn from the moment of conception.