Category Archives: Marriage and Family

Issues impacting marriages and families

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 5/20/2023- The Durham Report; So, Who Colluded With Whom, Now?

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 5/20/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk about the Durham Report and the fallout from the whole Trump-Russia Hoax, the ginned up impeachments of Donald Trump, the January 6 kangaroo court. Can a Republican House of Representatives overcome a virtual media boycott of the report?

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 5/13/2023- Protecting Our Constitution From Fraudsters And Emotional Manipulators

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 5/13/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze the upcoming ballot issue to require a super-majority vote of 60% “yes” on any referendum to amend the Ohio Constitution. We also discuss the attempt to pass a constitutional amendment by referendum to put abortion and gender altering treatment for children into the Ohio constitution, claiming it is about women and children’s “health.”


Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 4/8/2023- Chuck Michaelis talks about his co-host and good friend Barry Sheets and what his illness means to not just me, but his family, and his work.

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 4/1/2023- Relationships Under Construction Banquet Update and Nashville School Shooting

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 4/1/2023- Just What Is Relationships Under Construction All About, Anyway?

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 4/1/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis give an update on the Relationships Under Construction banquet then segue into a discussion of the current effort to get a ballot issue the proponents call the “Women’s Reproductive Health Care Initiative”. Barry explains that this initiative has nothing to do with health care but is an attempt to set abortion and transgender surgery for children and adults into Ohio law. We also discuss legislative shenanigans and the Nashville school shooting.

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 2/25/2023- Just What Is Relationships Under Construction All About, Anyway?

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 2/25/2023- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis interview Catherine Wood, the Director of Relationships Under Construction, about what RUC IS, why it matters and how you can help. 

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 11/6/2021- What Happens When The Church Withdraws From Areas Of Society?

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 11/6/2021- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze current and past social and political  for clues about what the consequences are of the Church surrendering its responsibilities to government

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 10/23/2021- Cooking With A Recipe For Disaster

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 10/23/2021- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss current events and how what’s being done to “protect” us is really leading to complete societal collapse. But why would our leaders want that?

PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES PODCAST FOR SATURDAY 10/9/2021- Why Words And Their Definitions Matter

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 10/9/2021-Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze how to have a meaningful discussion on any topic by defining the terms at the front.

Principles and Policies Podcast for Saturday 2/27/21- Why The “Equality Act” Is Laughably Misnamed

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 2/27/2021-Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis take a close look at the “Equality Act,” explain why it has NOTHING to do with equality and expose what the ulterior motives and agenda behind it are.

Principles and Policies Podcast for Saturday 1/2/21- It Was The Best Of Times, It Was The Worst Of Times: Reasons For hOPE iN tHE nEW yEAR

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 1/2/2021-Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk about their reasons for hope in the New Year and long term