Category Archives: Ohio Legislation

Principles and Policies Podcast for 10/19/2013- An Accomplished Capitulation At The Federal Level And A Planned One At The State Level

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday October 19, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk about the complete collapse of constitutional principle in the ending of the “government shutdown” dog and pony show and the coming one in the state of Ohio over Governor John Kasich’s bypassing of the Ohio legislature to expand Medicaid in Ohio through a stacked controlling board vote. By using a combinned veto-administrative board strategy to thwart the will of the Ohio legislature, Kasich has exposed his willingness to use a method practiced as high-art by President Obama using a method that the president (thankfully) does not have. The line item veto. Kasich line item vetoed the legislature’s budget item outlawing the expansion of Medicaid and now is going to the controlling board demanding the Medicaid expansion be implemented as part of the budget law. Thus Kasich is engaging in an executive branch usurpation of constitutional legislative authority. This is a tyranny.

Confused? Listen to the show.

Article links-

Phone calls numbers for the Ohio Controlling Board-

Senator Bill Coley- 614-466-8072

Senator Chris Widener- 614-466-3780

Rep. Ron Amstutz- 614-466-1474

Rep. Cliff Rosenberger- 614-466-3506

Principles and Policies Podcast for 10/12/2013- What To Do About Educational Freedom And The Common Core

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday October 12, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis interview Mark Stevenson of Ohioans For Educational Freedom about various issues affecting the educational freedom and choices of Christian private and home schoolers, not to mention those who  choose to use the public school system. This is an updated rerun of a program run late in the summer.

The bill that is mentioned, HB 237, is the repeal of the Common Core bill, chief sponsor Rep. Andy Thompson. It is being stonewalled by the Education Committee chairman Gerald Stebbleton. The phone numbers listed below need to hear from you regarding their support of Common Core-

Chairman Stebbleton- 614-466-8100

Vice-chair Andrew Brenner- 614-644-6711

Speaker of the House Batchelder- 614-455-8140

Governor Kasich- 614-466-3555

Principles and Policies Podcast for 9/28/2013- When A “Debate” Is Really A Sales Pitch

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday September 28, 2013. This is a rerun of a program done in August. We are running this now as a response to the recent We The People conference which was touted as a “debate” over the question of an Article V Constitutional Convention. As Barry and I predicted there was no debate. What happened was a facilitated sales pitch in which questions were not taken from the floor but chosen from questions written in advance by the audience, submitted, and edited to suit the needs of the facilitators. No opposition was allowed to speak or rebut the points made by the speakers there. Many of the things said echo what is being said by Mark Levin in this interview and many of our refutations would have been more pointed at the conference had we been invited. We were not.

Chuck Michaelis and Barry Sheets dissect an interview of Lawyer, author, and talk show host Mark Levin about his book The Liberty Amendments. We find much to agree with but also find glaring errors which put holes in his argument for an Article V convention to sink it without a trace.

Levin’s presentation is a sales pitch without question. Sadly, so was the We The People presentation despite the hype.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 9/7/2013- More On An Article V “Amendments” Convention

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday September 7, 2013. Chuck Michaelis and Barry Sheets host a compilation of previous programs on a a so-called “federal amendments convention” (an entity which is non-existent). We discuss why it is an exceedingly bad idea and will not yield the result its conservative cheerleaders hope.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 8/17/2013- The Rights And Wrongs Of Mark Levin’s Liberty Amendments

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday August 17, 2013. Chuck Michaelis and Barry Sheets dissect an interview of Lawyer, author, and talk show host Mark Levin about his book The Liberty Amendments. We find much to agree with but also find glaring errors which put holes in his argument for an Article V convention to sink it without a trace.


Principles and Policies Podcast for 8/3/2013- Ohioans For Educational Freedom And COMMON Core

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday August 3, 2013. Chuck Michaelis and Barry Sheets interview Mark Stevenson of Ohioans For Educational Freedom about several VERY important topics that touch on topics like COMMON Core, the Ohio State School Board, Home Schooling, Public Schooling, and pending legislation that impacts everyone connected with education in Ohio (and that’s about everybody).

Principles and Policies Podcast for 7/13/2013- From Theory To Practice In Analyzing Legislation

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday July 13, 2013. Chuck Michaelis introduces a lecture given by Barry Sheets of Principled Policy Consulting and The Institute For Principled Policy on how to biblically and constitutionally analyze legislation. This is the second lecture in the series and puts “feet” on part I by moving from theory to practice.

Tom DeWeese Agenda 21 Leadership Training

Tom DeweeseTom DeWeese of the American Policy Center is coming to the Central Ohio area. He’s coming to give a unique presentation that will be made at NONE of the other scheduled stop on this tour of Ohio!

Tom has graciously agreed to give a special training seminar on Agenda 21, the UN driven attack on private property rights now being adopted by so many local governments. It will include information on how to recognize the signs that your city, township, county or state has adopted these measures and how to fight back. He will present concrete examples demonstrating that it can be done- because it HAS been done- successfully. Tom will show you how

The best part is that this seminar is FREE! That’s right- FREE! Unlike Tom’s other presentations this one is a leadership training and there is no charge at the door.

We’d like to know you’re coming but feel free to show up! Here’s a flyer on Tom’s Ohio tour

Where : Berlin Church, 5175 S. Old State Rd, Lewis Center, OH   MAP

When: July 19, 2013 6:30 PM


Contact: Barry Sheets at 614.989.5293  email:[email protected]

Principles and Policies Podcast for 4/11/2013- Putting An Edge On Logical Absurdity

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Thursday April 11, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss articles which demonstrate the logical absurdity of the end-point of the current gun-control “debate” (read propaganda onslaught) by examining efforts to enforce a ban on the sale of knives in Great Britain because they are the weapon of choice in gang attacks now.

Article links- **WARNING- Some of the content of The Sun is inappropriate**

Principles and Policies Podcast for 4/8/2013- Will The Governor Concede When His Argument Crumbles?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday April 8, 2013. Barry Sheeta and Chuck Michaelis do an important analysis on the attempts to expand Medicaid in Ohio by taking “free” federal money. We expose the fact that there is no possibility that the federal government will loosen the regulatory noose that comes with the money. How do we know? The Department of Health And Human Services says so on an “FAQ” section of their website.

Article link-