Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 6/8/2019- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis list and analyze several issues before the Ohio Legislature. We also discuss Reformed church governmental organization, and do an analysis of the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church’s change of the Lord’s Prayer. We also discuss an end of funding for research on cells from aborted children. We finish up with the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Europe. A full plate this week.
Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 3/30/2019- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis look at the President’s efforts to protect life, health care issues, and efforts from the “religious left” to ensure the right to deny science and kill the unborn based on faulty interpretation of the Word of God. We also discuss a move by Rockland Co. NY to ban the unvaccinated from “public places” and what some of the problematic background of the outbreak of measles that sparked it are.
Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 3/23/2019- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis delve into the deep end of the bowl to have a closer look at the Democratic field of candidates for President. We then explain what all the fuss is about elimination of the Electoral College.
Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 2/23/2019- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk education, taxes (specifically gas taxes), wasteful government spending, and potential outcomes regarding state and municipal loans.
Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 1/12/2019- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss Ohio legislative leadership follies followed by a discussion of the “negotiations” to end the government shutdown and secure funding for a border wall. We ask the question “when is a “negotiation” not a negotiation?.” We finish with an analysis of why the GOP is off the rails with an example of how they are held hostage to money provided by those who would force recognition of their mental illnesses as “normal.”
Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 12/22/2018- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis expose how desperate the fake news outlets, never-Trump Rino’s, and radicals of all stripes are to torpedo the current President of the United States. We do our best to explain why worldview matters in interpreting the “news” and commentary being manufactured, packaged, and distributed by people with a specific viewpoint and why and how they try to hide their personal biases.
…not a creature was stirring except the rats. Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 12/22/2018- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss recent and future doings in both the Ohio state house and Congress. We also talk about the Ohio state house doings will affect the 2020 presidential campaign and what the possible implications are. Watch out for the post-Christmas veto override sessions!
Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 12/15/2018- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis pull back the covers to reveal what is happening in the Ohio legislature with bills like the Heartbeat bill, (gigantic) state employee pay raises across the board, who stands to gain in the race for House Speaker and whose chances look like they’re fading fast and a host of other issues.
Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 12/8/2018- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the Grinch-like shenanigans taking place in the Ohio legislature and reveal our nominations for worst Grinch of the legislative session.
Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 10/20/2018- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss Ohio Issue 1 and some other “interesting” issues with election like the sudden embarrassment of the Ohio Christian Coalition which had its front man for their Issue 1 support campaign withdraw after actually reading the ballot issue and The Nevada Republican party having to deal with the death of the “Trump from Pahrump” so close to the election and his expected victory in the election.
Promoting The Steady Hand of Biblically-Based Christian Statesmanship on Public Policy