Mark Hamilton’s liver transplant was performed successfully in a 9 1/2 hour surgery on Saturday Nov. 3, 2007.
Thank you for your prayers. We now covet your prayers for Mark’s full recovery and quick return to normal life. Please pray for his wife and daughters as well.
Our Chairman, Dr. Mark Hamilton, is still in Cleveland Clinic fighting an infection that is keeping him from being placed on the liver transplant list.
We ask you to pray that the Lord guide the doctors in treating the infection and that He intervene directly in bringing Mark to a place where the doctors can do his transplant.
We also ask that you pray for Mark to have the will, strength and stamina to fight off the infection and quickly recover from the transplant.
God be praised! He has heard and answered our prayers. Dr. Mark Hamilton is still quite ill but has improved to the point that he is being allowed to go home to recuperate. His kidneys are functioning better and the peritonitis is under control. Unfortunately, doctors are telling Mark that he will need a liver transplant due to the damage from the infection. We ask that you pray that the Lord sees fit to regenerate Mark’s liver and eliminate the need for the transplant.
If you wish to pass along your kind greetings and good wishes for Mark’s recovery, please post here and we will see that he gets them!
We covet the prayers of our Christian brothers and sisters for God’s healing and the quick recovery of the Institute For Principled Policy’s chairman, Dr. Mark Hamilton.
Mark, a professor of philosophy at Ashland University, is currently seriously ill in the Cleveland Clinic. Please pass this request along to your prayer chains.
Please join us as we petition the Lord in prayer for his quick recovery.
Promoting The Steady Hand of Biblically-Based Christian Statesmanship on Public Policy