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Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday October 6, 2011. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis of the Institute For Principled Policy discuss the Pursuit of Happiness.
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Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday October 6, 2011. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis of the Institute For Principled Policy discuss the Pursuit of Happiness.
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Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday October 5, 2011. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis of the Institute For Principled Policy discuss Liberty.
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Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday October 4, 2011. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis of the Institute For Principled Policy discuss the Right To Life.
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Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday October 3, 2011. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis of the Institute For Principled Policy discuss Inalienable Rights.
The UK Telegraph reports that we can all rest easy because George Clooney simply cannot be convinced to run for president- EVER.
Oh, yeah. Don’t forget to read the section where Clooney admits that a movie he was working on for years was “delayed” in order to help President Obama “maintain optimism” about his presidency. Not in so many words but… well read the article and if you think it says something else then please let us know what it is. Only after Admiral Obama managed to pull the scuttle cocks on his own fleet did Clooney feel safe in moving forward with his Ides of March project in which he plays (and this is a REAL stretch for him) a liberal Democratic governor of a midwestern state running for president who gets embroiled in a sex scandal (sound familiar?) and the political machinations that follow. Clooney’s character will no doubt be portrayed as a victim of a conservative witch hunt.
The fact that Clooney has absolutely NO qualifications for political office (beyond his admittedly vast experience with womanizing, partying, and drug abuse) never actually entered into his decision, though both he and fellow loony-left conspiracy theorist pal Matt Damon have both drawn the endorsement of Castroite nincompoop Michael Moore. Hard to imagine with supporters like this how he could lose…or be worse than the current president who Clooney describes as “…smarter than anybody you know, and nicer…” Great judge of character too.
Real Clear Politics has posted an article on Texas Governor Rick Perry and his rush to cram the Human Papilloma Virus down the throats of Texas teen-aged girls. Perry did not wait for a legislative act to make the use of the vaccine mandatory, probably because he knew that they wouldn’t pass it, but signed an “executive order” requiring the series of 3 shots for girls in the 6th grade (that’s usually 11 to 12 year-olds). Perry’s act was so egregious that the Texas legislature passed a bill overriding his diktat with a veto-proof majority. Perry, to avoid political embarrassment, allowed the bill to become law without his signature. Why? Because, he claimed, as a dedicated pro-lifer he had to do something to stop the ravages of cervical cancer.
What Perry forgot to mention was that his chief-of staff was a former Merck lobbyist. Merck is the firm that developed and manufactures Gardisil. Merck put on a hard push, including wheelbarrows full of money, to state legislators all over the United States who would support making Gardisil a mandatory vaccine. Now, why would Merck care that much, you might be asking?
Well, one of the reasons is pretty obvious. If they could pull off the political coup of getting the states to require Gardisil to young girls the would have a very lucrative monopoly involving tens of millions of girls. Think about it this way- tens of millions of girls who are required to take a series of 3 injections at $120- PER INJECTION! But there is a more important reason. Merck desperately wanted the protection that a mandatory vaccine has under the PATRIOT Act. Mandatory status means indemnification from damage suit, an important consideration for a company that wants to avoid problems for a vaccine having no long-term testing data and whose short term data showed potential problems. Later data has showed that there are serious health issues with the Gardisil vaccine, including paralysis and death. A company which can get “mandatory” status may very well gain millions in profits with no downside of potential damage lawsuits.
In light of these facts if you argue that Perry didn’t realize the implications of indemnifying a drug company from personal damage lawsuits while awarding a monopoly and requiring the use of its product then you argue that he is too naive to be President of the United States. If you argue that Perry was just putting his ‘pro-life’ convictions into action then you are both reinforcing the previous argument and further arguing that he has no grasp of the constitutional limits of executive authority which disqualifies him from the office of President of the United States.
So next time someone says that Perry, whose past support of questionable presidential candidates like Al Gore and Rudi Giuliani call his judgment into serious question, is the “kind of ‘conservative’ we need in the White House” remind them of the fact that Perry abused his pro-life credentials and abused his executive power as governor of Texas. Then ask if this kind of ‘conservative’ is really what the founders envisioned for the office of president.
Institute on the Constitution is a 12-week training course on how to understand and use the Constitution of the United States to protect and promote our fundamental liberties under law. Students will be challenged to look at current events through the lens of the organic law of the land, not through the gimlet eye of the news media or even of many of our elected officials. Students will learn the history behind our founding documents, and the legitimate involvement citizens must engage in our constitutional representative Republic.
Your paid course registration includes 12 weekly 90-minute training classes, a student handbook, and supplemental materials valued at over $75. The course will be taught by Chuck Michaelis, executive director of Camp American, and Barry Sheets, executive director of the Institute for Principled Policy. We are also being sponsored by Oath Keepers.
The cost for this course is $60 per student if registration is made online before July 12, 2011. After this, or at the door, registration will be $75 per student. Students who complete the coursework will be eligible to be part of a graduation ceremony to be held on the last week of classes. There is no cost to class members who have all of their books AND bring a new student.
Classes will begin on July 19, 2011 at the Grace Bible Church 424 Gender Rd. Canal Winchester OH 43110. They will run from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Course materials will be given to paid students on the first evening of classes.
Oath Keepers is sponsoring limited scholarships available for active duty police officers or sheriff’s deputies.
Pre-registration is STRONGLY encouraged. We need to know you’re coming so that we can have enough books. Pre-registration can be done online (click here), by telephone or by email. Contact Chuck Michaelis at 614-893-5986 , Barry Sheets at 614-989-5293 or email [email protected]
A recent story in the UK Telegraph (story can be read HERE) begins this way
This has got to be the weirdest news story of the year so far. Yesterday my iPad pinged with Breaking News from the New York Times: a mass grave, containing 30 bodies, had been discovered in Houston, Texas, it said.
This is about a VERY strange story out of Texas where a private home and property were searched with a search warrant, mind you, on the basis of a bogus tip. More on that later. Despite digging up a man’s private property and rooting around in his home, no bodies were found anywhere on the property nor was any evidence whatsoever uncovered of the “dozens of children’s dismembered bodies” that were supposed to be found there.
Important to note here is that the “paper of record,” the “Old Gray Lady,” the only source of news trusted by establishment liberals reported this story as unquestionably demonstrated fact in its “Breaking News” bulletin. Now, that’s not the point here but it is VERY satisfying to point out that not all reported as “fact” by media outlets turns out to be fact. Very often what is reported to be “fact” is 180o out of phase with the actual facts of the case. The New York Times and dozens if not hundreds or thousands of other news outlets got caught in a trap. Thee trap is a philosophy that says “if it bleeds, it leads” meaning the more sensational the story the more likely it is to get hyped. Sensation still sells papers (or radio and TV spots or internet news site hits).
What’s really important to this story is the facts of the case and how the so-called “watchdogs of liberty,” the much vaunted “fourth-estate,” the press has treated how the government has handled the searches of private property in this case. Well, OK. No harm, no foul though, right? WRONG! Dead wrong. There WAS harm here. It was to the United States Constitution and to the rights of not only the homeowner but to EVERY property owner.
All of the news media outlets are now treating this incident as something of a joke. It’s really no laughing matter. But to grasp why we need to review the constitutional reasons why this was not just incompetence on the part of law enforcement but criminal malfeasance. It’s the fourth amendment. here’s the text-
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Let’s examine the text here closely. People have an inalienable right (meaning that it is an intrinsic property of each and every free person by reason of their humanity) to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects. The key word in this portion is secure. According to Webster’s 1828 dictionary the word secure means
1. Free from danger of being taken by an enemy; that may resist assault or attack. The place is well fortified and very secure. Gibraltar is a secure fortress. In this sense, secure is followed by against or from; as secure against attack, or from an enemy.
2. Free from danger; safe; applied to persons; with from.
3. Free from fear or apprehension of danger; not alarmed; not disturbed by fear; confident of safety; hence, careless of the means of defense. Men are often most in danger when they feel most secure.
Confidence then bore thee on, secure1
From the definition a free person should feel completely at ease regarding his right to not be subject to an unreasonable search. But what constitutes an unreasonable search? We’ll go to Webster’s 1828 again and look at the definition of unreasonable–
1. Not agreeable to reason.
2. Exceeding the bounds of reason; claiming or insisting on more than is fit; as an unreasonable demand.
3. Immoderate; exorbitant; as an unreasonable love of life or of money.
4. Irrational. [In this sense, see Irrational.]2
…on Tuesday, the sheriff’s office received information that indicated there were the remains of children on the property….Liberty County’s top elected official, County Judge Craig McNair, told reporters that the woman first called about the house on Monday evening, claiming to be a psychic. Acting on her tip, deputies went to the general area of the house on Monday. On Tuesday the woman called back, describing the house in greater detail and telling officials where to search…When deputies went to the house, they found blood and noticed an odor. [emphasis added]
Presumably, at the discovery of the “blood and odor” the “law enforcement agency” then obtained a search warrant. On this point the Times is vague and possibly deliberately so. To have blasted out a “Breaking News” item trumpeting the discovery of “dismembered children” buried in someone’s back yard, rather than holding back and getting the facts straight and asking the tough questions about the search itself they made the editorial decision to go with a bogus story. That tends to make one want to cover their editorial tracks and side with law enforcement on the question of the reasonableness of the search warrant. So was the warrant issued on a reasonable suspicion of a crime? The Telegraph article says it best
…on the back of one phone call by someone who claims to be able to read people’s minds, a massive police operation was launched, a man’s privacy was violated, and around the world Breaking News alerts informed millions of people that 30 dismembered kids had been discovered in Texas. You couldn’t have asked for a better snapshot of the astonishing credulity and weakness for crankiness amongst people in positions of power today. Police are now trying to track down the psychic. But when one psychic can impact on the world in this way, it is quite clear that the problem is *us*, and our capacity to believe the worst and our penchant for hocus-pocus, rather than them. It’s a daft world indeed that can allow itself to be led astray by an eccentric on the end of a phone.
This quote from the Times is most telling about what REALLY happened. This from the homeowner
Gena Bankson, 40, a long-haul truck driver who has lived in the house with her husband, Joe, for about four years, said in an interview on Tuesday evening that she believed the caller was a woman she knows who is “mentally unstable.â€
This is the breakdown. On the basis of the word of a possibly mentally unstable “psychic” called police (at least twice) and made wild and unsubstantiated claims on at least one of the calls and claimed a “preternatural knowledge” of the layout of the property in question. On the basis of those calls police went and sniffed around the property in question and spotted blood and smelled decomposing garbage and therefore decided the “psychic” had credibility based on “knowledge of the property.” The blood turned out to be from an acquaintance who attempted suicide and is currently in a psychiatric hospital. The smell was some garbage in the sun. The “preternatural knowledge” of the “psychic” regarding the homeowner’s property was due to an acquaintance with the homeowner.
Does this all seem like a search warrant was issued on an oath or affirmation based on the reasonableness of the evidence? The blood and smell could have been cleared up with a mere knock on the door and checking the story of the homeowner. Was speed of the essence, as someone might claim? How long does it take to move more than 2 dozen dismembered bodies and clean up evidence of butchery of this magnitude, anyway? “But they might have escaped when it became obvious that the police were investigating” some might say. To go where? And does that justify the issuance of a warrant on incredibly thin “evidence” like the word of a mentally brittle “psychic?” But somebody in the police department decided they’d like nothing better than to discover dozens of bodies in some poor schlump’s (read taxpayer’s) back yard and make a big splash in the news. And that’s one of the reasons the fourth amendment is written like it is. Was the strict standard of reasonableness met? What do you think?
Well, the police made their big splash. Like the fat kid at the pool who does a bellysmacker off the high dive. But the press isn’t asking the right questions. Maybe this couple will contact a conservative civil rights organization who will ask the correct questions of the police who applied for the warrant and of the judge (or magistrate) who issued one on this incredibly flimsy evidence. The bottom line question is this- Will the fourth amendment prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures be enforced? And here is the problem with those who point to things like this and say “See? What we need is an new constitutional convention to “fix” this problem.” No. Since a new constitutional convention is all but certain to weaken the protections we currently have in order to “protect” us you see, then perhaps we should actually try enforcing the constitution we have rather than replacing that which is unbroken.
1 http://www.1828-dictionary.com/d/search/word,secure
2 http://www.1828-dictionary.com/d/search/word,unreasonable
We live in a period of crisis. The crisis we are in is a crisis of the Constitution. It is a two-fold crisis; the document is mostly unknown by the people whose rights are supposed to be protected by it and mostly ignored by the representatives who are elected by those people to properly apply the powers and protections it grants. In many cases the peoples’ representatives are at least as ignorant of the Constitution as the people who elect them, despite the peoples’ belief that their representatives are “experts” in what it contains.
One of the most important things a citizen of the United States can do is learn the Constitution. but it just isn’t enough to learn about the Constitution, a citizen must know how to use the Constitution. It is the most powerful tool in the arsenal of any citizen.
This has become a foreign notion to people who aren’t taught the Constitution in school or in college. This is, sad to report, most people in the United States today. This constitutional ignorance has a two-fold effect; it paralyzes the citizen confronted with a question of constitutional interpretation and it gives government employees and agencies a status as “experts” that is neither correct or deserved. This “expert” status gives them a free hand to make some of the most outrageous claims regarding their power and authority. It enables them to spuriously cite constitutional passages and claim that the text gives them powers that were never delegated to the federal government. And who will stop them? Constitutionally there are checks to federal power. But those checks require an informed populace. So how can one become informed?
The Institute for Principled Policy has joined with Camp American to teach classes on the Constitution from materials provided by the Institute On The Constitution. Not just what it says, but how to apply it. The information offered below was taken from a practical application lesson given at a recent Institute On The Constitution class. The graphics are Power Point slides used in teaching the segment of the class.
The example used in the class is a recent article in the Transportation Safety Administration’s (TSA) blog. As background, the state of Texas is working on legislation that would outlaw the current use of “enhanced patdowns (in reality merely randomly administered obscene groping)” by TSA screeners at airports inside Texas. The blog article starts with a bold claim about Article VI of the US Constitution, often called the “Supremacy Clause”
What should a citizen who cares about his liberty do about a situation where someone or some agency who purports himself/itself to be an an expert has made a claim regarding his or the agencies powers under the Constitution? Is There some methodical way to examine the claim to determine whether or not the claim is valid or merely an attempt to sandbag the citizen by boldly bluffing regarding the extent of the person or agency’s powers?
Yes there is a method that is really rather straight forward and requires nothing more than the ability to read and reason.
We have already seen the challenge. It is an assertion (offered with no proof) that Article VI, §2 “keeps the states from regulating the federal government.” So, what should the first step be?
Here’s the text of Article VI, §2-
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
OK, a careless reading of the article and section could lead one to conclude that all laws made by the federal government were the supreme law with no recourse to local law or courts for relief. But is that all the effort we should put into the analysis? No. A little closer reading shows that there is a limiting factor to the “supremacy clause.” Look closely and find what it is. Do you see it? That limiting factor is one of the most important things you can know as a citizen- the Constitution itself. Look at the first clause of the first sentence- “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof.” That is a key part of the section of the Constitution in question. It raises the question “is the TSA’s action being done in pursuance of the remainder of the Constitution? If not then what of the TSA’s claim? The Constitution itself tells us that
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people- Amendment 10
So, from the Constitution itself, we know that if the TSA is operating outside the powers delegated by the states and the people to the federal government then their activities are illegal. But our analysis is not yet complete. The enumerated powers of Article II, §8 gives the federal government the power to regulate interstate commerce. Regulate here means “To adjust by rule, method or established mode;…To put in good order;…To subject to rules or restrictions;” 1 So we see that the federal government has the right to regulate interstate commerce, which covers most flights in the state of Texas- but certainly not all. Now we must ask if that power is absolute, and if not what are its limits? A quick glance at the 4th amendment gives us the answer
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Is a feel-up by a TSA screener as a condition of flying a reasonable search, especially considering the burden of proof and other conditions required by the amendment for the issuance of a search warrant? Arguably the answer is a hearty NO! So, now what?
One of the burdens of knowing what to do is the responsibility to do it. The slide is a suggestion for the action you can take once your analysis is complete.
One of the major issues we face is paralysis in the face of the challenges from out of control agencies like the TSA. This has prompted some with a weak understanding of the details of the Constitutional Convention or conventions in general to claim that we can cure the ills of the American Republic with a new constitutional convention. They are under the wildly irrational notion that men and women who willfully violate and ignore the Constitution we have will somehow fall into line and obey a new one to the letter.
What’s clear from this exercise, which is simply one of a nearly endless supply of constitutional violations from which to choose, is that the Constitution is viewed as mere formality to be avoided or reinterpreted to fit the needs of those wielding power. Before we roll a pair of loaded dice with a new convention, let’s try using the Constitution we have as it was intended to work.
1) Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary online version, http://www.1828-dictionary.com/d/search/word,regulate
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is pleased to present
Tom DeWeese, President
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“Sustainable Development: The United Nations’ Agenda to Eradicate Private Property Rightsâ€
Saturday, April 30th, 2011 on the campus of The Ohio State University
31 Hitchcock Hall, 2070 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210
10:00 a.m.—2:30 p.m.
Tom will sign copies of his book “Now Tell Me I Was Wrongâ€
Free and open to the public
To RSVP call:Â 614-989-5293 or email: [email protected]