Category Archives: Public Policy Principles News

Games of Skill? No Chance! Update

gamblingIn an article in today’s Columbus Dispatch (June 20, 2007), Ohio House Speaker Jon Husted called for legislation to ban so-called “games of skill,” reiterating his opinion that “…just because a game is 51% skill does not make it a game of skill…” and also that the move to re-label the games is merely a backdoor incremental approach to legalize the devices. Governor Ted Strickland and Attorney General Mark Dann have called for limiting payouts but Husted isn’t swayed by the arguments for this. He says limiting payouts will not limit losses, which is the bottom line for the gambling device manufacturers, distributors and operators who rely on the long odds for their considerable profit margins.

We can only speculate what effect this will have on attempts to expand gambling through Video Lottery Terminals (VLT’s) modified to show archived horse races that are represented in HB 118 and SB 125, currently before the Ohio Legislature.

We applaud Speaker Husted’s stand on principle. Thank you, sir!

Come back for updates. Tell us what you think with a comment.

How To Make A Passage Say What It Doesn’t Say- In One Easy Lesson!

An article in today’s Columbus Dispatch (June 20, 2007) titled Only Adam and Eve? is an interesting exercise in obfuscation. Using techniques that aspiring writers are taught to avoid in Journalism 101, Leviticus 18:22 and Galatians 3:28 are compared side by side.

Homosexuality is wrong. The Bible says so. Leviticus 18:22.

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination.

But wait. What about Galatians 3:28?

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

A powerful argument you say? Well, not really. As anyone experienced in reading any document, especially the Bible, knows quotes and passages pulled out of their context for use as proof texts can make the document say virtually anything. Anyone who has spent time reading the Bible knows that you should never read a verse. You should read the chapter at least and the entire book preferably and, even more preferably, compare the verse to the whole of Scripture.

This simple principle works with reading the newspaper, too. Take, for instance, an article in the same date’s Dispatch called Debit Program Helps You Save On Property Taxes. In this article we read about a woman who “…didn’t want to lend the county her money, and she didn’t intend to face a 10 percent late fee.” But we see that a county official says that “A lot of people really love it,” thus throwing the woman’s concerns into doubt. Why is she worried about early payments and penalties? People love it!

Of course, reading the article in context shows that these two excerpts can’t be interpreted as I have done here. They don’t fit together to paint an accurate picture of what was actually said as I have juxtaposed them. And neither do the two non-contextual biblical passages quoted in the prior article. In this light Galatians 3:28 does not say what the author of the article wants you to think it says.

What do you think? Read the article and leave a comment below.

A Pagan Review Of The New Creation Museum

This article reviewing the new Creation Museum in suburban Cincinnati was found safely and snugly nestled between ads for gay bars, strip clubs, massage parlors, escort services and personal ads in a local Cincinnati Fish-Wrap and Bird-Cage Liner known as City Beat.

You won’t have to read very far for the ad hominem attacks to begin, with phrases like “intellectual molestation,” “fraud” and “ignorance is a form of terrorism” peppered throughout the article. Apparently Ken Ham has struck a nerve and the pagans and atheists are howling and calling for him to be immediatel and permanently silenced by whatever means necessary. Nice work Mr. Ham!

How many logical fallacies can you find being employed by the writer and the scientists?

Let us know by leaving a comment below.

A “Creative” New Way To Tax Churches

The Columbus Dispatch has a story today (June 16, 2007) about a new tax imposed on churches in the guise of a $25 annual “permit fee” to allow a church (or other entity, though it’s difficult to imagine who else would use candles regularly) to hold candle light services.

The comments by the various local officials who are clearly uncomfortable and working very hard to “pass the buck” is telling.

Read the article then tell us what you think by leaving a comment.