Category Archives: Public Policy Radar

Principles And Policies Podcast For 9/5/2015- A Court Cannot “Create A Right” But A Lower Magistrate Can Interpose

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday September 5, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis explain the biblical and constitutional principle that courts don’t and in fact CAN’T create rights and discuss how far we’ve come from the roots of our original understanding of these things that this has to be explained.

Article links- ACLU proves that it fails to grasp what the basis of constitutional law is and what rights are

Zack Hunt in the Huffington Post eisegetes Romans 13 to arrive at a pre-determined incorrect conclusion

Chuck Michaelis’ article on Romans 13

In The Gates Volume 3- The Institute For Principled Policy’s marriage collection


Principles And Policies Podcast For 8/29/2015- Worth Repeating: The Supreme Court’s Homosexual “Mirage” Decision

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday August 29, 2015. This is a repeat of our broadcast from 7/18/2015. It’s an important one.

Principles And Policies Podcast For 8/22/2015- Email And National Security

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday August 22, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the breach of national security perpetrated by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State with the aid of her confidential adviser and all-around shady character Huma Abedin.

Article links- Congressional probe of Clinton “secure” email server widens to her aide Huma Abedin

Principles And Policies Podcast For 8/15/2015- A Clean-Up Discussion Of Politics, Politicians, And Connecting The Dots

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday August 15, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis weigh in on the first Republican candidate debates, Rob Portman as a candidate for re-election to the Senate, what the word “conservatism” really means and what a conservative is and does and the effect that Republican congressional duplicity is having on the Republican party grass roots.

We also discuss the latest Planned Parenthood video and temporary federal court injunction against releasing recordings of certain organizations’ activities.

Article links- CATO Institute makes an argument, based on his gubernatorial record, that John Kasich is not a “fiscal conservative”

Kasich’s “momentum” exaggerated

Planned Parenthood nurse admits that it’s “fun to dissect fetuses”

Planned Parenthood does abortions in ways that allow them to sell intact fetuses


Principles and Policies Podcast for 7/25/2015- Does Anybody Believe That A Group That Murders Infants Is Above Profiting By Selling The Parts?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday July 25, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze the film released by the Center for Medical Progress showing Dr. Deborah Nucatola, senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood Foundation of America, negotiating for the sale of aborted fetus parts.

Article links- The edited version of the Center for Medical Progress video

Planned Parenthood Video Explains Late-Term/Partial-Birth Abortion Movement — MONEY

Planned Parenthood’s Dead Baby Trafficking & 10 Other Major Stories Our Media Missed
‘A Lot of People Want Liver’: Planned Parenthood’s Bloody Business- National Review

Flashback: Obama Told Baby Organ Harvester Planned Parenthood “God Bless You” (video)

New Planned Parenthood spin: Organ harvesting, sales “a humanitarian undertaking”

AP: It’s Not Selling Aborted Unborn Baby Parts, It’s the ‘Disposition of Fetal Remains’

Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots of Planned Parenthood Revealed

Principles and Policies Podcast for 7/18/2015- From Republic To Oligarchy

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday July 18, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the deeper implications of the Supreme court’s Obergefell decision in which they purport to create a “right” to homosexual “marriage” (or, with a tip of the hat to Pastor Douglas Wilson, homosexual mirage). We demonstrate the Christian view of marriage (the Radical 2 Kingdom surrender notwithstanding).

Article links- Mitch McConnell gets it wrong on rolling back the Obergefell decision

Toledo area judge refuses to participate in performing homosexual marriage and cites his faith a reason

Lyle Denniston, judicial journalist,makes a plea for resisting the Supreme court’s decision- on the SCOTUS Blog!

John Nolte exposes Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood’s racist origins at Breitbart

Dr. Joel McDurmon explains how pietism contributed to the church’s withdrawal from the public square which helped create the atmosphere where Obergefell could happen

Dr. McDurmon’s book Inglorious Kingdoms

Tom Woods and Kevin Gutzman discuss what the 14th Amendment actually was for-

Principles and Policies Podcast for 7/11/2015- Current Issues With Gun Rights

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday July 4, 2015. Chuck Michaelis hosts a class from the 2014 Camp American taught by Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America.
This presentation will soon be available as a Video from Camp American.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 6/27/2015- Jiggery Pokery Alakazaam! The Supreme Court Does Legal Sleight-Of-Hand!

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday June 27, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis break down the Supreme Court decision on (more correctly rewrite of) on the Affordable Care Act.

Article links- Chief Justice Roberts tortures the English language to bend it to his will

Supreme Court decision is completely lawless

Associate Justice Scalia’s scathing dissent

Senator Jeff Sessions states the obvious- the Supreme Court can’t save you

Associate Justice Scalia continues his dissent

Principles and Policies Podcast for 5/9/2015- Do Courts Really Have The Authority To Redefine Marriage?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday May 9, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the question of court redefined definitions of basic definitions of the foundations of society and what the Church’s role in dealing with the consequences of their decision.

Article links- Dr. James Dobson’s comments on the attack on marriage

Albert Mohler comments on the current case on same-sex marriage at the Supreme court and the Solicitor General’s arguing to allow it

Far-left blog Vox weighs in on the current case before the Supreme court

Principles and Policies Podcast for 5/2/2015- So, What Does Article V Actually Say?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday May 2, 2015. In a second presentation of a program first aired August 17, 2013 Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis diagnose the serious flaws and also give kudos to Mark Levin’ arguments in his book The Liberty Amendments. This is for those of you who are new to the calls for an Article V convention or missed this analysis the first time.