Category Archives: Public Policy Radar

The Institute For Principled Policy vs. The Clermont County Public Library Board

Some of you may have read that the Institute For Principled Policy is currently one of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the Clermont County (OH) Public Library Board (CCPLB). Stories appeared recently on World Net Daily, which gives a good summary of the events surrounding the filing of the suit, The Cincinnati Enquirer, which gives a slightly pro-library spin to the story and also several online Christian news outlets.

The Institute along with George Vandergriff and Cathy Vandergriff are suing CCPLB for denying access to public meeting rooms for the purpose of teaching a biblically-based financial management class. Part of the Institute For Principled Policy’ s mission is to promote principled public policy through teaching individuals using biblically-based educational materials and the Bible itself. We are being represented by attorneys from the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF). The Institute and the Vandergriffs assert that the CCPLB is in violation of several sections of the first and fourteenth amendments of the US Constitution and Art. 1 Sec. 7 of the Ohio Constitution which guarantee the rights of freedom of religious practice, assembly, speech, expression and the right to equal protection under the law. Details of the lawsuit are available here and the ADF’s take on the suit here.

You haven’t read much about it on our own pages for a couple of good reasons. The volunteer staff of the Institute has been very busy preparing to teach classes in history, government, economics, etc. at Camp American. The mission of the Institute to educate marches on, even when statist bureaucrats try to stand in the way with illegal and unconstitutional “policies.” Making too much noise at the wrong time on issues like this can often obscure the original objective of the suit, which is to expose an anti-Christian bias on the part of the CCPLB and other library boards. We also believe the old saw that the hen must be the wisest of the animals in the barnyard because she only cackles after the egg is laid. Well the egg is not yet laid, but the hen has settled onto the laying box and conditions are right. As soon as we have an egg, be it fresh or rotten, you’ll know about it.

Question or comment? Head over to the forum and we’ll do our best to answer you.

Government takeover of the energy sector?

Maxine Waters, the infamous and incompetent congresswoman from California (surprise), let the genie out of the bottle last week. Congress had one of its many grandstanding sideshows (er, excuse me, “hearings”) where the evil oil executives were subjected to the grand D.C. Inquisition with the cameras rolling. While Congresswoman Torquemada was grilling the CEO of Shell Oil, she made a startling threat that the federal government would socialize the oil and gas industry if prices don’t come down. She quickly realized her gaffe and tried to backtrack amidst the restrained laughter of her colleagues. See video here:


However, this is no laughing matter. It is well documented that the radical environmentalist movement is driven by the unholy trinity of worldviews: evolution, paganism, and marxism. The communists have found a new home in the radical green movement, and millions of well-meaning Americans have been duped into destroying their own nation’s prosperity – all the while thinking their doing something good by “saving the planet”. I would estimate that a substantial number of Democrats and probably a few Republicans secretly share Waters’ desire to socialize the energy sector, healthcare, agriculture, and every other facet of our economy.

Socialism is a historical failure every time it is tried, and is antithetical to the revealed Word of God and the U.S. Constitution. Imagine the potential abuses under a government-run energy system. Energy rationing would be a given, consider that smart power grids and thermostats are already being designed and installed in many areas of the country. These “smart” systems are ostensibly designed to help consumers manage their energy consumption by having access to real-time load and price information, but how much of a stretch would it be from encouraging energy reduction to mandating it? As far as gasoline, imagine a secondary card reader at the pump where you must insert your government-issued energy card to have access to fuel. The card would monitor your fuel consumption and cut you off if you over the limit.

Or, what if you are labeled a subversive or “troublemaker” by the government? It would very easy to ensure compliance with tyranny by simply restricting energy access. If you want your energy, just be a good little citizen, keep your mouth shut, and live like a tree-hugger with your cold showers and 50 mph matchbox car made out of aluminum. People would live in absolute fear of protesting government action at any level, and the U.S. could quickly be turned into a socialistic Orwellian nightmare without a shot being fired.

The CEO of Shell wisely retorted to Waters that he’s “seen this movie before” – it’s called Hugo Chavez and Venezuela! People rightfully are looking for solutions to lower energy prices and reduced pollution, but the free market is optimal solution for such. The free market is not a utopian solution, but certainly better than an energy sector run with the efficiency of the motor vehicles department and enforcement tactics of the IRS. Having said that, corporate America is not off the hook either in this mess. Industry and business leaders must yield to the advice of William Penn 300 years ago: Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.

Godless capitalism with its unscrupulous business practices, shady accounting, price collusion, poor stewardship, shoddy quality, market manipulation, etc. will undoubtedly lead to Maxine Water’s vision coming true. Without a moral foundation to commerce, people will scream for socialism as the demand for basic necessitities of life is not going to diminish anytime soon. There is not a line item for morality on a corporate balance sheet – however industry would be wise to conduct itself according to the principles of Proverbs, or it will find itself conducted accourding to the principles of the Communist Manifesto.

Return First Salvo

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Can A Christian Be Deceptive In The Political Arena?

RadarThe axiom is true that “he who frames the question wins the debate”! The presupposition of the thread title is that crossing over in a primary is deception. It’s not, but more on that later.

Some definitions first:

Deception by definition is misleading other people. A strategic tactic by definition is not necessarily misleading, but a crafty maneuver to achieve victory.

My contention is that:

  1. Deception is used in the Bible on numerous occasions for God’s purposes or for a greater purpose. Deception is used by necessity in warfare, athletic competition, and games of skill. Strategy (not deception) is employed by necessity in competitive business. Therefore, strategic tactics are certainly not “off limits” in the political realm which is certainly a form of warfare and infinitely more important that games and sports.

  2. Crossing over in an open primary is not deception by any stretch of the definition. The tactic in certain situations is a justifiable strategy and violates no scriptural principles.

Without going into full-blown exegesis, here some scriptural examples where trickery and outright deception are used either by direct command of God or to fulfill a greater purpose:

Genesis 44: Joseph (a type of Christ) tests his brothers by not revealing his identity and making them think that Benjamin was a thief.

Numbers 13: God affirms the Israelites’ desire to send spies into Canaan.

Joshua 2: Joshua’s spies in Jericho hide out in a prostitute’s house; she then lies to the king about their whereabouts. She is not only spared from destruction, but she ends up in the Messianic line.

Judges 3: The deliverer Ehud uses false pretenses to enter Eglon’s presence and get him alone. He then proceeds to thrust a knife into his belly.

Judges 4: Jael pretends to offer Sisera protection, then proceeds to hammer a tent peg into his head while he is asleep. This act is honored in the next chapter by Deborah’s victory song.

Ruth 4: Boaz (another type of Christ) lies by omission to the kinsman by describing Ruth as “Moabitish widow”, not exactly a tempting offer for the kinsman. Boaz neglected to mention that Ruth was young and attractive!

You can certainly argue that God can use whatever means he desires to fulfill his divine plans, however in four of the five examples I see no admonition or command from God for the deception to take place. I also can’t find a condemnation. So we can at least establish that by scriptural examples and by necessity, deception is warfare does not violate scripture.

Let’s look at the games of football and chess. Victory in these contests depends 90% upon successfully deceiving your opponent! Are we to seriously contend that those who excel in football or chess in danger of divine judgement? Assuming no, we can establish that deception (not cheating) in leisure competition does not violate scripture.

What about in competitive business? Now in this case the argument can be made that deceiving customers, stockholders, the general public, government regulators, etc. violates scripture and is destructive to advancing the kingdom. However, is there a problem if you can employ a legal and ethical strategy to gain advantage over a competitor?

An example would be if a customer shares with you your competitor’s pricing. Outside of a nondisclosure agreement, there is nothing immoral about this. Especially if the competitor is providing substandard service. What if a former employee of a competitor comes to work for you and shares some of that competitor’s methods? Outside of a nondisclosure agreement or outright stealing of intellectual property, there is nothing immoral about this either.

I suppose one could invoke the golden rule here, however that cuts both ways. If you don’t want your customers or employees to do these same things to you then treat them right in the first place. It’s amazing how customer and employee retention rates increase when this happens! In any case, we certainly must concur that employing strategy to gain advantage in a competitive business environment is ethical and moral.

Now we come to all-important political realm. Again, outright deception here is definitely forbidden because it almost involves bearing false witness. Lying to voters about your stances, breaking campaign pledges, embellishing your experience, etc. would qualify. HOWEVER, if outright deception can be used in warfare and football and strategy can be used in business to gain competitive advantage, then it stands to reason that strategic tactics can be employed in politics without violating principle. Examples would include:

  1. Using advanced knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order to steer a meeting to your advantage,

  2. Using IRS loopholes to set up a 501c3 “charity” in order to collect tax-exempt donations for eventual use in electioneering or lobbying,

  3. Compromising on critical legislation in order to get 90% of what you want,

  4. Threatening a lawsuit in order to intimidate an enemy.

Modern American Politics is a form of warfare. The damage that socialism can do to a nation’s populace at least as dangerous as the danger from a foreign invasion, maybe even more so. I submit that as believers we are justified in using ANY strategic tactic outside of lawbreaking or outright deception that will cause confusion in an enemy’s camp or gain an advantage in the battle.

Now we come to the crux of the debate which of course is that crossing over in a primary is NOT deception and it NOT diminishing the stewardship of your vote. (For sake of debate we will assume there is no loyalty oath and that a stellar candidate has a lock on the GOP nomination). For there to be deception, by definition, there must a recipient of the deception. The quarterback has to fake somebody out. If as a republican you vote democrat in an open primary, who exactly are you misleading? It is common knowledge that crossover voting occurs in primaries, so the democrats aren’t being deceived in any way.

You can argue that you’re intruding on the other party’s “sacred” process of choosing their own nominee, but if this process is so sacred then why is there an open primary in the first place? The parties could easily move to a caucus/convention system. For democrats to complain about crossover voting would be like you complaining about racoons in your backyard after stubbornly refusing to build a fence.

The bottom line is that you have every right by state law to walk into a primary election, request your enemy’s ballot, and cast of a vote for a candidate for whatever reason you like. If you want to vote for Hillary because you believe she’ll be easier to beat in the general election, or just to keep her in the race in order to make the democratic party implode, then it’s a great strategic tactic to either defeat your enemy outright or cause confusion in their camp. You’re not voting for Hillary to occupy the presidency, you’re voting for her to run for the presidency. Assuming that you’re not foreiting the opportunity to vote a 100% purist candidate on your own party’s ballot, I can’t see how this holds water in the voting stewardship argument either.

Beyond all this, where is the scriptural admonition that every vote cast must be for 100% purist reasons? Because if there is one then we have a lot of repenting to do!

Regarding trickery, deception, and strategy – several factors must be looked at. The chief of which is what is your intention? Boaz didn’t lie by omission and Joseph didn’t deceive his brothers for malicious reasons. What about deceiving Nazi soldiers at your front door looking to kill the Jews hiding in your basement? Certainly the noble intentions of protecting innocent life is the overriding concern here. Another factor is what does it do to your witness? In the case of crossover voting, this is not applicable because again nobody has been deceived.

Crossover voting is a tactic used to cause the confusion and defeat of an enemy that wishes to dishonor God, destroy your nation, harm its citizens, and perpetuate the killing of innocents. Will God look at your legal crossover voting as violating His principles or destroying your witness for Him? The answer is self-evident.

First Salvo

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Can A Christian Be Deceptive In The Political Arena?

RadarIn analyzing an article, while on air filling in for a local talk radio host, relating to the Ohio primary election and whether or not criminal investigations of over 20,000 voters who changed party affiliations would take place, I posited a position that has generated some intense, yet respectful, opposition from members of our own board.

My basic position is this: a believer in Jesus Christ as Sovereign Lord and Savior (ie: a Christian, in other words) should not engage in tactics which violate the revealed Word of God and/or his own conscience. In other words, to put it more bluntly, situational ethics is sinful.

A little background, to start. Ohio has primary elections for the purposes of determining the nominees for each major party (Republican and Democrat) for the November General Election ballot. When an elector either requests an absentee ballot, or shows up in person at a county board of elections office or at the designated polling place on Primary day, they must, by law, declare their party affiliation prior to receiving a ballot. A good explanation of Ohio’s primary affiliation laws can be found in this article in the Dayton Daily News.

A tangental position, not necessarily affecting my basic premise of the argument in any way, given Ohio’s current election law on this topic, is that the party affiliation requirement amounts to, I believe anyway, what is an unconstitutional “test oath”, such oaths being rejected by the US Supreme Court in 1867. Be that as it may, that’s a discussion for another thread and a later time. The fact is, that is what is legally binding in Ohio law at this time.

In essence, the discussion revolved around the position that Christian voters who crossed over to vote for the opposing party’s candidate, who did so with the intent specifically to intrude upon that party’s selection process to benefit their own party nominee’s chances in the general election, and did so having signed the affiliation oath (or even if they didn’t sign it), were acting in an unbiblical manner.

The responses on the radio program were mixed. Some agreed, some disagreed. One voice of disapprobation came from a very dear friend and fellow Institute board member, whom I shall now afford the benefit of positing his position on the matter before continuing my thesis and counterargument to his thesis….

Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave….

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Can A Christian Be Deceptive In The Political Arena?

RadarThe director of the Institute For Principled Policy, Barry Sheets, was the guest host on WRFD’s Bob Burney Live radio talk show. The topic for discussion was the plans of some of the members of the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, specifically the Democratic Party members, to discern if any of the 17,000 “former Republicans” who crossed over to request Democratic Party ballots did so deceptively, i.e., to strategically try and influence the Democratic Party ticket to the advantage of the Republican Party. Those Cuyahoga County elections officials want to investigate in hopes that any of the deceptive crossovers would be prosecuted. Ohio does not have an open primary; one must swear an oath that one is sincere when one changes parties to vote in a primary election here. It is a 5th degree felony carrying a possible $2500 fine and 12 month jail sentence to be deceptive in swearing this oath.

This is an interesting situation, considering that there are several complicating factors. “Conservative” radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has been very vocal in encouraging fellow “conservative” Republicans to cross over and vote in Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton. Further complicating the situation is that Limbaugh is also encouraging the same voters to vote for Clinton in the general in the fall, thus seriously damaging the claim that the Republicans crossing over were not necessarily sincere. Further muddying the waters, is the fact that Clinton’s win in the March primaries seemingly knocked the Barak Obama Democratic juggernaut off the rails. How much of the Cuyahoga County election officials outrage is due to this factor? How many were Clinton and how many Obama supporters? Another question- where did these same Cuyahoga County election officials stand while leaders in their party were encouraging Democrats to cross over and vote for John McCain in the 2000 Republican party primaries?

Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, recognizing the political can of worms that the Cuyahoga County elections board is attempting to open, has said she isn’t really interested in pursuing charges in these cases. Uncharacteristically, she recognizes a political poison pill for what it is. Career suicide.

But more importantly and for the purposes of this series of articles Barry raised a number of questions during the radio show that all Christians who are called to be involved in political activity in the public square should be asking themselves. These questions are of such a basic nature that debate on the questions and the wider implications of proposed answers has resulted in a debate within the Institute For Principled Policy. The basic question is whether or not a Christian is ever justified in engaging in deception in political activity, and if so, under what circumstances and within what limits? In other words, what standard is the Christian to apply when engaging in political activity?

Those on either side of the question will be citing specific biblical passages and precedents and exegeting these biblical citations to make their respective cases.

Gentlemen, Make your cases!

Special Guest Blogger- A Crisis in Democracy: Are We Going Bankrupt?

John WhiteheadBy John W. Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute

“Our country is insolvent, and bankruptcy will come.”—Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex.)

I’ve never seen our country in worse shape—culturally, constitutionally or financially. Marriages and families are falling apart, our liberties are being eroded and the U.S. economy is in serious trouble. We are, as author Robert B. Reich noted in a recent New York Times editorial, “totally spent.” All we’re managing to do now is keep our creditors at bay.

The U.S. trade deficit has reached record highs in recent years. Gas prices, which have largely contributed to trade deficit woes, have led to higher prices in transportation and other goods. The bursting of the home price bubble has triggered a crisis in U.S. housing finance. This has led to a sharp spike in foreclosures, as well as heavy losses at major banks, a pull-back in the market for securitized debt and a credit crunch worldwide.

With the value of the dollar plummeting worldwide, America is, in effect, now on sale at discount prices to foreign countries. For example, a record $414 billion was invested by foreigners in the U.S. economy in 2007, with much of it coming from sovereign wealth funds, vast pools of money controlled by anti-democratic governments from China to the Middle East.

The fact that our nation is nearing bankruptcy has become what David Walker, comptroller general of the United States, calls “the dirty little secret everyone in Washington knows.” Most politicians, says Walker, are aware of the impending financial crisis but reluctant to do anything about it. After all, it is not politically expedient to increase taxes or trim spending, but this is exactly what needs to be done.

Walker also argues that health care, a political promise rolling off every candidate’s tongue, is by and large the most prominent issue, five times bigger than Social Security. And Walker calls the 2003 measures that included Medicare prescription drugs “probably the most fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation since the 1960s.” This bill, Walker says, was “eight trillions dollars added to what was already a 15 to $20 trillion under-funding.”

Walker, who recently resigned after serving as the government’s chief internal watchdog for a decade, concludes that the nation’s “current standard of living is unsustainable unless some drastic action is taken.” But, as usual, when we leave the problem-solving to the politicians, what we end up with is bigger government, more bureaucracy and a larger federal deficit, which is projected to total $410 billion for 2008. (The national debt, which is the total amount of money owed by the government, is currently estimated to be over $9.2 trillion.)

We are living in a house of cards that’s on the verge of crashing around us, and yet most Americans remain oblivious and continue to spend beyond their means. But, as Reich notes, “That era is now coming to an end. Consumers have run out of ways to keep the spending binge going.”

Hoping to continue the spending a little longer, Congress passed a $168 billion stimulus plan made up of personal tax rebates and business tax cuts. While some Democrats criticized the plan, fiscal conservatives expressed grave doubts that the measure is too little and will reach consumers and businesses too late. Former congressman Jack Kemp asserts that “rebates haven’t worked in the past…and won’t work in the future,” as they reward past production. Other critics have voiced the concern that such a costly measure merely serves to increase the already burgeoning national deficit.

While the nation’s financial woes are grave, a recession will impact more than Americans’ pocketbooks—it will impact our very freedoms. After all, economic security and freedom go hand in hand.

In his book, A Free Nation Deep in Debt, James MacDonald, an investment banker, discusses the relationship between democracy and economic development: “Democracy (even in its most partial and imperfect form), is a system in which the citizens control the state. As long as democratic states borrow from their own citizens, their good credit is simply a reflection of the virtual identity of borrower and lender.”

Unfortunately, as economist James Galbraith explains, “The American citizenry has lost its pride of place as creditor of the American state. Today, financial intermediaries hold about 37 percent of U.S. public debt; Japan and China, along with other countries, now hold about 30 percent. The proportion of U.S. debt owned directly by Americans has fallen to below 10 percent; in 1945 (when the debt was more than twice as large in relation to GDP as now) citizen-creditors just about held it all.” But that is no longer true, and “for all practical purposes, the venerable marriage between public credit and democratic government, so vital a factor in the history of the world, has been dissolved.”

Galbraith concludes: “If MacDonald’s thesis is right, the disappearance of the citizen-creditor forces a question. Can democracy survive when its financial roots have been cut? The scale of public debt is not the issue, but its ownership is. Can a country—whether the United States or any other—be truly democratic if it is in hock to banks and foreigners? …To put it bluntly, are we still a democracy? And, if not, what would it take to bring democracy back?”

We know what must be done.

First, we need to elect fiscally responsible representatives with the backbone to resist political pressure to spend what is not there. We also need to stop putting ourselves in hock to foreign banks and nations. And we need to put a stop to the financial hemorrhaging related to the Bush Administration’s war on terror. For example, over the past six years, the U.S. has disbursed to the corrupt government of Pakistan about $80 million monthly, or roughly $1 billion a year. Yet according to the Washington Post, few receipts are provided to account for how the money is used or where it ends up. That’s just the tip of the iceberg when one considers that we spend at least $1 billion a week in Iraq on military operations alone. Just imagine how those dollars could be put to use in our own ailing economy.

Second, we need to show some personal discipline. This will mean reining in our binge spending, nationally and individually. It will also mean getting back to work. We need to bring the manufacturing jobs back to the United States and re-inject ourselves into the economy, even if it means Americans taking on jobs that are usually done by illegal immigrants.

Finally, we need to do a better job of protecting our freedoms. This means resisting the government’s attempt to amass greater authority and centralize power in the executive branch. It also means electing representatives who will abide by their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution.

If we value our freedoms at all, we have to sober up—and fast—or we will certainly find ourselves facing an even more dangerous crisis in democracy. Yet beware: this will not be a sudden coup but a gradual transformation into a more authoritarian regime. As former presidential advisor Bertram Gross points out in his book, Friendly Fascism: “Anyone looking for black shirts, mass parties, or men on horseback will miss the telltale clues of creeping fascism. In America, it would be supermodern and multi-ethnic—as American as Madison Avenue, executive luncheons, credit cards, and apple pie. It would be fascism with a smile.”

Click here to read other commentaries by John W. Whitehead

Slow Posting Lately….

RadarYes, yes we know. It’s been a little slow here lately. Well we’re working on a boatload of stuff, but the research and writing takes some time to get right. And we know what happens when we get things wrong. Just look at the commentary from my “Real Thanksgiving” post to see what can happen when you do a hurry-up piece.

Anyway, we’re working on an analysis of Governor Strickland’s State of the State address, where the Ron Paul presidency should go from here, more police brutality and what it all means, our long awaited report from the Constitutional Coalition meeting, reports on Ohio State Senator Tim Grendell’s efforts in changing Ohio’s eminent domain law and his efforts to change an awful interstate compact with international implications to keep the southwestern states from diverting Great Lakes water, a report on HB 429 which eliminates the small business killing delivery-based state sales tax collection method in favor of the old purchase-based system (this has been an economic nightmare for small business since its proposal and inception and the state spent MILLIONS trying to get a working computer program that would at least allow a “simple” calculation. It’s a nightmare to use if any volume at all is involved).

We’re a little short-handed due to illness, travel, and the fact that only two of us (not me) lobby, or do policy analysis on a professional basis. In other words, most of us have jobs to do, businesses to run, or classes to teach (when we’re healthy).

Thank you for your patience!

Featured Guest Article- Are You a Homegrown Terrorist?

John Whitehead By John W. Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute

At first glance, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 may not seem dangerous. Yet nothing is ever what it seems, and this bill is no exception.

On its face, the Act, which was approved in the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 404 to 6, would establish two government-appointed bodies (one a national 10-member commission, the other a university-based Center for Excellence) to study, monitor and propose ways of curbing homegrown terrorism and extremism in the United States. However, as journalist Jessica Lee points out, the legislation could actually succeed in “broaden[ing] the definition of terrorism to encompass both First Amendment political activity and traditional forms of protest such as nonviolent civil disobedience.”

The danger is the legislation’s vague definitions of violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism and the commission’s power to label individuals and groups as possible terrorists. Violent radicalization, for example, is defined as “the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change.” Note that you don’t actually have to commit violence to be labeled a violent radical. You just have to adopt or promote a belief system that differs with the government, which is easy enough in these times of economic instability, expansive government powers and endless wars.

The definition for homegrown terrorism is equally vague: “the use, planned use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born [or] raised…within the United States…to intimidate or coerce the United States, the civilian population…or any segment thereof.”

Would abortion protesters or anti-war organizers be accused of using “force” to “intimidate or coerce” others? What about people who promote immigration views that are considered “extremist”? By Congress failing to define what an “extremist belief” is, what would constitute “ideologically based violence” or the use of “force,” it could mean anyone who expresses a belief contrary to that held by the occupants of the White House.

The concern, as Lee points out, is that the law will be used “against U.S.-based groups engaged in legal but unpopular political activism, ranging from political Islamists to animal-rights and environmental campaigners to radical right-wing organizations. There is concern, too, that the bill will undermine academic integrity and is the latest salvo in a decade-long government grab for power at the expense of civil liberties.”

The Senate version of this legislation, which finds that domestic threats “cannot easily be prevented through traditional Federal intelligence or law enforcement efforts,” requires the creation of what would essentially join federal agents and local police together in a single paramilitary entity.

“This sounds like part of the same continuum we’ve experienced in the last seven years, which is the effort to deputize local law enforcement to work with the FBI and national agencies without local accountability, as we have seen with the establishment of joint-terrorism task forces across the country,” said Hope Marston of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee. “When you talk about working with local law enforcement to possibly spy on groups and individuals to try to find the so-called ‘needle in the haystack,’ this definitely poses a threat to local autonomy.”

To Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States, H.R. 1955, as it is referred to, is just one more in a long series of laws passed in times of foreign policy tensions. He points out that the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, for instance, sent people to jail for criticizing the Adams administration. And “During World War I, the Espionage Act and Sedition Act sent close to a thousand people to jail for speaking out against the war. On the eve of World War II, the Smith Act was passed, harmless enough title, but it enabled the jailing of radicals — first Trotskyists during the war and Communist party leaders after the war, for organizing literature, etc., interpreted as conspiring to overthrow the government by force and violence.”

The true targets of this bill may be the anti-globalists and radical environmentalists who pose a threat to the corporate powers. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), the congresswoman who introduced the bill, has enjoyed a long and productive relationship with the RAND Corporation, a California-based think tank with close ties to the military-industrial-intelligence complex.

“Trends in Terrorism,” a 2005 study by RAND, contains a chapter titled “Homegrown Terrorist Threats to the United States.” In that study, RAND maintains that “homegrown terrorism” will come from anti-globalists and radical environmentalists who “challenge the intrinsic qualities of capitalism.” RAND also claims that anti-globalists and radical environmentalists “exist in much the same operational environment as al Qaida” and pose “a clear threat to private-sector corporate interests, especially large multinational business.”

Any thought, speech or action that threatens corporate hegemony and profit under this law—however protected it might be by the Bill of Rights—could be considered an act of homegrown terrorism.

This is not unlike the government’s Red Scare tactics used during the 1950s McCarthy era when thousands of Americans were accused of being communists or communist sympathizers simply for disagreeing with the government or associating with those who did so.

We are the descendants of a long line of dissenters dating back to the early days of this nation, from the Pilgrims fleeing religious persecution and our Founders standing up to King George’s acts of tyranny to civil rights activists staging sit-ins to protest segregation and peace activists protesting the armaments industry.

As long as there are individuals speaking out against what they see as injustice, oppression or corruption, there will always be those in high places attempting to silence or suppress them. But we must not be intimidated or silenced. Instead, we need to raise our voices even louder or our constitutional rights will be obliterated.

Click here to read other John W. Whitehead commentaries

What Will You Do When They Come For You? (II)- Update

Yes, they’re aiming at you.Stark Countians can sleep easier tonight. Hope Steffey, who was brutalized by Stark County Sheriff’s deputies then falsely charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest was also convicted of the same. And yet another dangerous radical, guilty of carrying her dead sister’s drivers license as a momento and reminder of her has now been convicted and exposed as someone who law enforcement should keep a close eye on. Of course the tape of the deputies brutalizing Mrs. Steffey was not aired at her trial.

False arrests complete with police brutality and wrongful conviction followed by hiding behind the fact that the person brutalized was convicted of a crime should not instill confidence in Stark County residents of the competence of Sheriff Tim Swanson or his deputies to complete their sworn duties in a lawful and just manner.

William Grigg whose blog we have linked to before does his usual amazing job in getting all of the facts and analyzing the situation like no one else can. He gives the complete run down on this case here. His analysis far outshines our own.

When The Pigeons Come Home To Roost…

RadarHey! What do you know? The Ohio budget passed just last summer with a projected budget surplus of $53 million, is now projected to produce anywhere from a $733 million to $1.9 billion deficit. So how did this happen? How could there be a $786 million to 1.953 billion dollar mistake in a budget that this much work went into and was one vote shy of a unanimous passage (thank you, Rep. Diana Fessler)?

The answer is that, despite the obvious signs that the economy has been slowing for months, the state legislature and Ohio’s popular new governor ignored the signals, shook hands and promptly buried their heads in the sand. The signs have been there for longer than just a few months and, as Ken Blackwell pointed out in his ill-fated gubernatorial campaign nearly two years ago, Ohio has had one of the worst managed state economies in the United States for many years. Hey, Republicans! It was under the tenure of a Republican-controlled legislature with a Republican Governor.

Hide your wallets! It’s a RINO!The facts are that the previous two governors, Bob Taft and George Voinovich along with their sideshow act, the RINO’s in the Ohio legislature have created a business climate that is very near the bottom for new job creation and very near the top in taxes, “fees” (the tax pig in a tuxedo), “contributions” (called “voluntary” until you stop writing checks, then they suddenly become voluntarily mandatory) and tolls. And, as any economist will tell you, small business is the economic backbone as the largest employer in every state of the union. And it’s really bad for small business in Ohio. It’s not so hot here for bigger businesses, either.

The problem with Ohio’s budget is not a new one. A recent Columbus Dispatch article gives a rundown of the tax and spend policies that have helped create the current mess. The article also shows that the authors, Siegel and Johnson, can’t connect the dots for the full picture. Here’s the sequence the Dispatch put together

• In December 1971, Gov. John J. Gilligan didn’t face a budget shortfall as much as he faced embarrassment for the condition of Ohio’s schools, highways and facilities for the mentally ill. He persuaded the Republican-controlled General Assembly to enact the state’s first income tax.

Take note that Ohio’s first income tax became necessary because Gov. John Gilligan was “embarrassed” over the condition of Ohio’s highways (one of the first states to complete its interstate legs), Ohio’s state hospitals (most later closed to “save money,” creating the “homeless crisis” of the early 1980’s), and Ohio’s schools (which are supposed to be local responsibilities). We have been unable to determine if ex-Governor Gilligan is equally embarrassed by his grandson’s creation of an “adult-themed” board game called “Don’t Drop The Soap” about prison life. Apparently his mother, Gilligan’s daughter Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas is quite proud.

• In 1983, his first year in office, Democratic Gov. Richard F. Celeste faced a $530 million deficit on a budget of $6.7 billion, a nearly 8 percent shortfall. Under Strickland’s worst-case scenario, today’s deficit would be 3.6 percent.

Celeste, with help from a Democratic-controlled legislature, made permanent a 50 percent income-tax surcharge imposed under Gov. James A. Rhodes, and added 40 percent to it.

Note that Ohio’s budget has at this juncture grown over 600% in the eleven years since the institution of the income tax, something that income tax opponents warned of and proponents derided as alarmist. Pay close attention as we move through Dick Celeste’s two terms to the beginning of Voinovich’s two terms which starts with a deficit- after a permanent 90% income tax increase only 7 years earlier.

• Trouble returned soon after Republican Gov. George V. Voinovich entered office in 1991 and inherited a state budget in the red. The fiscal crisis that engulfed his administration forced Voinovich to raise taxes, make Draconian budget cuts and at one point moved him to tears.

He faced a budget shortfall estimated at $262 million the first year and up to $1.5 billion for the two-year budget. The new governor had to lay off 600 employees. Another 500 layoffs would come later.

By the end of 1991, Voinovich asked the General Assembly to increase a host of taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and other tobacco items, to help what was then estimated at a $931 million budget shortfall. He also trimmed state spending by 3 percent to 6 percent.

Voinovich’s plan included $196 million in cuts and other adjustments to save $254 million. Among the victims: many state liquor stores were closed and the others privatized.

On April 1, 1992, Voinovich was talking with reporters in his Statehouse office. Outside his window, he could hear the impassioned chants of hundreds of protesters opposed to the cuts in general assistance he had ordered.

“Whether they believe it or not, George Voinovich really cares for his fellow man,” he said. “That’s why I’m in the business,” he added, his voice faltering before he broke into tears. “I’m doing the best I can with what we’ve got.”

The state of Ohio, he said, was bankrupt.

George Voinovich had a lot to cry about. But he wasn’t really upset with the real problem. In fact, he was completely ignoring it. The 1991 budget, only 19 years after the institution of Ohio’s income tax had ballooned to a proposed $27 billion; 2700% higher than the first budget after the institution of the income tax and more than 400% higher than the budget which required a permanent 90% increase in order to cover a deficit only 8 years before. How did Weepin’ George fix the problem? Did he cut spending? Well, to be fair, he cut a little bit but what he did mostly was raise taxes and fees. Seeing the trend yet?

• Facing skyrocketing Medicaid costs, a bursting tech bubble, a national recession and economic reverberations from the attack on Sept. 11, 2001, Gov. Bob Taft trimmed state budgets in five straight years from 2001 to 2005, and signed a series of bills to fill more than $4 billion in budget shortfalls.

Husted said that from the time Taft introduced his budget in early 2001 to the time the House took action on it a few months later, the plan already was $700 million out of balance.

In December 2001, Taft signed a $1.5 billion budget-correction bill. The plan included about $500 million in agency cuts, $250 million from the rainy-day fund, $260 million raided from the tobacco-settlement fund, and joining the new multistate Mega Millions lottery.

But revenue quickly diverged again from projections. In June 2002, Taft signed a bill filling a $1.9 billion budget hole. It contained $1.54 billion worth of additional revenue, including a 31-cent cigarette-tax hike, more tobacco money and $600 million from the state rainy-day fund, plus $455 million in spending reductions.

In February 2003, the legislature passed another $566 million budget fix, which was added to another $162 million in state spending cuts — on top of $121 million in cuts ordered by Taft two months earlier.

Just as Taft and legislative leaders finished fixing the 2002-03 budget, they had to wrap up a new two-year budget. Thanks to several factors including the previous use of one-time money to balance books, lawmakers passed and Taft signed a temporary penny sales-tax increase, half of which still exists today.

By 2001, 29 years after Ohio’s first billion dollar budget and the institution of the state’s income tax the Ohio budget stands at 45 billion dollars; 4500% greater than the 1972 budget and 180% higher than the 1991 budget which caused George so many tears.

Flash forward to 2008 and we are in the midst of yet another “budget crisis.” The 2008 budget stands at $49.5 billion; 4950% of the first income tax budget and 10% higher than the last “budget crisis” of 2001, just 7 years ago. The internet contains several inflation calculators that allow you to calculate the change in the value of the dollar over time via the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Those calculators tell us that the CPI has increased by 512-519% since 1971, yet the cost of Ohio’s government has increased by nearly 5000% in the same time frame. Ten times the rate. And what is the reason for the constant budget shortfalls? Is it that our taxes are too low, as many leftist think tanks and some media outlets would have you believe? That is a ludicrous assertion. As the rate of spending has increased so has the rate of revenue generation to pay for the spending increases. And where does the increase in revenues come from? Well, don’t buy the argument that it comes from taxes and fees levied against businesses, corporations, etc. Yes, corporations pay taxes, fees assessments, etc. and yes it’s a significant portion of Ohio’s revenue. But the facts are that it is taxpaying consumers who pay corporate taxes. Taxes are passed along to consumers as a cost of doing business. Lawmakers know this, but like to hide behind the false conception that it is those “greedy businessmen” who are the culprits in rising prices. All businesses do it. Most politicians blame them for it.

Take for example Ohio’s Commercial Activity Tax (CAT) which was ostensibly instituted to eliminate the hated Inventory tax, a tax which allowed the state to tax unsold inventory year after year after year as long as it remained in inventory. The CAT’s real purpose was to allow lawmakers the ability to tap into the gigantic revenue pool from grocery sales. Groceries were exempt from the Inventory tax. Groceries now pay the CAT which is a straight percentage of the total commercial activity The result? A large increase in revenue to the state and a significant increase in the cost of groceries. Who pays? We all do.

What are the consequences of allowing government to grow at a rate 10 times greater than inflation? You can probably answer that question for yourself, especially if you are over 40. Ask yourself if you have more liberty now or did you have more in 1971? It is an inevitable and undeniable corollary that the growth of government necessarily means increase in the cost of government and the control of government over citizens’ lives. It follows that uncontrolled growth of government fueled by uncontrolled access to revenue allowed by failing to constitutionally limit legislative methods of raising it inevitably lead to uncontrolled loss of liberty.

When will taxpayers demand an end? The threshold may be nearer than anyone thinks.