Category Archives: The Church

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 9/23/2017- On Not Being Wiped Out By Nibiru, Planet X, Or Anything Else

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 9/23/2017- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis demonstrate by comparison that flat-earth thinking exists in many areas of life and politics. We discuss the reasons why the Electoral College is actually an engenius design

Article links-David Chilton’s “Days of Vengeance”

The Center For A New American Security

Leftist “security experts” suddenly find the Electoral College is a “national security threat”


Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 8/5/2017- God And Rational Thought

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 8/5/2017- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis begin by discussing one of the attributes of God, namely logical thought and the implications of that. We also discuss President Trump’s recent trip to West Virginia and the Governor’s switch to the Republican Party. We also discuss portable amusement rides, and the Ohio Governor’s race.

Article links- 3rd Rail Politics sheds light on the Gubernatorial race

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 7/15/2017- Charlie Gard In Depth

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 7/15/2017- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis look at the Charlie Gard case in some detail and with a biblical worldview in mind.

Article links- A technically flawed explanation of the Charlie Gard situation submitted by the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

The Patients Rights Organization

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 6/10/2017- Welcome To The Jungle

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 6/10/2017- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss creating a handy guide to understanding the times and actually have to work to understand what some of the terms in the guide mean. We analyze what is wrong with modern education including church education and what it is leading to. This leads to an interesting sidebar discussion on William Shakespeare and who he was.

Article links- Social Justice mobs emulate “A Clockwork Orange” at Evergreen State University in Washington state

Kathy Griffin piles on herself with an embarrassing press conference


Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 5/6/2017- The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday May 6, 2017. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the pluses and minuses of President Trump’s executive order on religious liberty protection, the Johnson amendment and the possibility of its repeal (the GOOD and the BAD). We also discuss the replacement of the Affordable Care Act with the American Health Care Act and that it’s really not that much different and looks like a health insurance corporate welfare program (the UGLY).  

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 4/22/2017- Electoral Economics In One Easy Lesson

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday April 22, 2017. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze the current state of the Ohio economy and how that will affect the attempts by Governor John Kasich to run for either Senate or President in 2020.

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 4/8/2017- Relationships Under Construction Banquet Report And Report On A Committee Hearing on An Article V Convention Call

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday April 8, 2017. There were some audio issues with this broadcast. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis begin by recapping the Relationships Under Construction banquet and go into a discussion of Ohio’s attempt (yet again) to get the legislature to call for a new constitutional convention. We also discuss the attempt to repeal and “replace” Obamacare (the ACA).

Article links- Relationships Under Construction

Lawrence Lessig blog

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 3/11/2017- Radically Broken Two-Kingdom Theology And Its Effects

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday March 11, 2017. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis begin an expose on just a few of the serious flaws in radical two-kingdom theology. That then leads to a discussion about “draining the Washington DC swamp,” and the illegal surveillance problem the media has done its best to first deny, then excuse, then claim was necessary.

Article links- Obama attempts to use the willing press to defend his “legacy” and undermine the president

CNN (Counterfeit News Network) admits using the same surveillance technique it pretends to abhor

The “Russian Campaign Interference” meme collapses

Trump exposes Planned Parenthood for what it really is by making them an offer they very much CAN refuse and will

CNN (Certainly Not News) continues to spread lies regarding what Planned Parenthood does and does not actually do

Wikileaks exposes the fact that US and other intelligence agencies have the technology to create false footprints in surveillance

Wikileaks shows how intelligence agencies use personal devices to conduct surveillance on everybody

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 3/4/2017- Candidate Announcements, Trial Balloons, And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers On Planned Parenthood Propaganda

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday March 4, 2017. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis look at the candidates coming out for Ohio Governor. We also talk about a Hillary Clinton for Mayor of New York trial balloon. We discuss the bizarre State of the Union speech Democratic response and finish out with a discussion of news organizations engaging in fake news by shilling for Planned Parenthood.

Democrat Joe Schiavoni announces as a candidate for Ohio Governor

Mysterious “Hillary Clinton For Mayor” signs begin to appear in New York City

The Conservative Treehouse brutally (and hilariously) takes down the Democratic rebuttal to the State of the Union speech by former Kentucky Governor Bashear

The Cleveland Plain Dealer shills for Planned Parenthood and includes a purported “fact check”

Red State blog deconstructs the purported “fact check” being used by the Plain Dealer using editorial and numbers supplied by the Washington Post

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 1/28/2017- Donald Trump Wastes No Time In Keeping His Promises

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday January 28, 2017. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk about 44 years of legally endorsed infanticide, this year’s March for Life, the reinstatement of the Mexico City policy, and Donald Trump’s moves to begin keeping his campaign promises. We also touch on the Federal and Supreme court judge hot button and some of the activist players involved in their selection.