Category Archives: The Church

Principles and Policies Podcast for 2/8/2014- Presuppositions And Definitions

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday February 8, 2014. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis review what they know about the reaction to the Nye-Ham debate at the Answers In Genesis Creation Museum in Kentucky. We talk about the presuppositions of both naturalistic/materialistic scientists and scientists who allow for non-materialist interpretations. We also discuss how definitions and presuppositions affect the way politicians like Barack Obama and John Kasich use and abuse the scriptures for their own political ends.

Article links- Barack Obama’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast

John Kasich claims the “right” to “redefine” conservatism

John Kasich stumbles while redefining conservatism on Fox News

Principles and Policies Podcast for 2/1/2014- The REAL State Of The Union

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday February 1, 2014. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the State of the Union and what the President should have said. We also go into some detail about what the President did not say.

Article links- Al Gore, “global warming,” and “fertility management”

Same-sex marriage push in Ohio

The “sexual revolution” and throw-away families

GOP set to fold on “debt limit”

Principles and Policies Podcast for 1/25/2014- Religious Freedom And Ohio HB 376

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday January 25, 2014. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the current sad state of religious freedom of expression and bipartisan efforts at the state level in Ohio to restore our rapidly declining freedoms.

Article links- Ohio HB 376 as introduced

Dayton Daily News Story

Principles and Policies Podcast for 1/18/2014- Spreading The Word In Lancaster

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday January 18, 2014. Chuck Michaelis interviews Pastor Larry Oldaker, the Regional Home Missionary for the Ohio Presbytery of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Larry discusses the Bible study, church planting, what a home missionary does and missions in general.

The bible study information- 

Location- Ohio Glass Museum  124 W. Main St. Lancaster OH

Time- 7 PM Thursdays starting January 16, 2014

What You’ll Be Studying- The Promise Keeper: God of The Covenants from R.C. Sproul

More info-

Principles and Policies Podcast for 1/11/2014- Things To Come

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday January 11, 2014. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis talk about what we might expect over the next year. Our lack of short-term optimism is only tempered by our long-term optimism for the future.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 12/14/2013- Why Christians Should Study The Constitution- The Real One This Time

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday December 14, 2013. We’ve run a show under this title before a couple of times. The titles were incorrect. This is the real thing. Chuck Michaelis hosts a Camp American lecture given by Pastor David Whitney, head instructor for the Institute On The Constitution, about why Christians should study the Constitution. This lecture is timely because Camp American and the Institute For Principled Policy are teaming up with the Ohio Constitution Party and the Westerville TEA Party to teach our 12 week Institute On The Constitution course. Details available here.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 11/23/2013- Crying Out In The Wilderness About Constitutional And Economic Disasters

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday November 23, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis give a report on their recent testimony on Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 5 which is an application to Congress to call a new constitutional convention purportedly to pass a balanced budget amendment. We detail Barry’s testimony regarding the true size of the federal debt and the true facts regarding what a balanced budget amendment would do to reduce that debt- nothing. We explain the faulty logic behind the balanced budget amendment. We also analyze the overall worldwide economic picture in order to bolster our points on this issue. To add insult to injury we discuss Rep. Paul Ryan’s pledge to do nothing to control spending by promising that no government shutdown will occur in January. And, yes, we tie it all together.

Article links- What’s a negative deposit rate, anyway?

European banks contemplate going to a negative deposit rate

Paul Ryan says there will not be a January shutdown

Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff shows what the true debt burden of the federal government is

A deeper analysis of Dr. Kotlikoff’s numbers

Principles and Policies Podcast for 11/2/2013- Why Christians Should Study The Constitution

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday July 20, 2013. Chuck Michaelis introduces a lecture given at Camp American by Pastor David Whitney, head instructor of the Institute On The Constitution, on the subject of “Why Christians Should Study The Constitution.”

This show is a re-run from late July and we are running it again as a reminder to sign up for our upcoming Institute On The Constitution class in Westerville OH beginning January 16, 2014. You can read more HERE and register online HERE

CLASS DATES AND TIME –  Begins Thursday January 16, 2014, from 7:15-9:15 p.m. for 12 weeks ending Thursday April 3, 2014

CLASS LOCATION –Grace Fellowship Church, 3475 Paris Blvd. Westerville OH   MAP

Principles and Policies Podcast for 10/12/2013- What To Do About Educational Freedom And The Common Core

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday October 12, 2013. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis interview Mark Stevenson of Ohioans For Educational Freedom about various issues affecting the educational freedom and choices of Christian private and home schoolers, not to mention those who  choose to use the public school system. This is an updated rerun of a program run late in the summer.

The bill that is mentioned, HB 237, is the repeal of the Common Core bill, chief sponsor Rep. Andy Thompson. It is being stonewalled by the Education Committee chairman Gerald Stebbleton. The phone numbers listed below need to hear from you regarding their support of Common Core-

Chairman Stebbleton- 614-466-8100

Vice-chair Andrew Brenner- 614-644-6711

Speaker of the House Batchelder- 614-455-8140

Governor Kasich- 614-466-3555

Principles and Policies Podcast for 9/21/2013- Helping The Church To Recover The Vision

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday September 21, 2013. Chuck Michaelis and Barry Sheets interview Phil Ross, a Christian author, publisher, and blogger. Phil has written nearly 2 dozen books and has a new book which will be published soon, Ephesians: Recovering the Vision of the Church In Christ. He discusses this book, his background as a pastor and author and talks about Christian publishing.

Article links-