Late next week (1/24-26/2008) Principledpolicy and I will be traveling to St. Louis MO for the Constitutional Coalition’s annual Educational Policy Conference, 19th edition.
The speaking line up for this year is excellent; The opening dinner speaker on Thursday is author Dinesh D’Souza who will speak on “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness- Will They Survive?”
Conference subjects include how global warming hype is taught in the classroom with speakers like Dr. Michael Coffman and Chris Horner; teaching the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with speaker Victoria Hughes, “Sharia Law Vs. the US Constitution” with speaker Dr. Alvin Schmidt.
Friday’s dinner speaker is M. Stanton Evans (see our store for his book The Theme Is Freedom)speaking on “How History’s Corruption Corrupts Liberty”.
Other topics are “The World-Changing Leadership of George Washington” with speaker Stephen McDowell; “Activate the Community About Sexually-Explicit Library Books” with Laura Kostal and Laura Higgins reveals what is really being taught in “English 101”; Ruth Carlson tells “The Real Story Behind the VA Tech Shootings;” Dr. John West will discuss “The Science of Man’s Origins;” Deborah Brezina will speak on “The Spirit of Churchill;” Taking Back the Constitution and the Courts” is the subject of Dr. Virginia Armstrong’s talk; “Diversity and the Math Wars” is spoken on by Dr. Sandra Stotsky and Evilio Silvera shows “How Students Learn How to Gamble” in math classes.
We’ll blog it as quickly as we can as we gather our notes and our thoughts. C’mon by the blog and find out what is going on at the conference.