We the People have the duty to    restrain a government operating outside Constitutional boundaries. The Institute on the Constitution invites you to learn how by discovering your American heritage and birthright.
Camp American and the Institute for Principled Policy will be hosting a Leadership Training seminar featuring Ricki Pepin for Columbus-area folks who are interested in teaching the Institute on the Constitution in their own churches or communities. This training is exactly the same as is provided over two days in Dayton, but will be presented in a half-day Saturday seminar, with lunch provided!
IOTC Leadership classes are open to three kinds of people:
1 – Those who simply want to learn more and have access to all the articles and information offered during our IOTC classes.
2 – Those who would like to lead a small group in their own home or neighborhood of just a handful of people.
3 – Those who would love to share this information with their churches or community and lead a full-fledged class.
You will be provided with two 90-minute training sessions covering all you will need to know in order to effectively teach the IOTC course. Materials for the leadership class will be included:  a Teacher’s Manual which contains more than 100 pages in a 3-ring view binder for ease of use;  a training DVD; and a separate CD with administrative materials necessary for leading the class. We’ll go over these items in GREAT DETAIL during the training.
The total cost of the training, with materials and lunch, will be $45 per person for new attendees; $10 for those who have already taken the Leadership Training previously and would like a refresher (and who still have the materials). Pre-registration is required. Visit www.campamerican.com for registration.
CLASS DATES AND TIME –  Saturday, October 22nd, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
CLASS LOCATION – Grace Bible Church, 424 Gender Road, Canal Winchester, OH 43110
TO REGISTER: – By Phone: Barry Sheets, 614-989-5293, or [email protected]; Chuck Michaelis, 614-893-5986, or [email protected]
By Internet: www.campamerican.com/?wpsc-product=institute-on-the-constitution-leadership-training-seminar
Join in the cause of preserving our God-given Liberty and restoring our Constitutional Republic. After all, if you don’t defend Liberty, who will?