- Introduction and Analysis of the Situation
- Letter to National Executive Committee from the Ohio Executive Committee- A short history of the Nevada Independent American Party (IAP) situation
- Letter To Chairman Clymer From The Ohio Executive Committee- Request For Records And Documents And Explanation Of The Chairman’s Activities Regarding Obtaining The Nevada IAP’s Compliance With The Resolution Passed In Columbus
- Reply From Chairman Jim Clymer to Ohio’s Request For Records
- Letter To Pastor Chuck Baldwin From Ohio Executive Committee Requesting That He Keep His Promise To Bring A Resolution To Disaffiliate The Nevada IAP If No Compliance With The Columbus Resolution Is Forthcoming
- Documentation For The Original December 2004 Case Asking For The Investigation Of The Nevada IAP For Allegedly Violating The Sanctity Of Life Plank Of The Platform And The Sanctity Of Life Resolution (San Antonio Resolution)
- Nevada’s Official Abortion Position
- Recent Communications Between Christopher Hansen, Reed Huestis, Frank Kellam And Others
- Janine Hansen’s Eagle Forum Pro-Abortion Candidate’s Position Questionairre
- Letter From Ohio Constitution Party Executive Committee To Chairman Clymer Withdrawing From Participation But Retaining Affiliation With The National Constitution Party
- Resolution Of The Ohio Constitution Party State Committee In Emergency Session Pursuant To Authorization By Unanimous State Convention Vote Of April 2006 And A Failure Of The Constitution Party National Committee To Do Its Duty
Chairman Jim Clymer
Constitution Party
23 N. Lime St.
Lancaster, PAÂ 17602
Dear Chairman Clymer,
Pursuant to a vote of the Ohio Constitution Party State Committee in emergency session on May 13, 2006, which was called in accordance with a resolution passed unanimously at our State Convention on April 8, 2006, a resolution regarding participation in National Party functions was passed unanimously. The text of that resolution is attached.
The resolution passed by the Ohio State Convention empowered the Ohio Constitution Party Executive Committee to make decisions, subject to State Committee approval, regarding potential responses to the actions of the National Committee regarding the discipline of the Nevada Independent American Party affiliate to the Constitution Party. The decision of the Ohio Constitution Party Executive and State Committees is contained in the resolution of May 13, 2006.
The Ohio Constitution Party is withdrawing from all co-operative activity with the National Constitution Party as regards payment of donations, dues and assessments, provision of new contact information since they are our property, attendance at any and all party meetings, withholding of access to our ballot line except by majority vote of our State Committee. Furthermore, the Constitution Party of Ohio retains ownership of that name and similar names for our exclusive use.
Under no circumstances may this letter, the attached resolution or any other communication be construed as a disaffiliation from the National Constitution Party. We are withdrawing from active participation, not our affiliation.
Sincerely holding to principle over politics,
Chuck Michaelis
Chairman, Ohio Constitution Party