Gathering of Eagles

Alan Keyes to speak at Leadership gathering and Biblical Worldview conference Dec.14-15

Warsaw, Ohio – Hundreds are expected to swell the ranks of this quiet, little Ohio town this week and will be joined by the likes of Rev. Rick Scarborough, Chaplain E. Ray Moore Jr., Peter Labarbera, Rev. Flip Benham, Pastor Ernie Sanders and many others. This NON-POLITICAL event is designed to educate Christians about the great moral issues facing this country. Get a flyer for the event here.

Learn the truth from the front lines in the cultural war regarding issues such as The Gay Agenda, Abortion, Individual Liberty, Hate Crime Legislation, and the religion of Secular Humanism.

A Review Of Mitt Romney’s Speech Not About/About His Religion

Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a multi-faceted Christian apologetics ministry, recently reviewed the speech given last week by presidential candidate and former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney.

Dr. White is an expert in the Mormon religion and his insights and analysis of the speech in light of his knowledge of Mormon doctrine are quite informative. This analysis is taken from Dr. White’s live streaming program The Dividing Line. The actual program lasts about 1 hour and this is an excerpt from it.

We think this analysis speaks for itself and so here it is-

Dr. White’s Blog is currently running a series on Mormon Doctrine and has just run an entry on the current controversy on Mike Huckabee’s question regarding whether or not Mormon doctrine teaches that Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers. While Mormon leaders are leading news outlets like NBC to believe that they do not, Dr. White’s documentation makes it clear that official church doctrine does teach this. The article is headed Does the LDS Church Teach Lucifer is a Spirit Offspring of Elohim, and Hence the Spirit-Brother of Jesus?

A Great “First Friday” Event with Institute On The Constitution

Over this past weekend (Friday December 7, 2007) while on a trip to Annapolis MD for a family activity, I took some time to visit the folks whom I have begun to look on as my second family. I visited the offices of Michael Peroutka in Pasadena MD.

The occasion was Michael’s annual staff and friends of the Institute On The Constitution (IOTC) Christmas party (note: not a “holiday” party) and quite a party it was! Michael played guitar and was accompanied by several talented musicians and also some budding talent in the children there who played various percussion instruments. The emphasis of the party was on the coming of Jesus Christ, family and fun. We sang Christmas carols, listened to Christmas hymns sung by incredibly talented singers and received generous gifts. This celebration of Christ and family was part of the “First Friday” program run by IOTC. Oddly enough, “First Friday” happens on the first Friday of each month and features speakers on various subjects from Buddy Hanson on developing a comprehensive Christian worldview to Coach David Daubenmire. You can buy DVD or Audio copies of “First Friday” presentations and a number of very good books related to IOTC’s mission of training citizens in the US Constitution here.

I was able to catch up with friends from the old Constitution Party National Committee (pre-Tampa, before it became a pathetic derelict of a party, smashed on the rocks of pragmatism and devoid of all of its best thinkers and workers) like Scott Whiteman (there with his lovely wife and 4 sweet, beautiful and well-behaved children), other friends like John Lofton co-host of The American View radio show and IOTC’s Susan Scanlon who I’ve talked to several times on the phone but never met. I also met several folks I knew of but had not met like Pastor David Whitney, who is very involved in IOTC, having served as co-host with Michael on radio presentations on the US Constitution. Pastor Whitney has a great “pastor’s voice” and if you have listened to any of the IOTC audio materials on the Constitution, you’ve very likely heard it. It is one of those very recognizable voices.

Michael was a most kind, gracious and generous host, and I had a wonderful time and was uplifted by being there.

I thank the Lord for men like Michael Perouka, John Lofton, David Whitney, Scott Whiteman and the many contributors to the efforts of IOTC. They don’t just talk a good game they play it, and they play it to win! May God grant us more such men!

To listen to The American View radio program in central Ohio tune to WLRY FM 88.9 MHz on Saturday mornings at 11:00 AM (available online, as well). You can also get it on iTunes or at The American View website.

Special Prayer Request- Update

Prayer RequestPlease pray for Dr. Mark Hamilton’s recovery from liver transplant surgery. He currently has a blood clot in his eye which has given him a blind spot which may or may not be permanent.

More importantly, Mark now has a serious post-operative infection which has him in the ICU. Please pray that God heal him of this dangerous infection and speed his recovery.

Please note also that Mark’s family is beginning to get the bills for their own portion of the expense, the portion not covered by insurance, of the hospital stay and the transplant and it is GIGANTIC! Please pray for God’s provision for the family as Mark continues to heal.

Christian Charlatans or Swindling Senators- Which Is Worse?

Crumbling ChurchSenator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) apparently believes that he has the constitutional authority to oversee church finances. Watch as he does the quick shuffle to explain where his power to conduct such investigations comes from.



Grassley attempts to equivocate- “Well, this is not a first amendment issue…We’re not interested in doctrine.” This is, of course, a patent falsehood. The churches chosen to be investigated have a core doctrine, aberrant though it may be. They believe that they can create wealth with the spoken word, that Christ intended for His faithful to be wealthy and the degree of wealth achieved will depend on the depth of faith. Does this ignore the true teachings of Christ? Clearly. But who appointed Grassley to be the Archbishop Laud of the United States? Grassley’s own attempts to justify his foray into constitutionally forbidden territory reveal his real aim. To subjugate the government of Christ’s Church to civil authority.

Twice Grassley is asked if he intends to investigate the Catholic Church, one of the largest landholders in the country and one of the richest church entities in the world and twice Grassley quickly sidesteps the question. The fact is that Grassley knows that the Catholic Church has the status of not only a church but that of a foreign nation and too much probing could cause an international furor, not to mention create problems with Roman Catholic neighbors and allies.

Grassley further “explains” that his committee has jurisdiction because it oversees “…tax law. We have tax exemption to encourage charitable giving.” Well, no Senator Grassley, that’s wrong. You have tax exemption because it used to be understood by government servants that the tithe is a tax collected by the church and mandated by God for the operation of His Church including the feeding of the poor and that failure to exempt the amount tithed amounted to a double tax on an independent entity. The sudden requirement for churches to obtain Internal Revenue Service 501(c)3 “tax exempt status” in 1953 (thanks to another Senatorial swindler Lyndon Johnson who didn’t like the fact that several Texas churches had openly opposed his election effort, and so used the tax code as a gag for the pastors’ mouths) is nothing more or less than a club that is hung over the head of churches to bring them into submission to the state. Grassley makes it abundantly clear that he is now prepared to swing that club in order to assert the authority of the state over the Church. Submit or let your congregation be double taxed, a sure way to de-fund a church.

Grassley has demonstrated that he has a predators heart regarding getting the prey he wants. He chooses the weakest member of the herd, cuts them out then mercilessly chases them down and eviscerates them. The word-faith pastors he has chosen are clearly the weakest members of the herd. Having abandoned the true core teachings of Christ in favor of the health and prosperity gospel wherein they enrich themselves from the givings of their flock, they are an easy target. Many orthodox Christians are torn about what to think about the investigation because they do not understand the separate roles of the Church and state and they revile these pastors as con men. They therefore hesitate to step in to defend the pastors, not realizing that their own churches are going to be next on the list for any infraction Grassley and his ilk can pull from their grab-bag of unconstitutional tricks. This is how all totalitarian governments handle matters. First go after the unpopular groups then, as they fall, go after members of successively less popular groups until none are left to band together for defense.

Grassley, who knows he is on shaky constitutional ground, doesn’t hesitate to play the class envy card. If the Church should happen to awaken to this attack as a call-to-arms, he will have a ready made set of allies in the class envy crowd. When asked if he thought it mattered if a pastor of a large successful church drove a Rolls Royce vs. a Buick, Grassley wasted no time in saying “…for a person like me it’s simple. Jesus came into the city on a simple donkey. To what extent do you need a Rolls Royce to expand the ministry of Jesus Christ? I speak this as a Christian…” And there you have it. As a representative of the civil authority he is going to invade the realm of church authority to fix what he perceives to be a problem in certain ministries because he doesn’t like the way those ministries run their affairs. Grassley wants the Church to answer to the state before answering to Christ.

Senator Grassley needs to realize that disciplining individual members of the Body of Christ is up to the Body of Christ as a whole, not a meddling outside authority which has clearly demonstrated that it has an ulterior motive in doing so. He also needs a little remedial training in the US Constitution which explicitly prohibits ANY government interference in the free exercise of religion. Perhaps he should take Michael Peroutka’s Institute On The Constitution class. The word-faith pastors are clearly engaging in the practices of their faith, as flawed as they are. The Body of Christ has been doing a pretty good job of exposing the false teachings and practices of these pastors and it’s also doing a pretty good job of picking up the pieces and repairing the human damage they’ve done inside the Body.

Thank’s Senator, but the Church doesn’t need any help.

Guest Blogger- Abstinence Education Begins At Home

Christians Should Stop Begging the State to Teach ‘Our’ Children Morality

Education In Crisis
Since his election in 2006, Ohio’s Democratic Governor Ted Strickland has been working to eliminate funding for abstinence education in state schools. In response, Christian organizations throughout the state have been urging citizens to write to the governor and ask him to reinstate this funding. In a recent email, for example, the Ohio Christian Alliance wrote

“We want our children to be exposed to the truth that it is in their best interest — physically, emotionally and spiritually — to abstain from sex until marriage!”

My first thought upon reading this was, “Well then folks… They’re YOUR children, so TEACH THEM already!”

When Christians send their children away to humanistic government schools and allow the state to take their money through taxation to fund “education” we should not be surprised that these non-Christian bureaucrats want to teach immorality.

The solution is not to keep sending the children to the humanist schools where they are being taught evolution, pluralism, and situational “ethics” and then BEG the bureaucrats to spend MORE money to teach morality on the side. What a waste of effort!

We’re fighting the wrong battle here! The solution is to take God’s children out of Satan’s schools and separate the school from the state. That is, we should PRIVATIZE education! Let’s demand that our elected representatives stop taking our money and spending it on “public education” – period! We cannot expect a humanist school system to effectively teach morality.

Check out the Alliance for the Separation of School and State to learn more.

Nathan Radcliffe

Nathan Radcliffe is a former Christian school teacher and a long-time advocate for home education and limited government. He is a husband and father of two young girls. Nathan and his wife, Rachel, live in Lancaster, Ohio and attend a local Vineyard Church.

Environmentalism; The New Molech Worship

Unborn ChildThe worship of Molech was a religion practiced in the nations that surrounded the biblical Israelites and eventually perverted and seduced them away from their own worship of Yahweh. The word “Molech” is a variation of the Hebrew word for king, and indicates that there is at least an element of worship of the head of state or the state itself, not unlike radical environmentalism, which looks to government to implement its religious vision of earth worship. The worship of Molech included the ritual sacrifice of live children by placing them in the arms of a bronze idol which had been heated by fire inside. The idol would raise the children by mechanical means to its mouth which opened with the raising of the arms and then the scalded child was consumed by the flames as it tumbled into the idol. Molech was a god of nature, specifically the sun and the bounty it brought to the earth.

An interesting article recently ran in Britain’s Daily Mail online edition. The article, Meet the women who won’t have babies – because they’re not eco friendly, reports on women who are so devoted to environmentalism that they have had themselves sterilized, in some cases after having aborted their babies in order to “…[help] save the planet.”

Save it from what exactly is never discussed in detail. We do not say this completely tongue-in-cheek. If movements that proclaim that they are “saving” something are sincere they explain not only what they are saving but from what they are saving it in detail and how they plan to do it. The so-called environmental movement offers only broad brush swipes at “environmental criminals,” junk science and rigged studies (e.g. Dr. Michael Mann’s discredited, if not infamous, “Hockey Stick” global surface temperature studies) and sweeping government controls based on the preceding.

We Have Met The Enemy...In 1970 Walt Kelly, the cartoonist who drew the “Pogo” comic strip, created a poster (ironically for the first Earth Day, the high holiday of the new-old worship of the created earth in place of the Creator) stating that “We have met the enemy and he is us.” It is precisely this nutshell illustration of the environmentalist philosophy, carried out to its logical absurdity, that is driving these “eco-warriors” to kill their babies and permanently mutilate themselves.

Many op-ed writers and bloggers are viewing this in a humorous light. They find it funny that that the women and men in question have willingly removed themselves from the gene pool and so will not be passing their suicidal faith along to offspring. They fail to see the forest for the trees. The book of Proverbs (8:36) tells us

But he who sins against me injures himself;
All those who hate me love death.

The underlying philosophy of these extremist environment worshippers is in diametric opposition to biblical faith. Christians believe that the earth was created specifically for human habitation and that man was given dominion over it, with instructions to subdue it while practicing good stewardship of its resources. Extremist environmentalists view man as an infectious agent, like a parasite or virus, infecting the living Mother Earth with a debilitating if not fatal illness. In order for for Mother Earth to be restored to paradisical perfection her infection must be killed. Being highly intelligent but possessing a perverse worldview, these eco-warriors are able to follow their philosophy out to its logical end-point. Having rejected the existence of God, and selected Mother Earth to take His place, there is no one capable of killing off the parasite except the parasite itself.

It is precisely the elimination of the human race is the target at which radical environmentalists are aiming. But it is not enough for these radicals to eliminate their own offspring. Being highly intelligent they realize that this will do nothing but end their own particular blood lines and their mission. Their goal then must be to evangelize others to their radical faith and convince them that they must also eliminate their own unborn and sterilize themselves. These radicals have an advantage. Having no children and being mostly highly intelligent and professionally successful they possess two things that faithful Christians who are consistent with their own worldviews do not. Time and money. This gives the radicals plenty of resources to bring as tithes and offerings to their temples of worship, the radical environmental groups who proselytize the pre-believers in high schools and college campuses. These pre-believers who have been softened to the message by a media barrage of propaganda disseminated by teachers, musicians, actors, politicians and even apostate Christians clergy, anyone who might represent themselves as authorities and demand that the teachings of parents and other authorities who question the radical ideas presented be rejected as environmental heresies.

Those who would treat eco-radicals as mere buffoons who are committing philosophical suicide would do well to stop snickering long enough to look closely at the big picture. Yes, they’re killing off their own posterity but they’re actively working to do the same to yours and they are beginning to make strong inroads in schools and college campuses, where there is a non-stop assault on parental authority to soften the ground for later plowing and planting of new beliefs.

Do not despair, however. Christians have their own advantage. A far more powerful advantage than mere money or time. We have a sovereign God who answers prayer and honors obedience. But for this to work we must be in prayer and be obedient to His mandates for evangelism and raising godly children.

And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. (Luke 19:13, KJV)

Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6, NASB)

Voice Your Voice For Abstinence Education

RadarFrom a Citizens For Community Values (CCV) alert:

Pro-life and Abstinence-Until-Marriage advocates across Ohio are fighting to protect the physical, emotional and spiritual health of our children.

They are fighting against Ohio’s Governor, Ted Strickland, who since taking office has been systematically stripping abstinence education out of Ohio’s schools.

Were you aware…

  • that Gov. Strickland has refused free federal funds for abstinence education in favor of less comprehensive programs that don’t provide the tools and instruction to help students make the choice to develop healthy relationships and wait until marriage to have sex?
  • that Gov. Strickland has quietly abolished the abstinence education office for Ohio and wants to replace the strong message of abstinence with a risky curriculum developed at Ohio taxpayers’ expense that offers much less to Ohio teens?

The National Abstinence Education Association in conjunction with pro-abstinence organizations across the state has organized a Voice Your Voice for Abstinence event at the State Capitol Atrium on this Thursday, November 29 at 10:00 AM. If at all possible, please make plans to join us at this event.

Many organizations currently teaching Abstinence Until Marriage to public school students across the state will lose critical funding if Gov. Strickland continues along this course. This will be a travesty for our children. We must let the governor know that Ohio’s families want their children to understand that abstaining from sex until marriage is the only sure way to avoid the physical and emotional risks associated with casual sex.

Bye! See Ya’ Later, As In Much! Don’t Let The Doorknob Hit You On The Way Out!

The Jackson Mississippi Clarion Ledger is reporting that Trent Lott will resign his US Senate seat effective 12/31/2007.

We would simply ask that instead he make it effective immediately and that he take Voinovich, Specter, Warner, Snowe, McCain, Lugar, Hutchinson, Hatch, Hagel, Grassley, Dole on the Republican side and everybody else on the other side of the aisle with him.

In fact how about they all resign en masse and we get a complete do over. Too much to ask for, we know. But we can all have our dreams!