This is coming from Citizens For Community Values
One-day conference will equip you to teach the values of marriage.
We know the truth. Decades of research confirm it. A man and a woman committed to lifelong marriage are better off in so many respects – happier and healthier. Their children, more likely to succeed.
But our culture is telling our young people a lie – the lie that safe sex trumps abstinence and the dream of a lifelong marriage is unattainable.
You can!
A one-day conference presented by the Abstinence and Marriage Education Partnership is dedicated to equipping you with the tools to teach the young people in your circle of influence the benefits of abstinence and marriage.
“Restoring the Dream” will be presented in Columbus at the Crowne Plaza North on Wednesday, February 6, 2008.
Distinguished presenters include Scott Phelps, Maggie Gallagher, Glenn Stanton and Rozario Slack.
Parents of teens and young adults, educators, youth pastors, counselors, youth workers – all are encouraged to attend. We all need the teaching tools that this conference provides.
To learn more about the conference or to register, click here.
If only you could reach them with the truth!