The Authority of the Bible…
containing the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is to be received as the revealed Word of the Triune God.
Our primary standard of judging all things…
pertaining to man and society’s life and godliness is the whole counsel of God contained in the Scriptures.
Instructions pertaining to man…
and society’s responsibilities before God and others are either expressly set down in Scripture or may be deduced therein.
The orthodox creeds and confessions…
of the Christian Church are beneficial and are necessary as subsidiary standards in judging all things pertaining to man and society. The creeds and confessions include :
The Apostles and Nicene creeds
The Council of Chalcedon
The Westminster, Heidelberg or Philadelphia Confessions
God’s Law, as established in the Covenant…
revealed through Moses and administered by our Lord Jesus Christ, is necessary to rightly order all the affairs of mankind.