From a Citizens For Community Values (CCV) alert:
Pro-life and Abstinence-Until-Marriage advocates across Ohio are fighting to protect the physical, emotional and spiritual health of our children.
They are fighting against Ohio’s Governor, Ted Strickland, who since taking office has been systematically stripping abstinence education out of Ohio’s schools.
Were you aware…
- that Gov. Strickland has refused free federal funds for abstinence education in favor of less comprehensive programs that don’t provide the tools and instruction to help students make the choice to develop healthy relationships and wait until marriage to have sex?
- that Gov. Strickland has quietly abolished the abstinence education office for Ohio and wants to replace the strong message of abstinence with a risky curriculum developed at Ohio taxpayers’ expense that offers much less to Ohio teens?
The National Abstinence Education Association in conjunction with pro-abstinence organizations across the state has organized a Voice Your Voice for Abstinence event at the State Capitol Atrium on this Thursday, November 29 at 10:00 AM. If at all possible, please make plans to join us at this event.
Many organizations currently teaching Abstinence Until Marriage to public school students across the state will lose critical funding if Gov. Strickland continues along this course. This will be a travesty for our children. We must let the governor know that Ohio’s families want their children to understand that abstaining from sex until marriage is the only sure way to avoid the physical and emotional risks associated with casual sex.